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Giving away platinum to a friend. Possible ban by bot?



Hello, so here's what im worried about. 


I've been trying to get a friend to give warframe another chance for quite some time now and finally got him to log back into the game. He got a 75% off coupon and i asked if he was going to use it or not (to which he told me he wont be using it) so i asked if i could give him the money for the plat so he can buy it and give the platinum to me. As im seeing it, he's free to do whatever he wants to do with it, but me getting 2000 plat for a vitality would probably seem very dodgy. Is there any chance that I'll get banned for it? And if i do, how can i prove to DE that it was just a friend helping out another one? 

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Put some decent items in the trade like some prime junk or junk riven (since riven trade for a lot) and take a screenshot of him agreeing in chat. Maybe save a text message. The decent trade should prevent the auto ban bot from triggering. If it does, you have some photos to send DE that it was a valid trade.

Edited by Zelmen
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6 minutes ago, nPBg said:

He got a 75% off coupon and i asked if he was going to use it or not (to which he told me he wont be using it) so i asked if i could give him the money for the plat so he can buy it and give the platinum to me.

Technically speaking, this is exactly the reason why alt accounts are not allowed to interact with main accounts. Because people can farm discount coupons. If you get banned for it, DE may not reverse it, because they do not appear to approve of it.

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7 minutes ago, krc473 said:

this is exactly the reason why alt accounts are not allowed to interact with main accounts.

This is not an alt account situation. If you want to play that game no one on your friends list should be allowed to play with you. Don't want to have control private farms of any item. You can't play sorties with friends because they might give you their riven they just got. The list goes on for items you could get from alt accounts that friends trade all the time. You would have a better argument for being an out of trade window agreement which DE has no support for should one of the two not hold up the agreement. 

DE Ban alt account interactions because people would make more than one account to do said farming. 

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8 minutes ago, Zelmen said:

This is not an alt account situation.

I never said it was. Just that this was one of the reasons DE doesn’t let them interact. People can farm platinum discount coupons that way. 

  • Besides, do you not think it is important to consider that bit too? DE does not want people doing this with alt accounts, do you think they want people doing it with a friend’s account? Because I don’t. And I think it is important to make sure the OP is aware of this, just in case.
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This would constitute an RMT, which is a violation of the EULA, as you would be paying real money to someone else and as a result receive platinum.

Giving platinum to a friend is fine--if you give them the money to buy the platinum and they keep the platinum, or if you buy the platinum yourself and then give them some platinum. But trading real money for platinum from an unauthorized source (that is not DE or Steam) is not alright.

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