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New way to mod Warframes


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vor 4 Minuten schrieb (XB1)razberryX:

Banshee- Can't get killed if nothing can hit you. Spam sonar and keep a max duration silence on all the time for infinite CC and damage with Sonar. Resonance augment if preferred. 

Trinity- She's the literal definition of a tank. Keep bless up, and link +Adaptation mod for near invincibility. 

Zephyr- She was the OG definition of an invincible character. Run any range over 90% and max duration jet stream, nothing can touch you if you don't run into it.

Mag- Polarize a tanky enemy or even just a regular polarize'd enemy, with some range on it and stay in the bubble, recast when duration goes down to keep damage high, and CC higher. 

Excalibur- Now this one's kinda finicky, but I'll use Excalibur Umbra instead of base, for the Umbral Howl that stuns enemies and on top of that, slap some efficiency on there, and just spam spin (With exalted blade up) to keep recasting blind, go up to them and smack them with 400k yellow crits. 

are you sure that you can sustain that high energy consumption. Also, I said that you can survive that long, I was just talking about the efficiency.

Like, how are you supposed to keep up the life support with mag when you are limited to a small area? I get that banshee can stun enemies and give out lots of damage but just one hit from an enemy and you're dead. I don't like the argument "Can't get killed if nothing can hit you", of course you won't die, but you can't sustain the life support with that kind of behavior. Zephyr is good against projectiles but if you have any hitscan weapon on high level grineers, you will get shot and take good amounts of damage. Trinity can maybe survive but she does not have any ability that helps her with killing enemies. Well, excalibur can survive in high level missions but need him modded right with strenght and thus would need lots of energy.

I get were you're coming from but everything you said, except for excalibur, boils down to: these frames can't die and thus makes them viable for high level survival missions, you totally forgot about the ability to get enough life suppord. In your eyes, the warframes ability doesn't matter as long as you have a frame that can't die, in some cases this is true but the frames you listed just can't do that as they can't face enemies straight on.


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Okay, so this is one of those recurring topics where I think a lot more nuance would do the discussion good:

  • As others have mentioned, the OP's proposal would be unlikely to work with the mods we currently have, for the very obvious following reasons:
    • This would just give us space for more mods, and thus more raw power we don't really need.
    • Virtually all of our abilities are designed such that they scale off of some stats but not others, which would make it easy to max out all of our abilities at no real tradeoff if each ability had its own mod table (you'd just mix and match Corrupted mods and dump whichever stat the mod doesn't scale with).
  • If the way we modded our abilities were changed, however, such a proposal would likely work, and personally I'd even prefer it, because I'd rather have finer customization over all of my warframe than have one mod table for my warframe, plus four/five abilities. Additionally, while I like the concept of min-maxing, I'd rather apply it to each ability individually, so that I have a full kit to use (if one with plenty of tradeoffs), instead of rendering some abilities useless just for others to become overpowered.
  • Worth mentioning that having more mod slots in this manner is not automatically overpowered in itself: applying the same mod across all four different ability mod tables wouldn't be applying that mod four times, it would be the same as applying that mod just once. Thus, while splitting warframe and abilities across separate mod tables, and keeping the number of mods in each table, would in fact let players slot in more mods overall, that wouldn't be the case across abilities.

In my opinion, I'd like to move towards the OP's proposed system, provided that our warframe mods radically changed, perhaps to the point of ditching the current Power Duration/Efficiency/Range/Strength stat system and shifting to more bespoke effects. I think there are some fundamental problems with our current ability stats as they exist, as they lend themselves more to abuse and generic power increases rather than any true form of customization, and currently it's led to only two flavors of warframe builds: older warframes can entertain multiple builds, but usually that's because those builds hyper-capitalize on one or two abilities while atrophying the rest; whereas newer frames tend to have kits that are more consistently useful, but also only have one truly valid line of stats to build for. While it's not quite as bad as weapon modding, it's still not a great state of customization, and I think there's better ways of modding our warframes out there.

Edited by Teridax68
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il y a une heure, Teridax68 a dit :

Okay, so this is one of those recurring topics where I think a lot more nuance would do the discussion good:

  • As others have mentioned, the OP's proposal would be unlikely to work with the mods we currently have, for the very obvious following reasons:
    • This would just give us space for more mods, and thus more raw power we don't really need.
    • Virtually all of our abilities are designed such that they scale off of some stats but not others, which would make it easy to max out all of our abilities at no real tradeoff if each ability had its own mod table (you'd just mix and match Corrupted mods and dump whichever stat the mod doesn't scale with).
  • If the way we modded our abilities were changed, however, such a proposal would likely work, and personally I'd even prefer it, because I'd rather have finer customization over all of my warframe than have one mod table for my warframe, plus four/five abilities. Additionally, while I like the concept of min-maxing, I'd rather apply it to each ability individually, so that I have a full kit to use (if one with plenty of tradeoffs), instead of rendering some abilities useless just for others to become overpowered.
  • Worth mentioning that having more mod slots in this manner is not automatically overpowered in itself: applying the same mod across all four different ability mod tables wouldn't be applying that mod four times, it would be the same as applying that mod just once. Thus, while splitting warframe and abilities across separate mod tables, and keeping the number of mods in each table, would in fact let players slot in more mods overall, that wouldn't be the case across abilities.

In my opinion, I'd like to move towards the OP's proposed system, provided that our warframe mods radically changed, perhaps to the point of ditching the current Power Duration/Efficiency/Range/Strength stat system and shifting to more bespoke effects. I think there are some fundamental problems with our current ability stats as they exist, as they lend themselves more to abuse and generic power increases rather than any true form of customization, and currently it's led to only two flavors of warframe builds: older warframes can entertain multiple builds, but usually that's because those build hyper-capitalize on one or two abilities while atrophying the rest; whereas newer frames tend to have kits that are more consistently useful, but also only have one truly valid line of stats to build for. While it's not quite as bad as weapon modding, it's still not a great state of customization, and I think there's better ways of modding our warframes out there.

Thanks to understand my vision !

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8 hours ago, (XB1)Sasorjita said:

Warframes are overpowerded Orokin weapon, why you don't want play Frames at 100% of their capacities ?

Back when the system was just like you want it to be, I only had 1 Warframe skill active - Super Jump.


... Now, I have access to 4 abilities, 3 of which (again) are barely being used or not being used at all, but I don't use mod slots to have those abilities available because they're Warframe abilities, not mods.


Any wish you want from the old retired systems will remain there. It doesn't matter how many explanations you're looking to get from pretty, so you can take your time to annoy the crap out of us with counter-theories and counter-arguments, the Devs dropped those in favor of the current system because they are Warframe abilities, not mods, and they are now being treated like they were supposed to.

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