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Why isn't there a kick function in squads yet?


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Meant to be a joke XD

hace 10 horas, kapn655321 dijo:

This is not expected or intended to be a function. Do not anticipate this.

But leaching someone is a problem, so there shoud be a way to fix that. Maybe something like 2 minutes without doing something you dont get nothing until you love again, with a delay of that(like you dont get the stuff inmediately, 40 seconds after being afk woud be good)

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31 minutes ago, FRTE_Ret5o said:

there shoud be a way to fix that. Maybe something like 2 minutes without doing something you dont get nothing

Yeah, that's already the case, is the thing.

You go afk, you lose your drops, and it can auto kick you.
You may then report that afk player, and set them to ignore.

Consider, if we could kick each other from Forums, what would be the result then?
Why, it might look something like the excessive moderation we had years back,
which lead to abuses of that power, getting the entire system repealed.
That was a lesson learned, and too soon forgotten.
Players cannot handle that task responsibly, and it reflects poorly on DE either way..
That way lead to far more controversy.
"But I'd use it better!," and others, as we know from example, even the more closely
watched ones, would not. We're not responsible enough for that. It's been tried.

I'd be kicked, people who disagree might be kicked, we'd all be kicked at some point..
the game would suffer, conversations suffer, sentiment gets resentful from all angles.
"The whole thing is falling apart, and no one's putting a stop to it."
"Everyone's putting a stop to it at once, so it can't stop."

It's obligatory I say this each time:
Neither approach is perfect. This is what we have, and not without some good reason.
I've had to say this is this kind of thread entirely too many times already.
Best of luck with all this, fellas.

Edited by kapn655321
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2 hours ago, Itsmez said:

I dont have friends playing this game. And im at the age that i dont really make any friends online, i prefer to do that irl.

I want to get rid of the griefers and afk'ers, thats why i want the kick system.

Keep in mind im only mr16, i dont play the meta frames or weapons.

Again having an option to have votekick or not would not hurt anyone. Everyone could play under the option they want


If a kick option was implemented, all public groups would have the option.  I am also at an age, late 40s, where I do not play to make pals, I don't even group with the same people, I public group it and thats it.  I have 0 time to try to find pals to play regularly with and that is how I like it.  The one, online pal I have is so far beyond me in this game that we don't group because I hold him back.

Votekick killed WoW group finder, in fact it helped turn WoW into what it is now which is a dying piece of raid finder crap.

If this system is implemented:  Just wait until your vote kicked because of all the reasons stated here.  Eventually, only MR20+ with the right weps and frames, and skins will be allowed to stay.  One big old elite fest... and down the hole it goes like WoW..

Leave the elite playing to closed groups - clans.


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The intended use of Vote Kick: "There's this guy AFK-ing in the mission, let's kick him so we can get somebody else"

The actual use of Vote Kick: "You aren't using the meta build? GTFO SCRUB!"

This has happened to people before, it will happen again and will keep happening because many people are terrible clowns who complain about people not playing "their" game right.

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13 hours ago, Rthen said:


If a kick option was implemented, all public groups would have the option.  I am also at an age, late 40s, where I do not play to make pals, I don't even group with the same people, I public group it and thats it.  I have 0 time to try to find pals to play regularly with and that is how I like it.  The one, online pal I have is so far beyond me in this game that we don't group because I hold him back.

Votekick killed WoW group finder, in fact it helped turn WoW into what it is now which is a dying piece of raid finder crap.

If this system is implemented:  Just wait until your vote kicked because of all the reasons stated here.  Eventually, only MR20+ with the right weps and frames, and skins will be allowed to stay.  One big old elite fest... and down the hole it goes like WoW..

Leave the elite playing to closed groups - clans.


I have played WoW since mists of pandaria, and i didnt even know about the votekick system because no-one used it. Bad example. And it wasnt the votekick that killed wow, it was the whole group finder that killed wow

Again for the 100th time. Im proposin an option where you could choose to que in groups with or without votekick system. everyone would be happy

Edited by Itsmez
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15 hours ago, Aldain said:

The intended use of Vote Kick: "There's this guy AFK-ing in the mission, let's kick him so we can get somebody else"

The actual use of Vote Kick: "You aren't using the meta build? GTFO SCRUB!"

This has happened to people before, it will happen again and will keep happening because many people are terrible clowns who complain about people not playing "their" game right.

Pretty much.

The only Votekick option I'm down for is something that allows players to votekick an AFK person or a leecher. 

Tryhards are a minority in WF anyway, if it is such a huge deal(and you can't find squads in recruiting channel) create your own discord group and play with a select number of people. 

Vote kick option would only allow a number of angry fellas to express their misery.

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