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Female Omega Kubrows



Okay so I was gonna trade an Omega imprint to someone. I have a female omega kubrow imprint. I was then shown a male omega imprint and told I was wrong. So do I have a glitch or something?? I was legit told I have a female omega kubrow and Ive seen my other friend have one. He showed it to me over a year or two ago. So wtf is it just uncommon to see one or what??? I can try to make and update and get a picture to show if needed.

Edited by (XB1)ZUR069
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6 minutes ago, (XB1)ZUR069 said:

I have a female omega kubrow imprint. I was then shown a male omega imprint and told I was wrong.

I don't understand what you're saying here.

6 minutes ago, (XB1)ZUR069 said:

So wtf is it just uncommon to see one or what???

Should be equal probability to incubate one and gender is not passed through prints.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)kite9000 said:

Could anyone explain to me why they are that bothered by it being male or female ?

1. it doesn't make a difference game wise

2. nobody but you yourself can even see the gender

3. doesn't even make difference cosmetic wise

I just don't get it.

Pretty much this. The only true rng aspects to it are gender (which as pointed out barely matters), body type and height. Colors can be farmed and purchased, as well as fur patterns for the most of it.

And if OP has a big and bulky kubrow with a Lotus pattern, which I believe to be the most sought-after and called the "Omega Kubrow", it's easy to see if it's in fact an Omega or not just by looking at it. The way OP tells it, it appears he has a big and bulky kubrow, and the other guy also sent a picture of his "true" omega, which should be pretty much the same as OP's in terms of height and bulk, apart from fur pattern differences. 

So all in all, yes, pictures of both "Omegas" would be good so that we can see what's the big difference between OP's "fake omega" and the other player's "true omega". I'm gonna bet it's the same as rivens, where it's mostly subjective and call other people out over nothing, or to compete for some reason. If both are indeed big and bulky, that is.

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