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To People Saying The Galatine Is Op.


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We're saying that the charge time of Galatine is 1.7, you're saying the charge time + the swing is 1.7.

Again: If you watch the reinforcements video you can pretty clearly tell that it takes about 2 seconds to charge the weapon. To charge it, not charge + swing it.


was just for the sake of comparaison.

I watched the video, the whole thing takes less than 2 secs for me. I guess it's a matter of perception here.


(I thought moderators were not supposed to take side btw)

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was just for the sake of comparaison.

I watched the video, the whole thing takes less than 2 secs for me. I guess it's a matter of perception here.


(I thought moderators were not supposed to take side btw)

Use a timer app on your phone or a stop-watch if you don't have one. Don't trust perception.

Also, there's no "sides" where facts are concerned.


I would accept a 10 second charge time if that sound clip played every time you charged it.


Edited by GottFaust
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Use a timer app on your phone or a stop-watch if you don't have one. Don't trust perception.

Also, there's no "sides" where facts are concerned.


facts purely based on perception. Of a youtube video. Seriously?


As you said, we'll know the truth only IF we get datamined stats.

Edited by Thelonious
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was just for the sake of comparaison.

I watched the video, the whole thing takes less than 2 secs for me. I guess it's a matter of perception here.


(I thought moderators were not supposed to take side btw)


Use a timer app on your phone or a stop-watch if you don't have one. Don't trust perception.

Also, there's no "sides" where facts are concerned.


Worth remembering that we don't know what the mod setup in the video was, either. But for the time being I'm willing to assume that if DE tells us it has a charge time of 1.7 seconds, it has a charge time of 1.7 seconds.


Regarding moderators and taking sides: We're allowed to have opinions. We're allowed to express our opinions (subject, of course, to the same general 'don't be a jerk about it' policies as everyone else). We're not allowed to use our moderator powers to force our opinions (e.g. deleting dissenting posts, etc.). PM me if you want to talk about it further, so we don't derail this thread.

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facts purely based on perception. Of a youtube video. Seriously?


As you said, we'll know the truth only IF we get datamined stats.

Based on a youtube video, my personal in-game testing (I use a timer app on my phone and run repeated tests to make sure my results are accurate by the way), Thor's testing, and many other people.

Edit: Thanks to Phoenix86 for this video:

A small video comparing charging speeds:


Direct proof.

Edited by GottFaust
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I loved my Gram, but its glory days passed long ago...



Gram was great, but then there was Orthos, and then Orthos Prime and now Galatine.



You guys are really giving up, then? Accepting power creep?


You are willing to say "Yes. I will spend money/time on an item, and you are allowed to replace it at your discretion, DE." ?

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You guys are really giving up, then? Accepting power creep?


You are willing to say "Yes. I will spend money/time on an item, and you are allowed to replace it at your discretion, DE." ?

I personally have never spent any real money on a weapon, and I never will. Time spent enjoying a weapon isn't wasted, and if there's a weapon that comes along an replaces it at its specific job so be it. I'll just enjoy the new one for as long as the first.

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You guys are really giving up, then? Accepting power creep?


You are willing to say "Yes. I will spend money/time on an item, and you are allowed to replace it at your discretion, DE." ?


Um... To all you people who always assume that the worst is coming... I have one things to say...


'The sky is falling! the sky is falling! Eeee! Run!!!!!'


FYI I still have and use my Gram, my Bo and my Dual Skanas. I still use my Boltor (gasp). I even... still use my Bolto... (Shh....)  I know that the 'elite' players only use Acrid and Soma. I personally couldn't care less. I play to have fun, not to out DPS my neighbor.



Edited by Kalenath
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Um... To all you people who always assume that the worst is coming... I have one things to say...


'The sky is falling! the sky is falling! Eeee! Run!!!!!'


FYI I still have and use my Gram, my Bo and my Dual Skanas. I still use my Boltor (gasp). I even... still use my Bolto... (Shh....)  I know that the 'elite' players only use Acrid and Soma. I personally couldn't care less. I play to have fun, not to out DPS my neighbor.



I haven't touched my Acrid in months, and my Soma got to 30 and was never touched again... They're both so... boring...

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I personally have never spent any real money on a weapon, and I never will. Time spent enjoying a weapon isn't wasted, and if there's a weapon that comes along an replaces it at its specific job so be it. I'll just enjoy the new one for as long as the first.



Um... To all you people who always assume that the worst is coming... I have one things to say...


'The sky is falling! the sky is falling! Eeee! Run!!!!!'


FYI I still have and use my Gram, my Bo and my Dual Skanas. I know that the 'elite' players only use Acrid and Soma. I personally couldn't care less. I play to have fun, not to out DPS my neighbor.




Ok. Fine. My opinion is my own.


I'm usually the voice of reason, but this weapon has perturbed me greatly. Maybe my jimmies were rustled, maybe I sense something looming. I'll be a good little robot and use this weapon for now... But please, do not brush this aside so carelessly.

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Ok. Fine. My opinion is my own.


I'm usually the voice of reason, but this weapon has perturbed me greatly. Maybe my jimmies were rustled, maybe I sense something looming. I'll be a good little robot and use this weapon for now... But please, do not brush this aside so carelessly.

Rustled jimmies are understandable.

I was also thinking "WTF" when I first saw the 400 charge damage, but then I saw the video and timed the extremely slow swing. It's just a side-grade really. Great charge burst, great charge dps, but crap at everything else. Balance isn't always about single big numbers. If it was the Lanka would be the single best weapon out there instead of just one of them. It's about how all of the statistics of the weapon work together to produce a whole. I have no issue with weapons min-maxed to provide a huge, but extremely slow, hit or a multitude of extremely quick, but small, hits so long as it's not the second coming of the Acrid.

The Acrid should be the absolute power ceiling, and so far nothing has even come close.

Edited by GottFaust
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Ok. Fine. My opinion is my own.


I'm usually the voice of reason, but this weapon has perturbed me greatly. Maybe my jimmies were rustled, maybe I sense something looming. I'll be a good little robot and use this weapon for now... But please, do not brush this aside so carelessly.


Oh we're not done with power creep in this game. At all. AND WE'RE NOT DONE FIGHTING IT.


But you can see the obvious drawback of a looooooong charge attack. High level enemies are easily able to kill you before the charge triggers.

Risk--->Reward. It's not perfect but the intention is there.

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Ok. Fine. My opinion is my own.


I'm usually the voice of reason, but this weapon has perturbed me greatly. Maybe my jimmies were rustled, maybe I sense something looming. I'll be a good little robot and use this weapon for now... But please, do not brush this aside so carelessly.

Use whatever weapon you want. I was able to use a reaper prime during my solo t3 defense runs and I am still able to today. It not like they have any content that mandates the usage of the new sword.


I just want the sword because it looks like a good enough facsimile of Excalibur. I know I will not even use it once I make it because most of my melee ends up just for show on my warframe because the risk/reward in their use is terrible “Death by gunshot or death by Knockdown spam”.

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Use whatever weapon you want. I was able to use a reaper prime during my solo t3 defense runs and I am still able to today. It not like they have any content that mandates the usage of the new sword.


I just want the sword because it looks like a good enough facsimile of Excalibur. I know I will not even use it once I make it because most of my melee ends up just for show on my warframe because the risk/reward in their use is terrible “Death by gunshot or death by Knockdown spam”.



My playstyle revolves around having a guillotine melee weapon. I have to buy this weapon... Maybe that's why I'm upset. DE finally created a weapon I physically could not resist....

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^ This is still a big problem with all Prime weapons quite frankly. Prime weapons in general aren't as good as clan tech or market bought weapons, and this needs to be fixed, Now.

Actually it should stay this way... this makes sense... Primes are only supposed to be slightly better, or just have different animations like Skana Prime, different look, tiny stat, or polarization difference... and the Galantine should be vastly superior when it becomes a Prime itself... far stronger then Orthos Prime... the Galantine Prime will be the ideal Prime weapon when it does come around...

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