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Suggestion from a somewhat veteran player


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Thought i should put my 2 cents in on this game as i spend hour and hours daily on it yet i do not need anything really as i got more or less anything i want/need for game.

So what keeps me playing. that's a good question!

Its not Nightwave, Invasions or some events like Thermia fractures e.t.c. would it be one thing, It would be for Arbitration's. BUT also the most annoying thing at the same time!

The mission type i want almost never come. I am actually getting bored with the game. It doesn't matter how much content you put out. When i blaze thru it in a day or 2 anyways. I do see that Warframe is geared towards the casual side of players and that's fine. But at least some catering to the more veterans could be good.

Stuff id like to have/Was changed into the game:

  • Arbitration's - make one for each mission type so we don't have to login every hour hoping not to miss Excavation, Disruption, (possibly defection) If this is by design to keep people in game more that's pretty bad for the old timers as i think that's mostly what people play if they got all stuff and ye Kuva runs. There is plenty of other stuff like events daily login rewards and so on to keep people playing. Can we please be able to pick what mission type to play arbitration's in when we want?
  • Kuva disruption's - The enemy (Demolisher?) drops the Kuva let us just get it not run around all over to collect so inefficient since many kill them in the spawn place even if they are bugged there or not.
  • Chat - Make me able to right click in any tab and pick "clear" to remove the text sometimes its lingering when trading and is so annoying. Another nice thing could be right click in clan chat window press enter clan.
  • Ping - Some people have generally a bad connection and should not be host. if there is a quick setting where you as player can choose to either always be host when starting a mission node or never be host only join on other games. Then that would help all in game for better connections.
  • Endo mod fusion - When adding Endo points to a mod u have to tick it several times make a right side button for filling it in 1 go instead of 1 points at a time.
  • Rivens - Riven slots is still a bit small even with the raise.
  • Selling mods - When clicking a mod sorted by duplicate's i can then select all mods in one go, That is really good but normally one wants to sell all but 1 to keep 1 to have them all maybe add button for selecting all but 1.
  • Scaling rewards - If you guys still don't want scaling rewards so the casual player feel they can get all stuff with time and not skill as enemy scales that is fine but at least add some special cosmetics or something decorations as scaling rewards. Example index runs after 1h a special enemy spawns u get a certain reward. that's awesome more of that and if need be let it be cosmetics so its not skill based if your going to get a weapon or frame. Then at least all those that enjoy long runs will feel they get rewarded for it. i do know rotations are sometimes CCC at the end so that's not what i am talking about its more time spent in a mission 1h defense should feel more rewarding else defense would only be annoying run as you get rewards slower then other modes and thus less players play them.
  • Pets - Pets! i love pets! make pets great again! More work into them is needed. specially Kubrows. not much else to say just make them better suitability and usefulness etc.. (side note a mini Edielon teralyst pet with same ability's would be the most cool pet i could think of!)
  • Gauss - I really don't play a lot frames and Gauss is one of them i wouldn't raise my eyebrow over a new frame if i did not like it id just wait for a new one to come out i might like. But really Gauss is not very thought out at all. he feels like a copy paste frame with each ability doing worse then the original. his 1 volt can turn at least. 2 cheap m rhino skin. 3 impossible to build properly its either shrinking to fast or not doing enough damage or costing to much to spam in higher missions. 4 its like wisp but wisp does it better. so i fail to see how he is original in any way shape or form. Also the stuff he does any other frame does better. No offense but what was the point?
  • Mouse sensitivity - lowest setting still a bit fast for some.
  • Specters - Tenno specters or specters in general need better AI and also some of them are broken. Example: Saryn no longer cast its 1 it needs overlooking. I that play long runs are using them a lot and they are valuable but not if broken. Same with charging weapons they do a poor job.
  • Orokin lab - let us research the specters even if not used. Ye and at some points some kind of raids would be nice again.
  • Clan research - Many new players join clans that have all research done but in my clan we are missing the Ignis Wraith and ii feel that its harder recruiting people into my clan just for that reason and that feels unfair as all other stuff is researched. Maybe rethink that so all clans can recruit on same game mechanic terms.
  • Relics - Its still a bit unclear who's relic's reward it is just add some text above it so its clear.
  • Sentinel - Selecting a sentinel like Djinn from a pet its sometimes putting the right sentinel weapon on automatic sometimes it doesn't do that so works sometimes.
  • Ayatan Treasures - Auto install is awesome but please make one more button fill all Aytans of this type. and it uses all u have to fill them instantly lots of clicks is annoying.
  • Sorties - Reward table could possibly get some updated items? aura forma, Vitus essence could be cool. Can the new pet rivens drop there?
  • Zenistar - Please up the timer on disc to 1 min.
  • Alerts - No website can track arbitration alerts please fix this or previous suggestion about having the choice always to join what mission type you want as arbitration mode.


That's about it without going a deep dive into bugs. But i guess others already point that out. Hopefully u consider some of this stuff and the game would feel more enjoyable for me and many of my friends that consider us self as more veteran players.


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Wow. OK there is a lot to unpack here. 


1. Making 1 of each arbitration active at a time would be a waste of time, because people would only care about the disruption/excavation as you said. The better way would be to make it only be those 2 modes, but this ruins the spirit of the mode so I doubt it. 

2. I thought about this myself too. But having it auto pick up the kuva would incourage afking, so instead I'd suggest that the kuva drops instead get their own way point. 

3. Being able to clear chat would me nice, no argument there. 

4. I've been asking for an option like this all the time, though the main issue is that they don't make sense in certain situations. If all for players are listed as "never host", then who hosts? 

5. So you want a one click mod max? Seems like this would only be useful on rank 10 mods, and even then, who maxes an entire rank 10 mod at one time? 

6. They raise the riven cap when they can. But as they've mentioned every time, the server space is an issue. 

7. This would also be a nice feature. I make do for the moment by leveling any mod I just got, so that it isn't stacked with any duplicates. 

8. As long as none of the scaling rewards are exclusive I don't care too much either way. I'm still salty about probably never getting that prodman poster. 

9. Pets are currently being reworked if I remember correctly. 

10. Gauss is actually a lot of fun, which is wierd cause I didn't like volt... And I'm not having any trouble with any of abilities not working. His 1 is speed and damage, 2 is defence and damage, 3 is cc and armor strip, 4 is buff and ability buff. As for it being lazier versions of other frames abilities, I can't think of many frames who cast their 4 and have it buff both themselves and their abilities. 

11. Dpi settings can also be changed on your pc if that's too fast for you. Most gaming mice also have quick change Dpi buttons. 

12. Would be nice, but ai isn't easy to rework. 

13. Sure. Let us research the useless stuff, but have it warn you that those items are currently useless. As for a raid like thing, I think that's what kuva lichs are supposed to be. 

14. The ignis wraith was an event reward to dedicated hard working clans. Adding it to all clans would be a massive "f you" to them. It's not a perfect solution and I won't pretend to be able to provide one, but it's better than the alternative. 

15. Sure. Why not, just don't overcrowded the screen. 

16. I have no idea what this means... 

17. The problem with an auto fill all is, what if you don't have enough stars? If I try to fill 6 statues but only have enough stars for 5 of them, what happens? Does it fill 5 then error on the 6th, if so which 5? 

18. Aura forma and vitus come from Arby's for a reason. Adding them to shorties would diminish Arby's and crowd shortie drop tables. As for pet rivens being from simaris instead of sorties, this was because most people thought they were garbage and didn't want them. 

19. The zenistar is already afk enough. Adding a longer timer would only encourage this behavior. 

20. Arbitrations being tracked by a website, say deathsnacks  is probably more of an issue on their side not DE's. 


Whew... That took awhile. I need a moment. 

Edited by Miser_able
Fixed skipping line 14. Corrected line numbers to account for this.
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13 minutes ago, YazMatazO said:

At this time one would think there'd be a meme about posting feedback in feedback section. 


3 minutes ago, Miser_able said:

15. I have no idea what this means... 

You should get a cookie for actually taking the time to read a wall of text that should have gone somewhere else. Have an updoot from me. 

I assume for 15, what OP meant was that you see the name of the person underneath the cracked relic, so you can tell who in squad got what prime whatever. 


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7 minutes ago, sleepychewbacca said:


You should get a cookie for actually taking the time to read a wall of text that should have gone somewhere else. Have an updoot from me. 

I assume for 15, what OP meant was that you see the name of the person underneath the cracked relic, so you can tell who in squad got what prime whatever. 


Oh. Thanks to your comment I realized I actually skipped one. 15 is supposed to be the one after relics, about the sentinels. Lemme just fix that. 

Edited by Miser_able
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10 minutes ago, Miser_able said:

19. Arbitrations being tracked by a website, say deathsnacks  is probably more of an issue on their side not DE's. 


I dunno the trackers are usually really good at updating even Deathsnacks, and to my understanding the person who runs that doesn't even play Warframe anymore. To the point that usually when something new launches they're updated within the day to track it. 

The fact that no(?) trackers are tracking the Arbitrations suggests to me that DE isn't pushing the Arbitration data in a way that the tracker sites can parse. 

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Just now, Miser_able said:

Oh. Tbwje to your comment I realized I actually skipped one. 15 supposed to be the one after relics, abou the sentinels. Lemme just fix that. 

Oh right, yeah I know what OP means by this. 

Sometimes when I swap out sentinels, say from Taxon to Helios Prime, the equipped weapon is Deconstructor Prime. Sometimes, it doesn't do this. 

Though I'm certain it's because you'd manually change the sentinel weapon at some point... 

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3 minutes ago, sleepychewbacca said:

Oh right, yeah I know what OP means by this. 

Sometimes when I swap out sentinels, say from Taxon to Helios Prime, the equipped weapon is Deconstructor Prime. Sometimes, it doesn't do this. 

Though I'm certain it's because you'd manually change the sentinel weapon at some point... 

Ah. That's what I figured. Though, I've never seen this issue myself cause I have all the sentinel weapons taken off. 

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