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Eidolons, Madurai & Energy economy



I have recently finished maxing Virtual Strike on the Madurai tree, and I've started doing a few Eidolon runs with it to get some practice.

Needless to say, previously I was running Zenurik, and I'm still kind of addicted to the free energy it provides.

From the runs I've done so far, the sheer cost on energy pads, for me, seems to be a bit of an issue .. I'm currently using the medium size ones, since I don't have the syndicate to get the large ones yet.

Are there any techniques that I should know about regarding how to efficiently utilize energy without costing so much time/resources managing energy pads?

I run Volt on my Eidolon runs, so the energy goes to placing shields for the team.

I do have accumulated already a bit of experience with 30+ hydrolist captures ( on pub groups ), and a couple solo Gantulysts, and know fairly well the ins and outs of the battle and its tactics, just really having issues with managing my energy ;-)

Thanks in advance!

P.S. Are there any Eidolon specific groups/teams that accept newbies? Really like this aspect of the game, and want to learn with the best!

Edited by Vit0Corleone
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If he's like me, the Energy Spike wipes your  Warframe's energy reserves, and since you can't get out of range of the energy spike without the lure following along (let's face it, parking the lure in the middle of that effects spectacle is impractical), your Warframe loses all its energy every time a Synovia is destroyed.

I know where he's coming from. I use Zenurik and double-dash a bit to drop my Warframe where I think I'll want to snipe from. It takes 10 seconds to get enough energy so that Volt can cast a shield. Using Energy Syphon means giving up Dead Eye and its 52% boost to sniper damage (and more if you're using coaction drift).

I don't have an issue with medium Squad Energy Restores, other than the unwieldiness of the Gear Wheel when on a controller. Credits really aren't a problem with The Index, a Rhino, and the same Rubio Prime setup everyone uses for Eidolon hunting.

Edited by IceStorm_III
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9 minutes ago, (PS4)Gentleman_Raven_ said:

If you need a bit more energy do you have the Aura mod Energy Siphon? It helps me with a lot of my energy hungry 'frames.

I don't have it, sadly. Maybe I will get it next Nightwave if they make it available. Still, most people recommend Corrosive Projection for Eidolon hunting so ..

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6 hours ago, Vit0Corleone said:

Needless to say, previously I was running Zenurik, and I'm still kind of addicted to the free energy it provides.

It's hard but sometimes we just gotta make Sacrifices for the greater good.

6 hours ago, Vit0Corleone said:

From the runs I've done so far, the sheer cost on energy pads, for me, seems to be a bit of an issue .. I'm currently using the medium size ones, since I don't have the syndicate to get the large ones yet.

I used to use these only in Emergency Situations. 

6 hours ago, Vit0Corleone said:

Are there any techniques that I should know about regarding how to efficiently utilize energy without costing so much time/resources managing energy pads?

Well for Chroma and Trinity theres no way around it.... those two Frames aee just naturally Energy Hogs when it comes to eidolon hunts.

6 hours ago, Vit0Corleone said:


I run Volt on my Eidolon runs, so the energy goes to placing shields for the team.

Well since you're playing Volt it depends on how many Shields you're placing for What purpose. 

When I hunt.... the only time I need to put down alot of shields the first Shield Phase of each eidolon and at the end for the final capture shot.... after destroying each limbo I only put down two shields.... and if I get lucky I can one shot the Eidolon's Shield by myself...

Stacking Multiple Shields on top of each other doesn't increase The Critical Damage Bonus.... all that doesis increase the Electricity Damage bonus and since the eidolon's Shield is immune to every single other damage type the extra electricity damage that gets added to your Amp does nothing.... 

Stacking Volt Shields also doesn't work on hitscan Weapons like The Rubico Prime.... the Crit Damage and Electricity damage bonus will only gets applied once....only weapons who's Projectiles have actually Travel Time will get the Additional 50% Electricity Damage from each Volt Shield.... and this Electricity damage will combine with the whatever damage type the projectile consists of... so for a Lanka using Radiation damage.... the effect its going to have is like having 3 Extra Stormbringer Mods on your Shots.

If you're not one shotting the eidolon's limbs and shields then its naturally going to require more energy pads.

6 hours ago, Vit0Corleone said:


I do have accumulated already a bit of experience with 30+ hydrolist captures ( on pub groups ), and a couple solo Gantulysts, and know fairly well the ins and outs of the battle and its tactics, just really having issues with managing my energy 😉

Honestly I feel like the only thing that would help is if you team up with other players who also know what they're doing.... its the only thing that I can think that would help in your Situation. I honestly can't pin point anything that you're doing wrong or need improvement. Its up to your team mates to also do their part as well. 

5 hours ago, (PS4)Gentleman_Raven_ said:

If you need a bit more energy do you have the Aura mod Energy Siphon? It helps me with a lot of my energy hungry 'frames.

Energy Siphon is already slow enough in regular content.... its effects will be borderline unnoticeable in something as fast as Eidolon Hunts.

5 hours ago, Vit0Corleone said:

This isn't a problem for me because I use Archane Nullifier x2, giving me 100% resistance.

I actually still need those.... so far I only have six unranked ones.

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