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Vauban, A Huge Disapointment?


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Im always agaisnt removing/forma warframe skills.. its just soo wrong removing diversity for raw numbers =/ and tesla still effective as stun mechanic (waiting armor 2.0 blablabla)


bounce needs to scale with power badly.

Why does Bounce need to scale? It's a jump pad that doesn't disappear until used. Anything else it does is just gravy. I would like it if more tiles had layouts that made bounce useful though. As it is right now, I only use Bounce semi-frequently on defense missions to save myself and teammates time in getting around.
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Ever play any tower defense games? Vauban is pretty close to that. It's about combining his skills with his weapons. It takes some getting used to, and knowing of placement for effective CC, though 8 of 10 times you'll be spamming Bastille to prevent mobs from getting too close and picking them off as they're helplessly in suspension.


Utilizing Vortex and a Flux Rifle with Shred - or Metal Auger - and you have a lovely grinder that tears apart high level mobs as they're helplessly flailing about in a central point.


Spamming Teslas in some locations can help deal chip damage to enemies - as well stun them briefly. As an example of this working effectively : At Kappa while defending the Cryopod, spam two sets of teslas at the ceiling near the two doors closest to the pod and there's an effective defense against the Grineer attempting to enter the room. Combine that, with a bastille around the pod and if enemies get too close, they'll still be within effective range of the tesla spam.


Bounce - not as commonly used as a utility than it is to troll or for mobility - can still be used to bounce enemies away, and have them smack the ground to take a few moments to be able to get back up on their feet and try again. Learn placements with Bounce, and you can set up bouncers that are vertical instead of horizontal - bouncing enemies backwards several meters. Or on some maps, place them on diagonal surfaces to bounce them up and back.


So yes, Vauban does require a bit of learning to be able to play, but it is possible. Placement is key, but so are the mods attached. Stretch, Continuity, Flow, Streamline, Vigor (or Redirection for Vaubans low shields), and Focus. What I normally run with when playing as Vauban. To effectively hold up more enemies, deal more damage with Tesla, suspend enemies for longer with Bastille and Vortex, and of course, have effecient energy usage.

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  • 2 months later...

any one who thinks Vauban I rubbish has got a screw lose


bastila good for a tight situation and can be thrown quite a good distance


vortex its good for crowd control have to  many enemies together just throw it and they all come together then use a embolist hits all of them or leave it behind you and run they all get sucked in


tesla still a good ability at mid levels just put the tesla's on your sentinel with maybe 10-15 tesla's cheap energy if you use efficiency mods then you got your self a better ability than volts shock


bounce yer could be made better I just spam it at a door or hall way and watch enemies just fly back


people need to learn to use frames before judging them

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Apparently somebody decided to use Shadows of the Dead on this thread.


Since the time the thread was originally alive Damage 2.0 has come and a buff to Bounce with it. Bounce now procs the Magnetic status effect (reduces maximum shields) on bounced enemies, making it useful for weakening Corpus and bosses.


Vauban is still relevant, but his powers are meant to complement your gunplay and swordplay, not replace them altogether.

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Exactly my thought on the OP...


Let me give you a little bit of knowledge from someone who has been around the block a few times (if being around the block is maxing out warframes, I have done it 17 times =).


Vauban is NOT a damage frame.  He is a crowd control frame. He will NEVER do tons of damage but he controls the enemies like nobody else.  Frost may be able to block cryopods, but the Vauban dominates the defense and crowd control area.  Let me break down how the abilities ARE MEANT to work so you don't post any more threads like this.


Tesla - A cheap ability that when combined with focus, duration and stretch, makes for an easy electric trap that picks off the lower quality (NOT LEVEL) enemies even at the higher levels.  This ability essential clears all the fluff so you don't have to waste ammo doing so.  In a bunch of cases, it is so cheap and decent for the price that it can block enemy routes or distract enemies who are advancing.  Note: Ever notice how it causes ancients to pause their charge?


Bounce - A fun item that can easily throw rushing ancients or others off boards and into crevices or deadspace.  Yet again, this allows you to have A) more time and B) less swarming, and of course C) the ability to get to areas you couldn't before to perch on and fire away without the threat of an enemy contact.  Note: Fun to use, but a lower quality item.


Bastille - Do I need to explain this crowd control awesomeness?  Go ahead and shoot/melee/laugh at the big boys who get stuck.  Giving you PLENTY of time to rock'm sock'm robot them to death.


Vortex - Vacuum + Pull + Awesomesauce?  This abiliity not only drags enemies to a central location (*cough* crowd control) it also damages them while... "wait for it"... putting them in the most central location ever to fire at.  When caught in the vortex, find the most inaccurate gun you have and fire away... Free XP!  Oh, and don't forget for everyone NOT running the Carrier sentinel as a big thank you goes out for vacuuming up all the drops for these enemies into one location.


Now if you are having trouble with the Vauban I suggest the following steps now that you are informed:

- Start with Tesla, max it, use mods to buff it, and learn it.

- Rinse and repeat for the rest....



Ending Thought:  Always ask yourself this magic question when getting a new warframe: What is it meant to do and how can I do that best? " Had you done this you would realize that frames like the Frost and Rhino are tanks, Nova, Ember, etc. are damage frames, and so forth...

Edited by Creovex
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Exactly my thought on the OP...


Let me give you a little bit of knowledge from someone who has been around the block a few times (if being around the block is maxing out warframes, I have done it 17 times =).


Vauban is NOT a damage frame.  He is a crowd control frame. He will NEVER do tons of damage but he controls the enemies like nobody else.  Frost may be able to block cryopods, but the Vauban dominates the defense and crowd control area.  Let me break down how the abilities ARE MEANT to work so you don't post any more threads like this.


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Apparently somebody decided to use Shadows of the Dead on this thread.


Since the time the thread was originally alive Damage 2.0 has come and a buff to Bounce with it. Bounce now procs the Magnetic status effect (reduces maximum shields) on bounced enemies, making it useful for weakening Corpus and bosses.


Vauban is still relevant, but his powers are meant to complement your gunplay and swordplay, not replace them altogether.


'But it doesn't kill the entire screen when the '4' button is pressed so it SUCKS as a warframe!'


That is what many people seem to be saying. I find Vauban a lot of fun to play. Bouncing enemies off cliffs is a LOT of fun. The problem is that it requires thought. It requires planning and warning your team not to run through the area you are trapping.


Banshee is my main, but Vauban runs a VERY close second. It can't outlast Rhino with Iron Skin in close combat. It can't outdamage Nova with ult spam. It can't throw up a Snow Globe and laugh at enemy fire like Frost can. But Vauban CAN be a lot of fun.


Some people want everything to be the same. I don't. I ENJOY trying out new, cool ideas with Bounce, Bastille and Tesla. Vortex? Meh. I can live without it, but I LOVE Bounce.

Edited by Kalenath
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"well balanced frames: nova"




also requesting a change like mag got when the change that mag got completely altered how she plays and turned an interesting positioning skill into a mindless nuke

Nova is well balance with squishy come with power. Excepted she stole people's kills more compared to other frames so now they hating her. 


Back to topic, vauban is a must in survival mission if you wanna stay for very long, and especially he is extremely useful in infest defense mission. 

He is awesome, also, ye I agree, bounce is kinda useless at time. 

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Vauban is in mynopinion a great frame. Hse's a engineerish type frame setting up crowd control in all 4 of his abilities, telsa stuns the enemies with electricity. Bounce shoots them up into the air. Bastille suspends them into the air, tho the capacity should be infinite in my opinion the main problem is Vortex, the idea of vortex is by far the ultimate crowd control ability. The provlem with it is the massive frame drop for people who arent able to play the game with high frame rate. I run the game with 70 fps but it drops down significantly when 30 enemies are being compressed into a small area ragdolling constantly. I've seen my clan mates crash out and in extreme cases their computer crashes entirely.

Edit: my apologies on the grammatical errors im writing from my mobile device.

Edited by ThatShadyGuy
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Vauban is honestly probably one of the most overpowered frames.


Max Fleeting Expertise, then you can choose to use other mods like Narrow Minded and Overextended.


Your abilities are basically free, it doesn't matter that your Tesla does little damage when you have THIRTY of them out to instakill the first enemy to walk up to an area, multiple smaller Bastille's prevents the target cap problem, and Vortex has no cost but still does a large amount of utility.

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i recently got vauban and i have to say... he is pretty UP

his only good power is bastille which was nerfed and his damage skills scale extremely bad

he should be alot better for the "hardest to get" warframe and i hope damage 2.0 will help most warframes to be viable again.


please tell me your opinion about vauban.


edit: few examples for well balanced frames:


Nova (great caster frame, her ult is probably a bit too strong)

Mag (got recently buffed)

Rhino (great skills overall good frame)

Nyx (controlling enemies, scales perfectly)


but thats it already


edit2: to all l2p kids, i dont ask for a huge roflpwn buff but for slight adjustments to his damage skills (like mag recently)!


L2P as a Vauban, he is an entirely different class.

He is nor aggressive, nor defensive. He is more passive.

He plays into the situation you're thrown in, and does it really well.


Tesla can be used to block an entrance and stun-lock your opponent.

This should be used in high traffic places with a LOT of tesla's.


Bounce can be used to block paths or transport yourself.

Bounce isn't too useful, but stick a few on a pod or put one down in a road you want blocked but isn't used too much.

You can also use it to reach hard-to-reach places.


Bastille can make a "safe zone" which is rather big, whenever you want.

When you're not being COMPLETELY swarmed and still need a safe haven, use it.

It's also effective at defending a certain position, but not too good for blocking roads, since it limits your view.


Vortex can make a pile of enemies whenever you please, but has less effective radius.

This is more a desperate measure, throw it down in a heavy-used path when you're being swarmed.

It will create clusterf*cks of piles of enemies and significantly drop your FPS, but it's well worth it. (Entertaining and useful)

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Is it just me, or some of the players are becoming trolls against L2P?


It's just a response that some should really "Learn how to play". There are a lot of people whining for Nerfs and now you want to ruin other frames only because of who they are.

Plus, Mod is going to lock this thread after 5+ posts or sooner.

Edited by Freelancer27
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i recently got vauban and i have to say... he is pretty UP

his only good power is bastille which was nerfed and his damage skills scale extremely bad

he should be alot better for the "hardest to get" warframe and i hope damage 2.0 will help most warframes to be viable again.


please tell me your opinion about vauban.


edit: few examples for well balanced frames:


Nova (great caster frame, her ult is probably a bit too strong)

Mag (got recently buffed)

Rhino (great skills overall good frame)

Nyx (controlling enemies, scales perfectly)


but thats it already


edit2: to all l2p kids, i dont ask for a huge roflpwn buff but for slight adjustments to his damage skills (like mag recently)!

The highly tactical VAUBAN uses his powers to create deadly traps that can zap, imprison and dimensionally crush enemies.


Tactical!  You can't just run into room willy nilly and expect not to get wrecked. Vauban is about utility/control, in end game that is king and far more useful than a damage ability. 




Good damage/CC vs Corpus

Moderate CC vs others




Great mobility power

Great for CC on tough mobs, if you use a series of them you can damage and keep mobs knocked down, or use then in a doorway to create a bottleneck and control flow of mobs thru door, lots of creative uses.




Amazing CC ability, can lock down entire room full of mobs now that you can drop multiple copies of it.




Another AE CC ability thats very powerful.


Most end game damage comes from weapons not abilities, will say it again utility is everything in endgame.


Vauban has so many CC abilities he should barely get hit, never mind worrying about his shields going down.


Vauban UP?  Umm no, you just need to play to his strength.  He is a God frame like Loki & Nyx, played right they can solo crap that would wipe full groups.

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