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Regarding the changes to Itzal, and Archwings in general

(XBOX)Erudite Prime

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Who approved of this? I seriously cannot find a single positive change in any of this. 

1) Why give the Itzal rip-line of all things? Valkyr's first is considered by many the most forgettable and least useful ability in the game, so I'm very curious to know which conversation decided this. On the Itzal, it's still as random and useless as it is on Valkyr. There are so many other warframe abilities, like Wisp's Wil-O-Wisp, that would have been way better and actually fit with the Itzal's theme of being stealthy.

2) There is no way to Blink, at all, on controllers. Before, afterburners were activated by pressing A while dashing. Now, doing that just raises our elevation. Who decided to straight-up remove a part of the control scheme? I know that this was addressed in the patch notes, but this is still absolutely absurd since we're going to have to go weeks before we can effectively do anything with our archwings. We lost both Blink and Afterburners.

3) The entire new movement to Archwings in open world areas seems way more limited now. Sure, we can stop easier, and maybe I just need more time to get used to it, but we can't even do barrel rolls anymore. Come on, that was cool. 

4) Nobody used the Itzal over the other Archwings just because it was simply better. People used it because speed is literally the only thing that matters when it comes to flying through the sky. It's still the fastest Archwing, so people are still going to almost exclusively use it, except now maybe the Amesha will see some use too. This change didn't bring the other archwings literally up to speed, it just crippled the Itzal. 

Edited by (XB1)Erudite Prime
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1) The question literally everyone but the person who pushed that change through is asking and was asking long before it was actually implemented. 

2) don't use controllers myself so I'll assume it's an issue. 

3) never cared about barrel rolls BUT now every AW mode seems to have the same sprint Toggle issue that was introduced with PoE and until now segregated to Atmospheric AW where it forces forward momentum and negates the S key from acting as a brake. Which is kinda miserable especially with Titania.

4) The reason people used the Itzal over the other AW wasn't because it was simply better on that we agree. The problem is that the mechanics they slathered the Atmospheric flight with (see arcane one shot dismount mechanic) and terribly scaling Archwing abilities rendered all of their unique properties worthless. 

Like seriously who the hell cares if the Amesha has a metric boatload of shields or the Elytron has the most Armor if an AA missile is just going to one shot you out of t hem anyhow....so if nothing else matters of course people are going to gravitate to the literal only AW that brings remotely usable utility to the field of play. 


Honestly speaking I don't think that any of the diversification of AW is going to come from the change to Blink.... what is going to change it is the addition of Empyrion which actually makes the differences of the AW stand out (completely unlike Skywing which homogenized everything down to nothing) and the fact that the user interface to swap out your AW is just a bad enough user experience that people in general won't take the time to be bothered with swapping their AW out just for Skywing content. 

Edited by Oreades
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you are correct... 

thing is i go fast faster than most to the point it was a point of pride to speed run rush. without the level of drift control i have now that afterburners are automatically done i bump into stuff non stop. the one thing i though would be cool is if we could latch on to a ship with rip line and have it drag us so we could focus on aiming and nope cant do that it just pulls them to you. (However you can escape the tethers using it on rush for a speed boost.) I even tried the pursuit mission because unless you are good at flying and embraced the system it wasnt easy but the ship wont drag you it just says invalid target

as for elevation i always used a combination of sticks when using afterburners to kind of drag race through levels.

I shouted at DE forever to just let the 5th ability where you hop out of your tenno be blink but no matter where i posted it i was just a voice in the wind an echo never heard

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Hi , everyone! Crossposting from the megathread if anyone's interested, feel free to just ignore it if not. ^^


Sorry to insist but, of all the flight models you had to chose from for Archwing, you chose...

...the one I found the most boring.

Sorry if I don't feel constructive but you can't expect people that have been playing having complete control and freedom in flight for two years in this game, to simply gracefully accept being forced suddenly and with no prior communication whatsoever about it, having to fly according to a plane again and with 180° locks on the pitch controls. This is the one of the most ambitious game modes ever developed in Warframe and you chose, consciously, despite being the game mode which features actual space the most, to have a flat field of reference. It doesn't feel right and it even does not make sense in space, where you don't have visual indication of orientation to anticipate the gimbal lock, not unless you consciously navigate around asteroids only ever going left or right and keep the planet in sight at all times to have a point of reference as to where "down" is. It's not flying anymore, it's hovering fast.

Not having complete free-flight feels flat and boring. Even if I seem angry, it's not really because of the change but because it has been decided so suddenly and forcibly to remove something people enjoyed with no time to prepare to it, compared to your usual openness to feedback. There's no reason we couldn't have discussed constructively about it if we had any indication this was in the works. If some people can't deal with being upside down sometimes, just give them an auto-roll setting just like the railjack has (even if we would like it to be actually optional for the Railjack too) instead of breaking the legs of everyone just so we all limp the same.

Please don't break our wings.


Edited by lukaself
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24 minutes ago, lukaself said:

Hi , everyone! Crossposting from the megathread if anyone's interested, feel free to just ignore it if not. ^^


Sorry to insist but, of all the flight models you had to chose from for Archwing, you chose...

...the one I found the most boring.

Sorry if I don't feel constructive but you can't expect people that have been playing having complete control and freedom in flight for two years in this game, to simply gracefully accept being forced suddenly and with no prior communication whatsoever about it, having to fly according to a plane again and with 180° locks on the pitch controls. This is the one of the most ambitious game modes ever developed in Warframe and you chose, consciously, despite being the game mode which features actual space the most, to have a flat field of reference. It doesn't feel right and it even does not make sense in space, where you don't have visual indication of orientation to anticipate the gimbal lock, not unless you consciously ever navigate around asteroids only ever going left or right and keep the planet in sight at all times to have a point of reference as to where "down" is. It's not flying anymore, it's hovering fast.

Not having complete free-flight feels flat and boring. Even if I seem angry, it's not really because of the change but because it has been decided so suddenly and forcibly to remove something people enjoyed with no time to prepare to it, compared to your usual openness to feedback. There's no reason we couldn't have discussed constructively about it if we had any indication this was in the works. If some people can't deal with being upside down sometimes, just give them an auto-roll setting just like the railjack has (even if we would like it to be actually optional for the Railjack too) instead of breaking the legs of everyone just so we all limp the same.

Please don't break our wings.




This is somewhat what i just said on stream. I go in depth on changes that should be made to archwing not necessarily a reversal but some changes do need to be made.

out of the things i listed was,

1 the gimbal lock or what i called reduced range of motion.

2 after burner is almost non controllable rush is a pain to do now since i cant drift like i used to

3 blink is of course not for whatever reason being used in the transference slot where it would be super easy to code in

4 the lack of customization for controls

5 and how itzals ripline SHOULD work

its a thirty minute stream but if you guys are interested here is the link I try my best to give constructive critisism and I hope DE is listening. These are things ive screamed out at them just for them to hear me. but every bit of my passion for this game seems to be lost to the void. I sometimes feel like non of our feedback matters



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Hopefully I can fit something constructive here somewhere... 😂

One of the best parts of flying an Archwing for me has always been the feeling of absolute freedom and total control over where you are going. When I went to fly today it was like someone had taken away my fighter jet and replaced it with a scooty puff jr only I couldn't tell until I was in the air. It was quite unpleasant.

I agree than an *optional* roll correction feature to help new players get the feel of flight would have been a much better fix for the issue than what we got. Instead as mentioned & quite thoroughly discussed above we got the most Basic flight we could possibly have after years of experiencing total control. 

Other than that so far enjoying the ps4 Rising Tide release, but that was a negative enough impact on my gaming experience that I was compelled to post. 


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