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Dakra Prime - Blade Too Broad


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I think the blade is a little bit too broad, will there be a skin with a thinner blade? It's a beautiful weapon for sure but the big blade looks not balanced, it rly looks like a rapier, with a smaller/thinner blade it would loook perfect.

Edited by Seira-EGT-
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I think the blade is a little bit too thick, will there be a skin with a thinner blade? It's a beautiful weapon for sure but the big blade looks not balanced, it rly looks like a rapier, with a smaller/thinner blade it would loook perfect.


You have seen a chinese blade ? Thats the Dakra.

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The Jian is the straight sword and the Dao is the moderately curved one. China's millenia-old martial tradition has produced numerous variations of either, though, so referring to a blade as simply 'Chinese' can give someone an vague image to deal with.


im don know much about weapon so thats why i put something more general.

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The Jian is the straight sword and the Dao is the moderately curved one. China's millenia-old martial tradition has produced numerous variations of either, though, so referring to a blade as simply 'Chinese' can give someone an vague image to deal with.

thanks totally forgotten the names but yes again, the dakra looks like in between, it feels off somehow

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it looks like a phone

made my day. 


i don't see the phone in it, but still hilarious.

(honestly, i think Bronco looks stupid since the drum is not connected to the gun and the barrels aren't in line with the drum - but Bronco Prime fixed all of that and i like how it looks)



being as how this is a rare item (and i haven't tried getting it yet) i don't know what it really looks like in game... a screenshot or two would be nice. 

the one picture on the Wiki doesn't really show what it looks like.

Edited by taiiat
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made my day. 


i don't see the phone in it, but still hilarious.

(honestly, i think Bronco looks stupid since the drum is not connected to the gun and the barrels aren't in line with the drum - but Bronco Prime fixed all of that and i like how it looks)



being as how this is a rare item (and i haven't tried getting it yet) i don't know what it really looks like in game... a screenshot or two would be nice. 

the one picture on the Wiki doesn't really show what it looks like.

just add me ingame ill show you how it looks like ingame, better than screenies

about dakra dmg: blade

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