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As It Is, Drop 2.0 Sucks


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Drop 2.0 was supposed to make farming mods easier by making mods drop from specific enemies only. This ultimately sucks for anyone searching for mods, especially rare mods, dropped by mobs that appear in smaller amounts such as Heavies. This makes farming VERY tedious and as you need to 1: wait for that specific mob to spawn, 2: pray for the mob to drop a mod 3: pray you are blessed by RNG to get a rare mod drop and possibly depending on if there are multiple rares on the mob's drop table: pray for RNG to give you the mod you need. This just feels downright ridiculous. After farming over a hundred hours for Whirlwind it just isn't worth the effort considering the amount of luck needed for me to have enough Corrupted Heavies to spawn, to get the rare drop and pray I don't get Desecrate (which I have a fair amount of times).

A good way to fix this problem would be to either:

1) Give a small spot on the drop table for a user defined mod that has a small chance to drop from every mob.

2) Buff mod drop rate as well as rarity chance on uncommon mobs.

3) Level attenuation affecting mod drops and rarity so higher level mobs give mod drops and rarer stuff easier.

4) Remove ability mods that crowd the drop tables and replace them with more worthwhile mods. As it is right now transmutate isn't exactly a good way to get rid of mods and get new ones considering the low credit gain and the amount of ability mods that are currently in the transmutation pool.

5) Make a mode for farming specific enemy types (Heavies only/Ancients only/Moa only)

I'm sure I am not the only one fed up with the new drop tables because honestly, faction mod restrictions seem much better right now where every mob of a certain faction had the same drop table as other mobs in the faction. It's a real turn off when you know the mod you need is dropped by a mob that only rarely appears and killing everything else is pointless.

Edited by jrkong
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Person above me put the datamined drop tables up. If you were looking for Retribution you would have to go after Shield Lancers, Whirlwind, only Corrupted Heavy Greneer drops them, Coolant Leak? That's only from Okokin Shield Drones. These aren't exactly common enemies. Maybe it's just me but it feels like the chances here just suck overall.

Edited by jrkong
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Seriously, Captain Vor and the Stalker are the only two mobs in the game that drop Focus?


*rolls eyes*


I'd love to hear the explanation of the mentality behind THAT one.

Or grineer sawman only drop flow... or barrel diffusion from grineer seekers (and a wave reward in defense I think).


IMO, I liked it when each faction's unit had a chance to drop any mod in their pool. I mean, now for whirlwind, while not a vital mod, only drops from corrupted heavy gunners... Or rage from Napalms, etc.

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Been working at trying to get Rage for a while now, and yep, it sucks, even with running the mercury survival and killing tons of napalm grineer, the heavies just don't drop mods often enough for it to really give a solid chance of getting a rare mod from them.

Heh, yeah. Either no mods from them, or massive amounts, i.e. last run got a rage, retribution, and surefooted. And 2 rare 5s 0.o dat luck

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I've ran a whole lotta t3 void defs yesterday in a vain attempt to get whirwind. I mean on the last waves the heavies come at you in droves... but after ~500 more dead heavies, still no whirlwind o.o


? i stopped playing for 5 months. came back had all mods i wanted. so you sure the droprate is not just bad for you?


Understanding of chances, I haz them


Edited by DitsyPixie
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All mods became significantly more rare with the drop tables. There are now multiple sets of RNG to deal with. It used to be (mostly) faction-based, or location based in the case of the void. But now you have to go to a specific faction, and then hope that the mission spawns the specific unit you want, and on top of that, hope he drops that mod you're looking for, which is probably a rare mod, which is probably the lowest chance on the drop table, as it always has been. And the numbers of the unit you're looking for will vary with RNG.

For example, trying to farm Rage, heavies are rather common once you get past 5 minutes on Survival...but the spawns are still rather random, and the drop rate is going to be low since it's Rage, and not Ammo Stock.

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Remove ability mods that crowd the drop tables and replace them with more worthwhile mods. As it is right now transmutate isn't exactly a good way to get rid of mods and get new ones considering the low credit gain and the amount of ability mods that are currently in the transmutation pool.


This is the one thing that kills me, ability mods are great idea if they drop from the lower tier planets and stop there, we (and I do mean all of us) do not need them after that point. If by chance we might, we know exactly where to go to farm them. Ability mods should be narrowed down quite a bit and/or removed after the first 3-4 planets. As for transmute, they should have never been on that drop table to begin with.

Edited by ZeroPhobic
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Rng to get the enemy you want, rng to get it to even drop a mod, rng to determine the rarity of the mod, rng to determine if it's the rare mod you want or ability or fusion core. 



Oh my RNGezus Christ !


Well, when they said they wanted the game to have several layers, I shoulda realised they ment to add "of RNG" :P

Edited by Keltik0ne
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I tend to agree on blueprints though. Yesterday I farmed jackal at least 15 times witH not a single blueprint drop. Not to mention chassi for Mage. Done at least 50 times so far

From what I've seen the rng first rolls to see if you get BP, then it rolls if it is chassis. Then if it's not chassis it rolls if it is helmet. If it's not neither then it rolls to see if it's systems. 

It's no wonder systems are hardest to get.

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Vitality, a 10 lvl mod that is mandatory to lvl up, only drops from Grineer Lancer (the one that appears only at lvl < 20 missions, not Elite) and Fusion Drones, so in later games you stop getting this mod, while on the other hand almost useless lvl 3/5 mods like Reach, Revenge and Ammo Drum drop really frequently.

Edited by AkhAnubis
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Vitality for WF, a 10 lvl mod that is mandatory to lvl up, only drops from Grineer Lancer (the one that appears only at lvl < 20 missions) and fusion drones, so in later games you stop getting it, while on the other hand almost useless lvl 3/5 mods like Reach, Revenge and Ammo Drum drop really frequently.

Actually vitality isn't mandatory. Redirection isn't either but recommended and it drops from elite lancers only. The damage mods (hornet strike, serration, no return, piercing hit etc.) are mandatory however. And none of them drop from mercury unless you want to brave survival. Good luck with that if you don't have armor penetration or AI weapons.

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A lot of these concerns came up when the system was first announced, too. Atleast with the prior system (as bad as it was), you really only needed to get lucky once, that's not really the case anymore - now you need to hope you get lucky with mob spawns in addition to hoping they drop what you want, it's like having to get 21 in blackjack just to play the slot machine (which is incidentally the same problem I have with void missions, but that's besides the point).


Also, feeling glad I already had Focus; I farmed Vor enough when getting the Seer/Gremlins/Miter that I don't want to see him again for a long time. Sure, you can still get it from Infested Defense, but I've done that more than enough for a couple of lifetimes.

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Proof that loot tables 2.0 work:

I ran more t3 void defs and some longer void survivals and between yesterday and today id wager its no exaggeration to say that around 700-1000 heavies fell before our combined might... did we get whirlwind? No!

Inbetween i farmed som rares from nightmares... transmuted some and not only got sure footed which i lacked so far... but also... yes you guessed it Whirlwind...


And from what you hear from other players it indeed seems easier to get rare mods from transmuting...


Just let that roll off your tongue... shoving down rares the transmution throat, which basically is PURE LOTTERY with the advantage that you can ensure a mimimum level of rarity is MORE RELIABLE THAN FARMING LITTERALLY HUNDREDS OF ENEMIES...



Edited by DitsyPixie
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Proof that loot tables 2.0 work:

I ran more t3 void defs and some longer void survivals and between yesterday and today id wager its no exaggeration to say that around 700-1000 heavies fell before our combined might... did we get whirlwind? No!

Inbetween i farmed som rares from nightmares... transmuted some and not only got sure footed which i lacked so far... but also... yes you guessed it Whirlwind...


And from what you hear from other players it indeed seems easier to get rare mods from transmuting...


Just let that roll off your tongue... shoving down rares the transmution throat, which basically is PURE LOTTERY with the advantage that you can ensure a mimimum level of rarity is MORE RELIABLE THAN FARMING LITTERALLY HUNDREDS OF ENEMIES...



Transmutate totally sucks right now because the cost is just so freaking high.

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Proof that loot tables 2.0 work:

I ran more t3 void defs and some longer void survivals and between yesterday and today id wager its no exaggeration to say that around 700-1000 heavies fell before our combined might... did we get whirlwind? No!

Inbetween i farmed som rares from nightmares... transmuted some and not only got sure footed which i lacked so far... but also... yes you guessed it Whirlwind...


And from what you hear from other players it indeed seems easier to get rare mods from transmuting...


Just let that roll off your tongue... shoving down rares the transmution throat, which basically is PURE LOTTERY with the advantage that you can ensure a mimimum level of rarity is MORE RELIABLE THAN FARMING LITTERALLY HUNDREDS OF ENEMIES...



But doesn't that prove loot table 2.0 is not good? You had to do countless of nightmare missions and then shell out millions of credits just to get one mod.

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