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The Orbital Haunt Contest [Winners Announced]!


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I just make my idol for halloween (now for the roleplay)

This its the beast 



the last face that your decorations will saw, the red fangs...


it needs daily sacrifices from poor plushies to eidolons



dont make it angry or may eat your foundry



(yes i lost it...lol happy halloween everyone)

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Category: Dojo

Players involved: The room is a collaborative effort between Plague of the Dragon members Synthet1c Angel and DraggedBelow.

Theme: Eerie to some perhaps, the true horror lies in the silence of these empty halls... Our dojo spawn room (and soon to be the rest of the dojo) has been designed to appear as though an orokin structure has been reclaimed by nature. Everything from the lighting to the faux tree canopy has been designed to give the vibe of an ancient ruin.DjznrrB.pngizBTv5J.pngjSO5VRu.png

Edit: removed underscore from username to avoid mishaps.

Edited by (XB1)Synthet1c Angel
Fixed DraggedBelow alias.
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Full series of images: https://imgur.com/gallery/Dm7eG2M


We all need hobbies....right?


Skinned Valkyr, being looked over by an obviously bored Operator...


These guys like to watch over everything...even if asked not to.


Feel free to poke me for an invite if you feel the need to look for more horror stories. This can include, but is not limited to, my usual color choices.

Edited by Fearbuile
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I did the cemetery. The infested room was done by fellow clanmate Umbral Hunhow. These are our two separate entries. 


Something has been happening in my dojo. We have an old cemetery where strange entities have begun some kind of ritual. It seems these entities capture the souls/spirits (whatever you want to call it) of anything innocent and use them to make more of themselves. They have been draining power from that old, dead tree which has mysteriously started producing some kind of weird purple energy. I've seen smaller versions of these entities hiding all over the dojo. I'm fairly certain we are being watched. Why they are observing us and duplicating themselves is something I haven't figured out yet. I'm worried my clanmates and I may find out soon...

The Ritual






The Mausoleum






The Watchers






There's also a VERY large critter that has taken residence in our dojo, as well. It's an ominous thing. It's presence has left a heaviness in the dojo. It seems to be more than whatever those things are in the cemetery can handle, however. They send watchers into her lair every so often and they never make it out. Instead, she twists them into these strange, violent creatures which she uses to protect her eggs. I have a feeling as quickly as her infestation spreads and the amount of eggs she continually produces that there's something staggeringly destructive at play. It seems more than coincidence that creatures such as these happened to converge in the same place around the same time. 

Her Lair



The Spider and her Crawler







The Moth and the Basher





Another found Watcher hiding in the trees in our Main Hall



A short video walk-through of both rooms. 






As stated above, credit for the cemetery goes to Mythinasya(ps4) and the infested spider is Umbral_Hunhow(ps4).

Edited by (PS4)Mythinasya
Cleaned up post, added images and video, added clanmates room
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Let me tell you of a haunting and creatures that are daunting,

Of tales sinister that are harbingers of disaster,

First i speak , of a creature of the deep,

Dreadful is his rage when woken from his sleep:

Second i speak of the hounds at the gate,

Avoid their glare, for they are are filled with hate.

Third i speak , of a being that forgot it has died,

is it Plant ? is it Animal? it is an abomination unclassified!

Fourth to speak of a weaver i dare,

with eight delicate hands it pulls its spindle of nightmare.

These are the horrors that roam our clan,

Beware all who enter , child , woman or man!

And With that we come to an end,

Hope to see you soon , my friend.



Hope you enjoy what i made (the poetry is also original :D).

3 of the above were made specifically for the purpose of a "horror/ creature feature " theme, i.e.Fluffy (Cerberus), Ghost plant and the infested spider and made entirely by me,

The Kraken already existed and was my first sculpture ever, fellow clan decorator @Xforce helped with the Kraken.

There are more , but i will let my other clans mates make their own submissions as i have been unable to get in touch with them for a combined submission.

I am also not very good at taking video , so please excuse me if it is not clear.

Dojo in Clan Asuro ,

Edited by 0_The_F00l
typos, forgot to mention clan name
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Category: Dojo

Players involved: This room was made by me and Lykalas

Theme: Tenno in a pursuit of conservation found himself in middle of spider liar, where hunter becomes the prey...



Spider Nest






Edited by SoftWet
more pictures
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