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Update 10: Positive Feedback


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There are many players disappointed in update 10

just look here https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/105601-where-is-update-10-megathread/ and see all that hype

then go here https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/105648-update-10-shadows-of-the-dead/page-15#entry1229549

and see all that sadness


There are many threads about update 10 already, from what I saw only a few had some positive feedback and I'm worried it'll get buried under all the negative feedback (the negative feedback is absolutely necessary though)

we got the impression the DE team was working pretty hard to give us update 10 yesterday, I hope they don't feel all that work is wasted because of a titanium grind wall, just the new level, the new boss, and necros

regardless that's just my opinion


So I figured I'd try to gather as much positive feed back as I can here, try your best and post what you like about update 10 so far


what did update 10 do right?





(my feedback)

I managed to get a pc gamer code which let me play around with necros among other things


-Necros just looks good, the alt. helm and his scarf make me think I'm a dark templar, blasting grineer with soul punch gives me smiles I thought only loki's switch teleport could


-Grineer speak in their own language now which helps immersion immensely the grineer also used to have steam leaking out from their armor after a kill, now they leak a bloody mist



-The soma feels like a faster, more accurate, less damaging gorgon and its sexy as S#&$, watching that mag fly through  the air after I reload is nice


-having different load outs was a nice touch though I can't say I have more than a few though (fast loki w/ shields vs invis loki)


-Infested crawlers look amazing now, cut in half at the waist they have a nice bloody hole, they crawl pretty quickly once you're seen, caught my girlfriend running from them a few times she thinks they're creepy



Edited by FoxyKabam
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I find it strange how warframe is adopting alot of MMO players and theres a lot of moans and groans about grind...


I like Update 10. :o


Orokin Derelict is fun, creepy and really atmospheric. Though just plain infested :(


Nekros: Probably one of the most balanaced frames.


Still waiting on new weapons to finish, Dojo Research to complete.


Stamina: I dont really notice til i run out at that point I stop take a look at the scenary, drink a energy drink and get underway again. Whether this is to combat the Rushers (Which it doesn't really address) Increase the need for the new stamina mods (which I won't be using) I have no idea.


20+ Mods: Litterally not 1 mod I can even think of using.


Summary: This update has given us more to do, sure theres timelines to what you do and waits but if it wasnt like that within a week the majority would have everything in this update.

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I'll add some things to the list:


+new graphic threading option makes the game run more smoothly on my machine

+new crawlers are adorable, animations are well done

+Grineer speaking their language makes them more intimidating and despicable

+Lotus volume slider is a blessing

+Multiple loadouts for frames and weapons are great

+shifting the focus from killing enemies to finding chests for loot is the right way to go, it leads me to explore the levels and gives me sth to do besides killing, the pace of the game feels different, in a good way

+interesting new mods (silencers, recoil reducers, Glaive is now highly customizable)

+UI looks very solid and aesthetically appealing

+detailed, official weapon stats

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Once I overcame my largesse at the prospect of another grindwall and put together an Orokin Derelict key, I really enjoyed the tileset.


Love the Grineer speaking Grineer.


New UI is a definite improvement - a few tweaks still needed but really solid.


New mods - some good concepts here but there just aren't enough mod slots on anything to make use of them for the most part. On weapons, by the time you've put on your damage mods there's just about nothing left and on 'frames, there's room enough only to maximise defense or power (or a mix of the two) as it is - or stamina now I guess.


Off the top of my head, that's the only U10 content I've had a chance to get at so far. I haven't been playing heaps lately and the tone of the update is not inspiring - I will acquire the clan research over the next week or two I guess, and the path to Nekros is just downright discouraging, like, I don't hate the old content necessarily, but I would also rather be able to jump straight into the new tileset than have to do a Void Lite routine.

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There are many players disappointed in update 10

just look here https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/105601-where-is-update-10-megathread/ and see all that hype

then go here https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/105648-update-10-shadows-of-the-dead/page-15#entry1229549

and see all that sadness


There are many threads about update 10 already, from what I saw only a few had some positive feedback and I'm worried it'll get buried under all the negative feedback (the negative feedback is absolutely necessary though)

we got the impression the DE team was working pretty hard to give us update 10 yesterday, I hope they don't feel all that work is wasted because of a titanium grind wall, just the new level, the new boss, and necros

regardless that's just my opinion


So I figured I'd try to gather as much positive feed back as I can here, try your best and post what you like about update 10 so far


what did update 10 do right?





(my feedback)

I managed to get a pc gamer code which let me play around with necros among other things


-Necros just looks good, the alt. helm and his scarf make me think I'm a dark templar, blasting grineer with soul punch gives me smiles I thought only loki's switch teleport could


-Grineer speak in their own language now which helps immersion immensely the grineer also used to have steam leaking out from their armor after a kill, now they leak a bloody mist



-The soma feels like a faster, more accurate, less damaging gorgon and its sexy as S#&$, watching that mag fly through  the air after I reload is nice


-having different load outs was a nice touch though I can't say I have more than a few though (fast loki w/ shields vs invis loki)


-Infested crawlers look amazing now, cut in half at the waist they have a nice bloody hole, they crawl pretty quickly once you're seen, caught my girlfriend running from them a few times she thinks they're creepy





Before we had this update, there were so many "im bored" threads.  DE adds some longevity to the game and everyone is up in arms with it.   Its a grind.  If someone can figure out how to keep players busy without grind, let me know so I can sell your idea and make millions in the mmo/ online game market..  You cannot please everyone.


 I like the update so far.  Not a fan of the new way stamina works but I'll get used to it.  Love the new weaps and frame and ui.

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Positive Feedback:


New Survival missions are fun.

New Grineer voices are great.

Orokin Derelicts look very nice.

Farming for the Derelict keys is not too bad, getting 1-2 Nav Coordinates from every mission (which I would be doing anyway).

New mods look nice, haven't found any yet though.

New multi-thread option for graphics seems to work well.

Can't comment on the new rifle, still building it.

Not interested in PvP.

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I am loving the direction the new UI is going with all the stats and such. There a quite a few bugs and some annoying things though. My favorite thing has to be the different loadouts now but I would rather we could make however we want rather than just 3. Otherwise, the UI is really great now. Needs more polish but I approve.

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Remember people, this is an MMO for a Business. DE can't make everything free, easy and OP because they have to make money somewhere, right? This has been the way of the F2P MMO for a while, and I do not begrudge them.


Warframe does several things right, IMO, much better than some other MMO's out there.


Now, on topic:


Multithread - Hella yes


New Tileset - quite dramatic, megusta


Scarves - fun, and to me, are worth getting


Stamina - I actually like/dislike this change. On one hand, it makes it so that players must be more conscious of their stamina, and mod accordingly, which in my opinion is a plus.


New Weapons - New weapons are never bad.


Nekros - Despite all the complaints on difficulty in getting, having something to work towards is good. If every unlockable in U10 was available after 2 hours of grinding, there would be complaints of "not enuff content, gg bad devs hue"


Mag Prime - I want


20+ Mods - Just shows that the devs are willing to think outside the box. I myself am looking forward to testing the auto-guard + damage reflect mods.


Grineer - actually speak Grineer, which fits the lore much more accurately


Loadouts - The biggest "plox DE" has been largely unnoticed


Infested Crawler rework - Are now suitably creepy.


Survival - Added after player griping, again has been overlooked.


DE conviction - Patches were rolling out AFTER the big patch was dropped. While one could argue that they needed to do this anyways, one also must realize that the patch was released at 2 AM on their side. This conviction is a sign of hard work which I enjoy seeing in developers.




There is a LUDICROUS amount of Dev shaming going on, which IMO is quite childish. People complaining about grind walls don't realize that instant gratification is not going to be found in a MMO. If you want that, buy a AAA FPS.


I play Warframe to relax from work and League, so bear in mind that I don't consider working towards a goal to be grinding. However, shouldn't we as a community focus more on the positives of the people developing a game we're invested in, instead of beating the $#!^ out of them? Feedback is good, but feedback can be CONSTRUCTIVE, not ranting of which would make the AVGN ashamed.The devs are hard at work to push a game out of BETA onto multiple consoles. I think a little appreciation would be sufficient.



Edited by LuckyOverload
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Yep, lots of good things in this patch.


I'm looking forward to trying out the enhanced multi-threaded rendering.


The new sentinel mods are going to be a lot of fun, add more diversity to our pets, and give us something to burn Ghost and Revenge mods on. :D


A new warframe, that regardless of how it's obtained, should have a subtlely different style of play.


A new, wonderfully dark and moody tileset, the Orokin Derelict, one of the most atmospheric yet from the screenshots. I'm especially looking forward to hearing it! The environmental sounds in the game give me great enjoyment.


A new UI. Visually it's splendid and finally worthy of the game's aesthetic. Practically, I think it'll prove the best yet too.


Loadouts. Someone call Meg Ryan, we need some yesses in here. This is a definite negative for the Corpus. Those swindelling mothersellers have always gotten off lightly because I can't be bothered to swap out Fire with Electric mods between missions. Prepare to feel a slight tingling sensation, Corpus!


I'm sure there's more. Stuff that's in patch notes, stuff that isn't. Plenty of good stuff.

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Jup, i think U10 is great, buyed Nekros with platinum, needed a new frame to play with^^

New weapons look interesting, new tileset is just...woah


also i was quite impressed that they worked so long to bring it out this soon.

not every dev team would do that, so...thanks for the great work!


as usual there are a few things that need to be tweaked, but yeah, thats normal

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1) Arsenal UI looks really crisp

2) Grineer language is awesome

3) Sentinels share weapons

4) Shotgun sentinel weapon

5) Loadouts

6) Survival, instant favourite game type

7) Multi threaded option, game is CPU intense and it finally uses all cores

8) Scarves, never enough vanity

9) Stamina system, it really gives you a reason to use stamina mods now, diversity is good

10) PVP, SWEET MOTHER OF GOD YES. Having the points cap at 500 is a great idea, you can't go full-out maxed mods on everything, you actually need to think which setup suits the best.

11) PVP

12) PVP

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Huh. Nice. However, where do all those fallen leaves come from if there are no trees?^^


Meanwhile, I'm not sure if it was GU10 that did this, but now Infested defence on the Corpus map has them leaping down from the upper levels, running through the shipping containers and generally getting places where you wish they wouldn't, and didn't realise they could, sort of like sand after a day at the beach.


Very positive change. And while we're at it, the new crawlers are great too.

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