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Balancing Soma


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What's the use


Reduce the base critical rate to 20% and lower the fire rate to 6.3 (same as MK1-Braton).

What's the use of doing that? Because it's powerful? If people want another MK1-Braton, there's a gun that already fills that role; it's called the MK1-Braton. I think we all knew when we saw those yellow numbers popping off even before one mod was applied that there is going to be a nerf on the SOMA. Its too much unlike any other gun you can get in the game - and we can't have that, can we? But please don't start going around ASKING for DE to make an MK1-Braton that looks like a SOMA. It's deja vu all over again - I guess the person who didn't know the difference between a 2 and a 5 made this gun too?

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Reduce the base critical rate to 20% and lower the fire rate to 6.3 (same as MK1-Braton).

Dude this is not a braton mk-1 its the soma that requires an extremely large amount of materials to make. As well using unique build compared to most (Critical build minus the regular ALL DAMAGE MODS build). Also its nice that its a machine gun that deals damage over range using criticals and not another grakata mk-2 with larger clip and not much else.

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I think it's too late to change it to mastery rank 5 by now, it's also too strong for its cost. The materials aren't hard to obtain from defense missions. The weapon is too good for its cost (highest reload speed, accuracy(included with projectile speed), and fire rate of all machine guns). The developers need either need to nerf this weapon by reducing the fire rate or crit rate (by little), buff other weapons (including the old ones), or change how armor will function.

Edited by Mikovsky
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The Soma only feels op because most of the other rifles suck, especially in comparison to secondaries.


You want to go cry about weapons that need nerfing? Go whinge about the Despair and Acrid, not the Soma.

Or get the other rifles buffed. Either works.

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I do think that with the current state of the game, that the Soma is too powerful relative to everything else. I think I'll hold off until after they introduce the new armor to come to any firm conclusions, but in general, I greatly favor nerfs to problem equipment than inflationary buffs to everything else.


Because it's powerful?


It's the most powerful all-round primary.


requires an extremely large amount of materials to make


No it doesn't.


As well using unique build compared to most (Critical build minus the regular ALL DAMAGE MODS build).




It takes someone with an IQ barely above that of my dog about three seconds to realize exactly what mods work best on it.


No. cry nerf somewhere else, or go sell all ur weps except for MK-1 Braton, Lato, and Skana, using those til u cry in frustration. 


These weapons shouldn't be frustrating to use, and the only reason they are is because they have been repeatedly outclassed by newer content and enemies have received buffs to compensate.


This inflation is the problem, and Soma is becoming part of it.


You want to go cry about weapons that need nerfing? Go whinge about the Despair and Acrid, not the Soma.


Hornet Strike and Barrel Diffusion are bigger culprits.

Edited by Saenol
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The Soma only feels op because most of the other rifles suck, especially in comparison to secondaries.

You want to go cry about weapons that need nerfing? Go whinge about the Despair and Acrid, not the Soma.

Or get the other rifles buffed. Either works.

Other rifles suck because they were barely buffed. Not sure about Despair, but the Acrid is made for endgame content. It's Rank 7. The Soma takes less time and effort to obtain than the Acrid, and it can 2 still shot level 60s like Acrid. Edited by Mikovsky
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The Soma only feels op because most of the other rifles suck, especially in comparison to secondaries.


You want to go cry about weapons that need nerfing? Go whinge about the Despair and Acrid, not the Soma.

Or get the other rifles buffed. Either works.


The Despair, Kunai, and Hikou wouldn't necessarily be called overpowered if it weren't for the fact that armor ignoring damage is everything with the current armor scaling. I'm going to wait until Armor System 2.0 before giving feedback on this issue. 


There's literally no way to justify the Acrid's mechanics. It needs a nerf because I can't imagine having that much killing ease even in end-game scenarios.


The current Soma is just too ridiculous for its cost. I can get behind a reduction in clip size (100 to 75), a reduction of ROF to 12.5, less accuracy/more spread, and/or a reduction in critical or critical damage (25% critical or 200% critical damage).


Even if you didn't want the Soma to be nerfed, you would need to buff the Supra by an incredible amount. After all, this weapon has the highest material cost in the game.

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The Soma takes less time and effort to obtain than the Acrid, and it can 2 still shot level 60s like Acrid.


Most sidearms in the game can one or two shot rank 60s.



The current Soma is just too ridiculous for its cost.


Far less concerned about the cost than the fact that there is now never any reason to choose any other primary than Soma, Snipetron Vandal, Lanka, or Straith...outside of artificially limiting one's self or mastery ranking.

Edited by Saenol
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