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You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?


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No, screw you. Nekros, always blocking my shots, stealing my exp and last hits, lagging my game when I'm not host. You sir are a scumbag. Excal has more use on a T3 def than Nekros.

No screw you! its a god damn co-op game, If nekros doesnt take down some dudes he wont be able to cast SoD and then he is pretty much just good for terrify! and everyone lags in this god forsakingly amazing game because DE still hasnt fixed its servers!

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What rattles me a little ?


Everyone has like 100 shields and 120 health and I am the only one with a max frame but leveling weapons in Cyanth or Kiste.

Then deep down I know every time I press 4 to clear, they are getting easy XP :(


I am almost considering to remove my 4 abilities since I only cast them like no more than 3 times though.


Take volt on those missions, no one ever expects you to use your 4th since it sucks so much there, and it allows you to use your electric shield and speed to have fun :D

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You know what really grinds my gears?
When I ult as Banshee, "DROP THE BASS! WUB WUB WUB WUB WUB--"

--and then Nova or somebody Ults and kills EVERYTHING; and I'm just sitting here like:

Hold on a sec guys... yeah.... mmhmm.... yep.... almost done.... any second now.... sorry....... sorry guys..... I'm sorry..... yeah, I'll rez you in a sec.... just a little longer.....

Or just playing with Pubs in general.

I love you all.

I love sharing tips and tricks.

I love co-op and synergy, and teamwork...

But y'all some wack-&#! punks, and I don't want to be around you jerks any longer than I have to be. Goin' so fast, killing everything and ditching people (that'd be me, not to mention any newer players). Not cool.

Still, I fix that by running solo, with my clanmates, or focusing on defense or survival missions, where co-op fits a little better and I'm not feeling like it's a mad dash. I don't want to hold them up, and I definitely don't want them rushing me. So as great as you all are, you're probably what grinds my gears the most.

Oh, and don't EVEN get me started on Design Council. If you voted for "Carrier" or it's ability to "pick stuff up for you", I've got some choice words for you. Words like "Dummyhead" and "Stupidface". I wanted a healing alternative to Trinity and med packs, and they were gonna give it to us; but for some reason you guys willingly chose to turn this thing into a little drone that does stuff that I can already do. People already mark the mods for you as a matter of common courtesy, and it's not like you're ever really missing much ammo or anything by just walking over it. Now it's a sentinel that doesn't heal, doesn't knock enemies back, doesn't have vaporize or anything else helpful. It's ability is literally just wandering off and grabbing some extra credits or ammo or an extra Quickdraw that you missed. Even if it generated those things, it's not enough.
This is just like how you guys voted for the assault rifle over the shotgun and sniper; when we've got roughly 14 machine guns already in the game (just primaries), compared to four (IIRC) shotguns and one available sniper (two, if you count Lanka). I don't include Snipetron because you can't get it anymore and I doubt it's ever coming back. Now that I see the Tenno Assault rifle, its stats look like a seriously buffed Gorgon. So now the Gorgon I spent forever making is obsolete, and we're not getting the other weapons until something like U11 or later.

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Usually Bow Haters grinds my gear. 

All because they can't be stuff CHARGING THE ARROW and AIM PROPERLY. 


I the other would be players that disses weapons without trying or recommends weapons without testing capaility at high level defense or survival.

Also Conclave stats, goddamn buggy. 

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Take volt on those missions, no one ever expects you to use your 4th since it sucks so much there, and it allows you to use your electric shield and speed to have fun :D


I only use Excalibur or Rhino for those missions.

Anything other frame is lol not worth using.

Edited by fatpig84
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hmm a lot of things in-game grinds my gears but what stands out is something in RL - Whenever you play any game it's like when ur in a lobby or doing something else go to go play and enter a game or whatever and you get a PHONECALL.... It's like everytime xD or you might alrdy be in a game but it happens when you don't want it to the most.

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No, screw you. Nekros, always blocking my shots, stealing my exp and last hits

This ain't League of legends, you get XP regardless of who kills the most.




What grinds my gears is when doing a high level mission, trying to be a good guy and reviving the runt of the litter and some scumbag rushes to the extract, starts the timer and DOESNT BLOODY get rid of lock down while im fending for myself and another.

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When people bring frames without CC or team play based powers into a serious defense mission, like Xini, or worse, a T3.  

Played with someone who brought a Loki to Xini.  Sure, decoy is marginally useful, but Loki is too brittle to bring to Xini given he only has one useful power.  Something like Nova or Nyx would've been fine as their fragility is complemented by a wide variety of excellent crowd control powers, but Loki is both fragile and questionably useful.

Loki players: bring it to your solo runs, bring it to exterm or cap, but for god's sake, please don't bring it to def or mob def.  Bring a Vauban or something.  Hell, even Excal would be better.

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