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"I play other looter shooters and this is just how RNG works."


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The whole thing is a non-issue, because it's objectively faster to just farm up 50 plat and buy rush repair drone. Which completely bypasses time gating AND resource costs for price of, what, 5-7 syndicate mods?

Which is an actual issue with the whole thing. Resource economy of RJ parts is utterly #*!%ed. And no, in case somebody at DE gets the wrong idea here - it's not the plat side of things that's the problem.

Edited by Serafim_94
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8 minutes ago, Serafim_94 said:

The whole thing is a non-issue, because it's objectively faster to just farm up 50 plat and buy rush repair drone. Which completely bypasses time gating AND resource costs for price of, what, 5-7 syndicate mods?

Which is an actual issue with the whole thing. Resource economy of RJ parts is utterly #*!%ed. And no, in case somebody at DE gets the wrong idea here - it's not the plat side of things that's the problem.

What you're talking about IS part of the issue.  I am in not supporting them in this by buying plat and spending it OR farming it and taking it out of the economy by spending it on market consumables.  I have supported them many times with a good bit of money, but it has been by spending plat or money on things that aren't shady as hell like cosmetics, not the solution they're selling to the problem they created.

I will spend plat on cosmetics (god I have spent a lot of plat on cosmetics.)  I will spend plat on slot capacity.  I will spend plat to buy things from other players, like rivens.  I'm not dropping a real or virtual dime on their ridiculous time gates.  I'll either suffer through them, not play that mode until they fix it, or stop playing altogether.  For me and several others, the time-gating plus RNG means this content just won't get played and we're back to not having much to do in the core game.  I'm not going to actually buy plat or support them financially any more than I already have until they dig their heads out of their asses and stop putting out trash like 7 layer dip RNG Liches and the Triple RNG time gated nonsense that is railjack parts.  People get all offended when someone says they aren't going to be paying for anything anymore and will just farm plat instead, and those are usually the first people to moan "but it's freeeeee" when you complain about things like time gates.

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1 hour ago, Serafim_94 said:

it's objectively faster to just farm up 50 plat and buy rush repair drone.

They were talking on the Devstream about them a little bit, suggesting trying to include them as rewards in the game in places. In addition to increasing resource rewards and decreasing resource costs and whatnot.

Empyrean launched in really hot and rough, so they still have to fine tune a lot of this.

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On 2019-12-21 at 1:22 AM, Xrkr said:

So was Firefall.

The problem that I can see is that Firefall was primarily an MMO, player counts at any one time will dictate the games playability and success. Warframe is playable solo, but heavily encourages coop. What's kept me playing Warframe is the fact that I don't have to invest in a new game every year or two like I would have to for other series, instead this game just has everything on the same game. 


People always make the comparison to Destiny as well, neither game has done that well and both have had an insane amount of paid dlc needed to be considered full games. And in my experience with this game DE seems to be quite a bit better than just about any other dev in 2019, not perfect but then again nothing is. 

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Red Dough Boy said:

The problem that I can see is that Firefall was primarily an MMO

Any MMO heavily relies on this and its insanely IMPORTANT, that they keep player engagement thru fun activities, especially aiming for even more fun things to do. You cannot keep feeding people regular bread for 1 year and expect them to still like eating bread. You need to change it up with things like white bread, wheat, bagels, cinnamon rolls, baguettes, those french donuts, regular donuts, freaking pull a curve ball and also do other carb-based products like Rice. Actually serve foods that you use bread for like Sanwiches.

This is honestly the most basic example of how any Online game, whether its MMO or just have online capability requires to last for more then a week, if they do not keep introduce new and exciting ways while also addressing issues that people have with the current form of the game, then its going to be treated as some stuck-up attitude that the developers rather write thar own `fanfiction` for the game, instead of catering to the audience they made the game for. Besides, if you are going to write a fanfiction for the content you are releasing, you better make sure its a fanfiction that the majority of people are enjoying, not one`s ignorant whims as if you already have all the funds to complete it and you do not need to care about any profit you would get from it.


, player counts at any one time will dictate the games playability and success. Warframe is playable solo, but heavily encourages coop.

A game is only truly solo`able when it has an offline mode, Warframe is simply a online game which most content can be done soloed once you have enough of the required elements to do said content. Sure It is possible to farm resources, prime parts and eidolons without other players, but the extra time length it would take to do without would be insanely unreasonable, at best it could be classified as sandbox mission instance game play where the feeling of engrossment can wildy vary, since you could instantly die without any notice because of how warframe is not exactly a properly polished game when you take a fine tooth comb to examine all the Lice that is present in its noggin.


What's kept me playing Warframe is the fact that I don't have to invest in a new game every year or two like I would have to for other series, instead this game just has everything on the same game. 

Honestly that is the same logic that applies to any game that is not ran by B.S. companies like Activision & EA games, which pretty much encompasses anything that is a sports, racing or Call of Duty or similar FPS yearly title release thing. Warframe honestly is one of those older breed of games that did not take the retarded route by completely scrapping the original title in favor of updating the engine. Which usually acts as a easy way to know they will give a middle finger to many people`s progress and likely close out the title soon enough.

Ultimately, this is where i would rather companies would make these `live service` games into allowing people to convert to a personal hosting like system which also allows offline play, so people can continue enjoying those games after they had lost its official support, but can still be a great relic of a title that can be brought back to show off to a newer generation.

I would honestly use the original title that came before Phantasy Star Online 2, that people can likely get the files for and play it again on PC, Phantasy Star Online, the first one, as a proper representation of keeping a older `online` game still able to exist. Because this acts as a perfect example on how a live service game should be converted into that or just let people pay a one time fee to gain access to being able to publically host thar own servers, instead of letting the title rot to death with those who bought the game, unable to play it anymore.


People always make the comparison to Destiny as well, neither game has done that well and both have had an insane amount of paid dlc needed to be considered full games. And in my experience with this game DE seems to be quite a bit better than just about any other dev in 2019, not perfect but then again nothing is. 

Both games were looter shooters in space so the comparison was already solid. It was kind of expected that a paid game has to have a bare minimum of good quality, but of course, greedy companies attached to the developer can always fk that minimum requirement over. Warframe itself always has that free to play brand able to let it skirt thru most of what people will likely shake off whatever fkery it will pull.

Do you think a free to play tag can let things like MOBAs or Mobile games get away with forcing people thru insidious huge time investments per day? While forcing them into ridiculous competitive game modes such as getting the highest score against Several bosses just to earn more loot so they can push towards getting better, since everyone else wants to get better? Do you think its fair to continuously increase the amount of random-ness that could be present in a game, when it kept to a very fixed and unclouded way of knowing what one would get and would not need to be forced thru the arduous journey just to get the exact same item but pray its a better version then the one they got?

No, its not fair to make a game even worst to manage, when they still have other hassle-some systems that have not been minimized or simplified at all, Which some are a continuous requirement to do such as nightwaves, void trace farming, kuva farming, syndicate standing farming, eidolon farming, market `farming`, plus having to go as far to prepare MATERIALS in advance on console, after seeing what the costs for something is on PC, to avoid ridiculous hurdles that could stall people for days just to be able to wait on a timer to finish so they can finally get to trying the goods...

...oh wait, you still need to grind the weapon to max multiple times so its in a decent enough shape to use in any content that is NOT level 20 or below trash solar map missions?


D.E.`s sin is not greed, but its a huge helping of SLOTH, because they clearly are too lazy to go back and fix up content, despite having huge amounts of feedback to draw from to get a good idea on how to fix said elements. Which by fixing said elements, they could make many players happy, regain huge amounts of trust and can slow down on releasing new content, since many will be appeased by older content getting fixed up first, which should be less difficult for them to do, then working on new content from scratch, if they ever make any content from scratch these days, instead of using existing assets cobbled and re-textured together to cheese past some things.

Edited by Avienas
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52 minutes ago, Avienas said:

D.E.`s sin is not greed, but its a huge helping of SLOTH, because they clearly are too lazy to go back and fix up content, despite having huge amounts of feedback to draw from to get a good idea on how to fix said elements. Which by fixing said elements, they could make many players happy, regain huge amounts of trust and can slow down on releasing new content, since many will be appeased by older content getting fixed up first, which should be less difficult for them to do, then working on new content from scratch, if they ever make any content from scratch these days, instead of using existing assets cobbled and re-textured together to cheese past some things.

When Liches hit console, I was far more excited about the Ember rework and the Arbitration improvements than anything else in the update.  I was way more stoked for them releasing fixes for old content than anything else in that update.  I was NOT looking forward to the Lich system, and I was 90% right about the reservations I had about it.  I enjoy the limited, but sassy personality they gave male Liches.  I enjoy being able to immediately spawn into a mission with high level enemies.  I hate everything else about it.  Everything.  The Auto-death slot machine of figuring out mod order.  The massive grind to learn which mods are the right mods, regardless of method used.  The completely pointless theft/tax mechanic is the second most egregious thing about it.  Had the theft meant something by not giving you anything back, it 100% would have been worse, let me get that out of the way.  The fact that it's just a hindrance to new players and means nothing to vets makes it annoying.  Games are supposed to be challenging, not annoying.  It should have been given a multiplier when you get it back so that there's some inkling of a reward besides a gun that's probably trash due to RNG rolls being so ridiculously wide.  The worst part though, is how pointless the whole thing is.  There's no real lore here.  Other than some weapons that aren't worth the MR to rank up (all of my rolls have been sub 30%) especially because they screwed with riven dispositions AGAIN, there's zero point to it unless you're an OCD collector type.  The gameplay loop is the same as the entire rest of the game.  They aren't even new missions, just higher level.  I don't have all the guns from Old Blood and Liches are 100% dead to me.  I'm playing Railjack because the core gameplay loop IS fun when it decides to not bug out.  But it's another case of "please fix this before you move on to the next shiny thing."  and I have a feeling they won't, just like they left Liches in the state they're in.

I've got over 1400 hours in, so I'm done with most of the game and I'm one of the people that is experiencing content droughts when they happen, unlike new players that have hundreds of hours in front of them of things to do.  I would still 100% rather they go back and polish what they have before they release ANYTHING else.  I've spent quite a bit of money with this game, but the last thing I remember buying was Mesa Prime access, and I don't plan on spending any more money while they're acting like this.  Going back and fixing the game we have is quite literally the only way they're ever getting another dime out of me, and I know several people that feel this way.

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