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New Player Asks: DE, Where Are You?


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On 2019-09-20 at 7:37 PM, (NSW)0nuku said:

And looking at DE's track record, they don't have a clear idea of what would make it fun, fair, and rewarding. But at least some aspects of the community do. When I refer to feedback, I don't mean the new frame or mode ideas (though there was a time DE listened to those too), I mean those people who put hundreds of hours into testing modes, hours more into thought, and then share and defend their ideas to improve said modes, all of which is wasted because DE doesn't acknowledge it.

The problem is that you're just repeating the same mistake you started out with. You're citing "some in the community" as a source of supposedly objectively good suggestions, but your posts demonstrate a fundamental lack of understanding as to what makes their suggestions actually "good." I realise this comes across as a dis, but it's not intended as one. Like I said - this forum is an echo chamber of "the game is broken, balance is broken, fix everything" parroted without specifics. Even when you push people for specifics, all too often they come up with still vague notions like "the AI" or "the pathing" or "the balance." The closest to a concrete complaint I've seen here is getting stuck in the ground on Uranus, which near as I can tell doesn't happen. I haven't had it happen to me and I play that planet quite a bit, at least.

Just because people on these forums are good at rhetoric doesn't mean their well-formulated opinions are objectively good or that the ways in which the game differs from those opinions constitutes problems. I'll give you a specific example. Every so often, you'll see people complain about how Warframe is "too easy" and that the definition of "end game" is a mode where you fight the highest level enemies possible to test the strongest, most broken-overpowered builds. In an example of circular logic, they then turn around and chastise DE for not doing this because "there's no end game," and every time it prompts me to respond with [citation needed].

Forum posters disagreeing with DE and asserting their own personal preferences as objectively better than the game's status quo isn't an example of DE not listening, no matter how many times it gets brought up. And I still maintain that you've bought into other people's complaints without fully internalising exactly why any of them are problems beyond a general sense of "things are bad, and I'm worried about it." This is why I insist on specifics, details and a personal involvement with complaints. If you have an actual, solid argument to make about a specific, individual issue then that's worth addressing. Hell, even being generally worried about the state of the game is usually fine. But when you start creating threads with no substance to them, all you're doing is contributing to the general chaos of the forums.

I don't know how much DE staff read these forums. However, as someone who DOES read these forums AND all of the patch notes as a hobby, I can tell you that the two overlap more than you give them credit for.

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IN MY OPINION: I believe that DE needs to adapt to their formula. There's enough weapons and warframe's in my opinion. They can release them more slowly with pomp and circumstance at this point. They can adjust the tennogen program to handle the bulk of all skins. With all those resources freed up from those two dimensions, they should THEORETICALLY be able to pump out larger content addons at a closer to reasonable rate while fixing older systems. 

At least that's the way I see it. Prime access might actually catch up that way lol

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