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Wolf Spawns and Drops


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This isn't the first and it probably won't be the last thread on the subject, but I'm posting a piece on the Wolf. Focus is on his spawn rate and drop table, not his stats or his goons.

I live where I work so there's little to do when I'm not working. So I play a lot of Warframe, averaging 6-ish hours a day over the last four months. Frustration with Nightwave in general has put a dent in that number though, driving me to play other games that have felt a bit more rewarding. On my off days I play more, on my working days I play less. I have seen the Wolf five times.

Firstly, we don't know what his actual spawn rate is, but we're told it increases over time. As things are though, his spawn rate is utterly abysmal. I see Stalker anywhere from 5-20 times in between Wolf sightings. As Stalker's best spawn rate is 3.5%, based on the number of Stalker encounters to Wolf encounters, I'll estimate Wolf's has been below 1% for the entire Nightwave experience. Based on the numbers it's a safe enough assumption, and there's no spawn rate provided to work with anyway. For someone who play as much as I do, having only seen the Wolf five times 

Next, we've got his drop table. There's concrete data to work with here. He has a 100% chance to drop a mod from his table, but there's a 91.68% chance that it's an uncommon mod that's getting turned into 10 Endo anyway. The other 8.32% of the time he drops a mod that you may need, or can sell for a few Platinum. But the mods aren't really that important here.

Aside from that, he has a 35% chance to drop a component of his Wolf Sledge. Within that 35%, the Handle and Head are 38.72% each, and the Motor and main Blueprint are 11.28% each. So for a given Wolf encounter, you've got a 13.552% chance at a handle, the same chance for the head, and a whopping 3.948% chance at the motor, same for the blueprint. Assuming "proper" distribution, which Warframe does not have as it is, you'd need to run across this guy 26 times to reasonably expect to get all the components of his weapon. And with his estimated spawn rate of below 1%, that's just unreasonable.

If he was farmable this would be irksome, but manageable. Hell, Profit Taker allows us to farm the Archgun dual stat mods. Their odds of dropping are 2.56% apiece, somewhat lower than Wolf's rarest components. But we can face down Profit Taker as many times as we like, because it's Farmable. Even if we don't get the mod we wanted, we get some worthwhile stuff for our trouble: 125k Credits, a Crisma Toroid, some Debt-Bonds. We are rewarded for our time, because even if we didn't get what we wanted specifically, fighting Profit Taker by default drops stuff that has some value. Statistically, the only thing at the end of a Wolf fight is 10 Endo and disappointment. And I chose Profit Taker for comparison instead of any other boss because you need solid kit to handle Profit Taker, and it takes several minutes most of the time. Even Stalker can be farmed via beacons when they're around. Wolf has none of that.

Wolf cannot be farmed. Farming implies a repeatable chance. Wolf shows up when he wants to, which means he doesn't. There's no way to prompt him to show, and the odds of him doing so are so low that there's no point hoping for him to. And when he does, taking him down is usually a fairly lengthy process. After all that, he nearly always drops a mod that we do not need. He drops 10 Endo, essentially. 

Nora added a new episode today where she ended by telling us "The Wolf's coming for her Dreamers." I haven't seen him. I say bring it, put that spawn rate above 1%. Give us the chance to actually farm this clown for the weapon he drops. I'm not saying make it easy. I'm saying make it possible. 

In short: Wolf's spawn rate is far too low, he's a chore to take down (impossible for many players) and his drop table is heavily diluted with worthless crap. This combines to make a very frustrating and unrewarding gaming experience. There is nothing positive or redeemable about this design.

I'm hoping to see some kind of improvement in the near future. Make him a node boss on Jupiter, make his spawn rate manageable in certain regions, fix that horrid drop table, something. 

And lastly, "buy parts with plat" is not a viable solution. Their scarcity has sellers demand astonishingly high prices for single components. 

Edited by (PS4)Page8988
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Yeah the abysmal spawn rates combined with the rng of even getting a part is really making the wolf of saturn into a 'badly thought out' addition (I'm being polite) to the game...DE have seriously got this part of nightwave wrong imo, even if you just go by the amount of posts about it let alone my own and my clan members experiences.  The low spawn rate wouldn't be as much of an issue if he had 100% drop chance on a part but even the best drop chance on a part/bp is around 13% while the worst is 3.5%....

The cynical side of me is thinking it's a ploy for plat sales as the prices on his rare parts are rather high, DE has been on a push to 'encourage' people to buy things with plat but in all honesty all that does is put me off buying (with) plat.  I can say with 100% certainty I will not be buying it with plat.


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Don't forget that the Mask was added to his drop table at 2.00%. I love myself some hard drop chances, but 2% from the Wolf is just unrealistic. I have seen him 5 times in 6(?) weeks now, and "farming" his spawn (playing the game stupid amounts) will have a very high chance of not giving me this item. Part of me wants to not care, but part of me wants to collect his drops. It's just awkward having low drop chances that you cannot grind on your own time and have unreliable encounters.

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Just fought him and I quite literally got nothing. What the heck? With how beefy and rare he is, why are the drop rates so abysmal? Even if he spawns every mission, you'll need to kill him probably 100 times or more to reliably get everything. Feels really pointless having a big bad boss that takes effort to fight off that doesn't even drop an orokin cell or something. 😞

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I've been camping missions for 5 minutes to force Wolf to spawn. It's getting increasingly maddening as his spawn rate doesn't feel increased at all, and I'm now swimming in wolf sledge handles and heads with nary a BP or motor in sight.

DE said he'll be buffed so much we'll be sick of seeing him, but as it is I'm sick of getting nothing or yet another sledge head or handle whenever I finally get to encounter him.

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