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A few questions from a new player.



I am a new player (only been playing for like a week) and have a few questions. 


1. I am about to finish the war within (likely tomorrow) and am wondering what I should focus on next.

2. I know I need to farm up my mods as they are not great so where is the best place to farm endo? 

3. Is the ignis/ignis wraith viable for endgame content? (if not what guns should I try to get)

4. How hard are sorties im only mr5 with some mediocre mods and mesa prime as the main frame I play as will I stand a chance in sorties? 

5. I only have two frames (volt my starter frame and mesa prime) I really enjoy mesa and destroy everything with her 4 but I am wondering will I need other frames for different types of missions and what other frames should I focus on getting? 

6. Is there any benefit or requirement for clearing every single node on the star chart? 

Thanks for all the help!

Edited by Prowombat
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To answer some of your questions:

- After The War Within you'll want to head to Cetus to talk to the Quills and get yourself the Mote Amp, however you'll want to grind towards your first built amp which will help in the next quests, Chains of Harrow and The Sacrifice when you get to them. A good amp will also allow you to participate in hunting Eidolons, who drop arcanes which can greatly help your warframes. 

-The exact difficulty of a Sortie depends somewhat on what type of sortie you get and how confident you feel in certain modes. If you don't feel good at Spy missions for example, then you should avoid spy sorties. Do be aware you need to have the node a Sortie is on unlocked in order to play it. It's a good idea to get more frames and weapons as some sorties restrict weapons and some modes are easier with certain frames. Every mission in a Sortie is harder than the last in terms of enemy level, with the final Sortie in a set reaching level 80-100 enemies. So it wouldn't hurt to farm for mods. 

-I recommend farming some new frames, as they can make certain missions easier and of course provide mastery. Rhino is available from Fossa, Venus's boss the Jackal and is an excellent tank who can get you through a lot. I'd also recommend acquiring the other starters Mag (from The Sergeant on Illiad, Phobos) and Excalibur (from Lech Kril on War, Mars). A frame like Limbo (Limbo Theorem) can help you with spy missions and defending points. I'd recommend farming spy missions to get the parts for Ivara for spy missions. Clans also have available to them the blueprints for frames such as Nezha, Banshee, and Wukong, making them easier to acquire if your clan has them unlocked. It's always good to have a varied arsenal of Warframes to make some challenges easier. Some of the quests in your codex give frame blueprints (sometimes just the main one and sometimes all the other pieces), and you can get the blueprints for the parts for Gara and Garuda from the Plains of Eidolon and Orb Vallis bounties, respectively. 

-If you clear every single node on the star chart you gain access to Arbitrations, which are more challenging endless missions that come with a buff to a random frame and weapon and grant rewards that include Ayatan sculptures and Endo and mods exclusive to Arbitrations such as the ever useful Adaptation. Also having more nodes open means more nodes that you can do sorties on more nodes when you get into those.


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1.- Just Focus on having fun, try farming Frames.

2.- Don't worry about endo, come on, you don't really need it, you are killing lvl 20 enemies and have mesa prime, try different frames dude, Warframe is the kind of game where frankly you only need 3: Nekros (Farming), Hydroid (Farming), and your main (to have fun).

3.- Sorry to break it to you, but Warframe has no endgame content (unless you want to be in a survival +1hr to get no rewards, if interested check Lifeof Rio endgame at YouTube), so yeah, Warframe is a casual game, super easy, super grindy, but you are having the best experience in the game, the New Player Experience.

4.- You are gonna be fine at Sortie, basically what you have been doing all this time, but with actual rewards, if you can hack in Spy missions without a cypher you are gonna be fine.

5.- You can make any mission with any Frame you want, but you have to try different frame to see which one you really like playing, just play with the one you love the most, don't listen to people saying that you specifically need this or that Warframe to make a mission, this game isn't like that, Warframe is already Easy, and making It even easier would be really boring.

6.- After completing the Start Chart you get a New Gamemode called Arbitration, which is super boring (not challenging at all) and unrewarding, but honestly tho after completing the start chart and all the Quest missions, knowing who your main is, having your favourite weapon,CONGRATULATIONS,  you have completed Warframe, no need to keep playing it, Trust me you are better off stopping after that,if you want to come back for New Content It is Ok(but It really take a long time, for example this year Warframe hasn't drop any meaningful Content) I know it kinda sucks, but It is what it is, enjoy your time at the Best experience you are gonna have at Warframe, the best 200 hours you are gonna have.

Also slow down, Trust me you don't want to rush it Up, I mean Dayum 1 week and already playing the War Within, enjoy yourself, there is nothing after that, please slow down or you are gonna regret it.

If you have Questions please ask.

Also you only need mastey 14 to have all the Weapons/ Warframes that are avaible in this game.

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2 hours ago, Prowombat said:

I am a new player (only been playing for like a week) and have a few questions. 


1. I am about to finish the war within (likely tomorrow) and am wondering what I should focus on next.

2. I know I need to farm up my mods as they are not great so where is the best place to farm endo? 

3. Is the ignis/ignis wraith viable for endgame content? (if not what guns should I try to get)

4. How hard are sorties im only mr5 with some mediocre mods and mesa prime as the main frame I play as will I stand a chance in sorties? 

5. I only have two frames (volt my starter frame and mesa prime) I really enjoy mesa and destroy everything with her 4 but I am wondering will I need other frames for different types of missions and what other frames should I focus on getting? 

6. Is there any benefit or requirement for clearing every single node on the star chart? 

Thanks for all the help!

1. Focus on whatever you enjoy doing. You can start on the next quest, farm, grind for new frames/weapons etc. Don't feel like you must rush the game 

2. Don't worry about endo yet for now 

3. There is no endgame content and while it's fun to have a flamethrower, there are lots of other guns out there for you to try (like Vaykor Hek, Rakta Cernos, arca plasmor etc) 

4. If you can survive using Mesa Prime then you should be fine provided you can hack without ciphers etc, though I suggest you farm some better mods

5. Mesa Prime is a really good frame but if you want diversity, switch up your frames and go for ones that are easy to get (like dojo frames: Nezha, Banshee, Zephyr etc) 

6. You can unlock arbitrations (which is higher end missions with level 60-80 enemies and better rewards) for unlocking the entire star chart

Seriously though, DO NOT RUSH CONTENT or you'll find yourself burned out next week. Just take your time, learn the game, join a clan if you haven't, explore the open world maps and just enjoy yourself! If you need a clan you're more than welcome to join mine. Just send me a friend invite in game and I'll add ya! 

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9 hours ago, Prowombat said:

I am a new player (only been playing for like a week) and have a few questions. 


1. I am about to finish the war within (likely tomorrow) and am wondering what I should focus on next.

2. I know I need to farm up my mods as they are not great so where is the best place to farm endo? 

3. Is the ignis/ignis wraith viable for endgame content? (if not what guns should I try to get)

4. How hard are sorties im only mr5 with some mediocre mods and mesa prime as the main frame I play as will I stand a chance in sorties? 

5. I only have two frames (volt my starter frame and mesa prime) I really enjoy mesa and destroy everything with her 4 but I am wondering will I need other frames for different types of missions and what other frames should I focus on getting? 

6. Is there any benefit or requirement for clearing every single node on the star chart? 

Thanks for all the help!

Some of this has certainly been said before, but let me add my voice to the pile:

First off: Welcome to Warframe! It's a strange and curious ride. :)

Now, to try and address your questions:

1: Honestly, that's kind of a hard one for me to answer. Warframe is sort of less a 'game to beat' than a 'sandbox to mess around with'. Try to think of it more like Skyrim or one of the Fallout games (No, not THAT Fallout game, the previous ones). There's no reason to plow through/focus on 'trying to beat it'. I mean, you CAN burst through all the story and quest content as fast as you like, without really getting too deep into anything or just copying meta builds, but you'll lose out on a lot of the experience. If anything, I'd recommend that now would be an excellent time to really sit down and start working on some of your frames/weapons, trying to figure out what you really enjoy using, etc. Try to figure out what sort of things you're really into at the moment: is it open world exploration? Arbitrations? Long Relic opens? What?

2: Best places to farm Endo are probably (in no real order, I'm not some expert farmer) Voyanoi, Sedna; Hieracon, Pluto; and whatever Arbitration is running at the moment. I honestly have been getting more and more of my Endo via Arbitrations lately, it's easy to convert all the Ayatan to Endo and sometimes it slams you with 800-2K Endo as a reward.

3: Okay, I feel like... You may have the wrong approach here. While it's not going to be a fun answer, almost ANYTHING is viable for 'end game' content. It's mostly a question of how easy it is to make it viable. The Ignis Family works fine, sure. It's usually a lot more about learning how to mod a weapon than it is about 'what the weapon is' in the first place. Again, there's definitely a 'this is the meta for getting the biggest numbers', but I really discourage you from pursuing that. It's... Fine? But you'll completely lop off any ability to explore and really tinker with the game's mechanics or a lot of the experiences it can offer.

4: Sorties aren't that hard. I think the biggest issue you'll run into is that sorties are very much a 'do you have the tools to deal with this scenario'? kind of activity, and Mesa is not always the answer to that question. I'd seriously advice getting a bit of a wider selection of frames to work with. That said, even with common mods (not all of which are mediocre) I've gotten through a sortie before. If you're unsure about your DPS, then the best way to contribute is by playing a support with abilities that are useful and bringing that to the table. 

5: Ideally, yes; you'll want other frames. Sticking with only one frame is a good way not just to burn out on the game, but would be like (going back to an earlier analogy) playing Skyrim with nothing but one sword equipped throughout the entire game. Explore, experiment. Different frames area absolutely good for different kinds of content. Some of the 'meta' staples are Saryn, Nova, Frost, Wukong, Chroma, Trinity, Obereon, Harrow, and Inaros, last I heard. I honestly don't pay overmuch attention to the meta. My favourite frames, and some of the ones I have the most fun on are Nyx (my all time favourite control in the game, and just overall favourite frame), Limbo (be careful, he takes a LOT of practice to understand and get good with,) Ember (an odd choice, but she's viable, if in some completely non-obvious ways,) Ivara (Sneaky, tricksy fun,) Equinox (I can't even begin to start explaining the craziness that is Equinox in this space. She's a support/DPS/control/Psuedo-stealth/Semi-tank/Debuffer/Nuker,) and Mag (Startlingly powerful caster who works nothing like what I thought she would at first). I've also really been getting into Nekros lately. A new frame with a new weapon can open up whole new playstyles and ways of approaching the game.

6: Yes, yes there is. Completing every single node on the Starchart unlocks Arbitrations, which are sort of high-end versions of normal Endless missions with special rewards tables that include exclusive mods, cosmetics, huge Endo piles, Ayatan Treasures, and, now, exclusive Arcanes. Your tollerance for them may vary, but I've found some enjoyment in them since the last few reworks. They definitely have their own gimmicks, though. Mesa's probably fine for them, although I've never seen a Mesa in one. 


As some final thoughts, I would heavily encourage you to explore. Don't try to 'beat' the game. It's not really a game meant for beating, in my experience. It's meant for exploring, testing, and generally experimenting with things. Sticking with 'that one thing you know' is probably a good way to stop playing the game before too much longer. (it's what happened to a number of friends I got into the game). Whether you follow that is up to you, and whatever you do try and enjoy it. :)

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On ‎16‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 6:29 AM, Prowombat said:

5. I only have two frames (volt my starter frame and mesa prime) I really enjoy mesa and destroy everything with her 4 but I am wondering will I need other frames for different types of missions and what other frames should I focus on getting? 

6. Is there any benefit or requirement for clearing every single node on the star chart? 

Thanks for all the help!

A5: Each NEW frame/weapon/companion mastering contribute to your Mastery Points -> MR rating -> aviable weapons/quests/riven mods. Soi, beside trying more option for gameplay, you at last need them for "MR fodder".

A6: When clearing all nodes in subsistem (Earth as example) you will have access to special Nightmare Alerts - have higher dificulty with at last one or more penality for battle area and give Nightmare mods as guaranted revard https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Nightmare_Mode and can deploy Extractors to remotely gather resourses https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Extractor

Also each cleared node give you a small amount of "free" Mastery points after first mission on it.

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