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Arbitration Resurgence Burden and Drones


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So I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this or if it would be better on player helping players, but I suppose it can be moved or someone can tell me otherwise. I just ran a 30-minute arbitration survival on Venus with a full squad to sort of test the new system of respawns. As we were playing squadmates started dropping as is normal in high-level missions which was a good time to see how the new arbitration revive system works. However, as my squadmates went down we noticed that the drones that are supposed to drop the Resurgence Burdens for revives were not spawning any longer or at least less frequently. At one point one person left, leaving 3 of us to finish the mission when one of my squadmates went down. As we were collecting the points to revive them they left, but the points (and therefore the debuff) remained on us giving us reduced health with no way to get rid of it other than letting one of us die first. However, when my remaining squad member dropped shortly after since we were both carrying some points that carried over, no more drones were spawning in the next 5 minutes I think (I wasn't really paying attention to the time as I was trying not to die myself since I had 4 total Resurgence Burdens while I was trying to find a fifth).

So just out of curiosity, has something like this happened to anyone else or is this just a new feature? Like are drones supposed to have reduced spawning as someone goes down, or is this just a current bug that needs to be ironed out? I know this is literally day 1 of this new addition, so bugs are a given. But I thought I would start this topic up (potentially in the wrong forum) to find out if anyone else has experienced this or not. 

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6 minutes ago, Ultimaservantx said:

So just out of curiosity, has something like this happened to anyone else or is this just a new feature?

I have had good spawns with it. People die and we still have masses of drones. Maybe it was a one off thing. People are mentioning that some places have low spawn rates regardless though.

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1 hour ago, krc473 said:

I have had good spawns with it. People die and we still have masses of drones. Maybe it was a one off thing. People are mentioning that some places have low spawn rates regardless though.

Since my posting, I've run 2 more arbitrations that have had good consistent drone spawns, but nobody died in either of those. I'll continue running more to see if I or anyone else encounter any more bugs to speak of. I will definitely probably post in bugs about the debuff carryover that occurs when a downed player leaves the mission before a revive as soon as I can. Again, I know it's the first day of this, so I wasn't expecting a flawless system. But I just was just curious if this was common or just a one-time thing isolated to my squad.

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5 hours ago, Ultimaservantx said:

However, as my squadmates went down we noticed that the drones that are supposed to drop the Resurgence Burdens for revives were not spawning any longer or at least less frequently.

Literally a bug that has existed since Warframe started...

And you know whats funny ? 

It works both ways... This bug helped me get Adaptation because the The immunity Drones just stopped spawning for whatever reason.... leaving me to kill Enemies with my Splinter Storm scaled up to 10 Million Damage...

5 hours ago, Ultimaservantx said:

So just out of curiosity, has something like this happened to anyone else or is this just a new feature?

I wouldn't know... Not Touching Arbitrations again... 


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I've had the same thing yesterday. One guy was on the floor in survival for at least 20 minutes, not a single drone. We left at minute 60 without revivaling this guy.

The same thing happened to me right after, me and another guy were on the floor for 15+ minutes and only then drones started to spawn veeeeery slowly. It took our team mates about 5 min to revive one, and about the same to revive me.

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On 2019-04-25 at 1:56 PM, Lutesque said:

It works both ways... This bug helped me get Adaptation because the The immunity Drones just stopped spawning for whatever reason.... leaving me to kill Enemies with my Splinter Storm scaled up to 10 Million Damage...

I wouldn't know... Not Touching Arbitrations again... 


Yay finally and good riddance eh? 


As to OP original question, the drones can get stuck behind doors and certain geometry, has happened to me, new drones don't spawn unless old ones are destroyed so one time I was camping a survival (yeah, camping with a squad and I was Inaros ) and I stayed outside to kill the pesky drones while everyone else was nice and safe. 

After the drone flow trickled and after some time just stopped, enemies still kept coming. So we spent a nice 20 minutes or something not being affected by drones. We then decided to leave and while heading to extraction I saw drones stuck under stairs and behind containers. 

One of the most annoying things in the game, beaten by literal geometry. 

Laughed all the way to extraction. 

Has happened a few more times, but almost always its when I stay in a specific place for a long time. 

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