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Dojo Npc's and Dojo Music Options


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 I'll keep this short Tenno,

   Relatively recently Digital Extremes mentioned about possibly adding Npc's into your dojo and the ability to place a music box in your dojo room that would play various music from the Ost.
The npc concept was talked about around June of 2018 while the music function I believe was spoken about around late December 2017 - january 2018.
I'll provide some alternate forums talking about both features here to some degree:

 :  Dojo music player

I'd like to know if or when we'd be getting these features in our dojo as I see these adding wonderful life to our dojos empty ambient rooms.
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Personal ideas for both though maybe not that original in concept:

For npc's i'd like to see the ability to let them wander back and forth from a placed point A and point B location in a room that they can simply path find to- if point a or b are blocked off they can move around objects or jump on top of objects to get to their objective, then walk back. Outside that they can be given a general area they can walk around in as they avoid walls or tall objects. The last thing would have them stand still with the sub option of posing an npc using various poses off of the relay npc roster. The mini menu could function like when you edit an Articula or a glyph or image display.
I see this feature adding more fluid life to a mostly otherwise empty dojo. ( i'd also mention a sub idea for npc's that can be given items to sell independently like an editable trader when you're away but baby steps. )

For music I'd simply specify it to the room panel or in menus, decorate, then an option titled Somachord.
either from menus or from the room's panel by the door, you could scroll left to right across music you have unlocked to play. only the founder, architect or user with permissions that lets him edit the room could change the music and depending on what songs they had unlocked would determine what they could play in the dojo. ( you could optionally unlock the songs as a clan however no one wants to go through another room colors scenario. ) By selecting the song you can hear it play on loop or in unlocked order or randomized just like the somachord works in your personal quarters ship. Music would ONLY effect the room it was turned on to so you could theme each room with different songs based on what you feel is best. When transitioning from room to room the music fades out and the new song plays shortly after to avoid jarring cuts.

If you guys have any ideas for how to make this work better say so below- and help get the word to DE ok! Idk if they look at forum posts alot or even alittle but i'd really like to have this for my clan as the founder. It'd make the place feel more enjoyable to spend time in outside then general reason people go into a dojo- grabbing blueprints and doing quick trades. ( I'll avoid any rants about needing more features for our clans to make them worth staying in for more than a couple minutes. )

Also as a random off note would love more themed rooms for the dojo like an aquarium we can put fish into or a zoo we can pay tags into to get biz to add rare animals we've caught into :3 ... maybe ill make another topic about that sometime If i think de will ever hear me out for even a few moments idk.

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I too await that day NPC's become a decoration 😛  Whether they can be walking trade posts or just idle, I have built my dojo with NPC's in mind. There are quite a few dojo tour videos out there that used their members to act as 'NPC's' -- such a difference it makes to make empty dojos look more lively.  Here are two examples:




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anything to make the dojo's seem more relevant tbh, at best they are nothing more than research vendors, something that you could easily have merged into the foundry once things are researched, theres really not much point going into a dojo as most times its just to buy a research bp, or maybe trade (again that could technically even be done in your own orbiter bypassing the dojo).


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