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Vauban, A Huge Disapointment?


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here's the best set of weapons you can get for vauban- ogris or something that hits multiple attackers at once, same with your secondary- i suggest an acrid if you can afford it, or despair/kunai to kill rapidly.  heavy weapon like galatine, orthos to charge up and smash them while in vortex.  Teslas are ok, not great and like most have said you just have to find your niche with him.


Mods- streamline focus flow energy siphon vigor and continuity.  you can choose to equip all his abilities or forma them out. 


His damage comes more from his disabling more than an actual damaging skill.  weapons will help you to maximize your output.


also i'm sorry for the people that have come in here and toss out damaging/ belittling comments.  its a sign that we as a community need to do better

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i recently got vauban and i have to say... he is pretty UP


Hmmm no.


Your complaints are invalid for the simple reason that you're trying to judge a CC based frame on its damage output.


All it shows is that you never understood how to play or appreciate its abilities.


Vauban has no nuke abilities, it's powerset revolves entirely around CC and letting your weapons do the killing while the enemy is tied up. It synergizes amazingly well in tight quarters and with any AoE weapon, be it melee or ranged.


If you cannot understand that, then there really is no point talking to you because you don't want opinions. You want an echo chamber.

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This topic might have actually led to some interesting discussion if it wasn't for the fact that the topic creator seems to get angry way too easily.

Vauban is actually pretty straightforward so long as you have Streamline and/or Flow. For the most part, Vauban just tosses out Bastille's to stun whole rooms of enemies. If you are facing too many enemies for one Bastille to hold, then just layer another Bastille on top of it, or toss out a Vortex.

Vortex by itself isn't really that great unless you can manage to get nearly every enemy in the room with it, but it does draw enemies into a small area that you can then hit with some form of AoE weapon to quickly kill a whole bunch of enemies at once. If you do that, then Vortex is actually one of the quickest ways to take care of a huge swarm of enemies.

Tesla really does falloff in usefulness later on, but you can still stack a whole bunch of them in a small area to do some decent damage over a long period of time, so long as you have the energy for it.

The only thing not really straightforward is Bounce, which can be used to help your team skip sections of some maps, or just more easily get into certain locations. Something to keep in mind in defense missions is that Bounce does not have a duration, so you can toss them in certain spots early on for your team to use when they need to, however much later that might be.

Personally I think Vauban is one of the best frames in the game, and is still probably the best frame to take on an infested defense mission.

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"Learn to play" is not an answer. Constructive suggestions on how to best use Vauban would be useful answers. "L2P" is just trolling.

I'm currently ranking up a Vauban, and frankly, I'm not enamored with it. It just doesn't fit my play style. Though, I do take far too much joy in dropping Tesla in front of consoles before enemies get to them.

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Tesla is pointless for anything above Lvl 25,


Bounce is useful for ultility and surprisingly I use it more than I thought since the nerf (or buff depends on your own opinion) to vortex where it doesn't pick up players anymore.


Bastille idc what anyone says it's still OP as hell it disables 12 mobs on the battlefield and usually you don't fill it up if you kill fast enough.


Vortex <---- His best skill. Currently it doesn't pick up every mob anymore into the vortex but it will still knock them down and enable a "RagDoll animation or effect". This "Ragdoll" animation allows a player to get the most out of his Ignis, Ogris, Embolist, and Torid, b/c the dmg will hit every single body part on the mob and some mobs have like 6-10 spots that can be damaged (which all of them get hit). Now besides the fact that it does INSANELY high dmg which from experience can one shot mobs way past Lvl200 (ogris on xini high wave :P) it has it fair share of downsides.


1. It no longer grabs all mobs in the area and pulls them to the vortex but it will still knock them down and bring them closer but will not suck them in the vortex like the old one did Pre-patch.

2. Some weapons will not damage the down mobs due to the ragdoll being buggy (Same thing applies to Mag's pull activating the stupid animation...)

3. It can no longer be used to troll ppl >:D

4. That's it :3 (there probably is more but I'm to tired to really think)

Edited by EggsOverEasy
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Vauban is probably one of the most fun frames to play. He's not about power, he's for crowd control and he has a series of abilities that do that wonderfully.


It seems like you just want him to be another boring nuke frame. I'm glad he isn't. Frames like Nova are great and all but they get incredibly boring to play when you use a button to auto-kill everything. 

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I'd actually argue that Tesla can potentially be useful for a personal crowd control on a teammate; if you have someone like a Saryn, Nyx, or Ember--who do their job best admist the enemy--having multiple Teslas on them to stun nearby enemies is probably helpful for their survivability.  Not fullproof, maybe, but when you have over 450 energy from max Flow and Esprit helmet, max Streamline, and max Energy Siphon, plus tons of energy orbs everywhere, you can afford to drop some Teslas on top of a couple Bastilles and Vortexes.


And yeah, if anything we need more frames that are built around more than just blowing up enemies.  We need more warframes that need a bit more tactical thinking to use well.  If anything, the ones like Vauban, Trinity, Nyx, Nekros, etc. are the most satisfying to use.

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I carry Tesla on every mission. They're wonderful for popping shield ospreys and cameras while on the move. They also CC Grineer reasonably well. Not so useful on Infested, but that's what Bastille and Vortex are for.


Bounce is a silly ability and needs to be replaced.

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Vauban is probably one of the most fun frames to play. He's not about power, he's for crowd control and he has a series of abilities that do that wonderfully.


It seems like you just want him to be another boring nuke frame. I'm glad he isn't. Frames like Nova are great and all but they get incredibly boring to play when you use a button to auto-kill everything. 

only 2 atm.

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everything is fine except tesla which is extremely weak in 30+ regions


Just broke Vauban out again after not using him for a while. Tesla is admittingly weak late game, but it does retain it's ability to stun Grineer and Corpus units, so it actually makes a really great early warning system if you just toss down 6 or 8 around a Defense target (just follow the electrical streams to your enemies). With a stretch mod, you can stun enemies long before they get into attack range. Useless on infested though, but that's what all his other powers are for.


I pretty much have to agree with the majority that what Vauban lacks in damage he makes up for with creativity and just being one of the funnest frames to use.

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