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Afk Campers Need To Go... _Now_


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People who are afk are not playing 


a hurr hurr you knew what i meant


Stop playing WITHOUT being a giant boob and going AFK, because that's just common courtesy.


And then there are those that voice their displeasure over the grind. They are the same ones that go afk. They are bored of the grind. It's that simple.


Voice your displeasure without going AFK. If you can't, stop playing Warframe altogether. Your personal beef with the game is never a good justification for negatively affecting how other people experience it. It's that simple.

Edited by TheResult
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Leeching is the best way to get exp


use a warframe power to kill, get ONLY warframe exp for the kill


use a primary to kill, get ONLY primary exp for the kill


use a secondary to kill, get ONLY secondary exp for the kill


use melee to kill, get ONLY melee exp for the kill




Leech, get exp for warframe, primary, secondary, and melee


Leeching may not be "moral" but it still WAY better than killing things on your own, especially on high enemy spawn missions


It needs to be addressed

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People abusing a voting system is going to be less than the people abusing an AFK system. If you honestly find 3 other people who all simultaneously decide to troll you off a mission then... oh well. I've been playing mmo's for roughly ten years and that has yet to happen to me or anyone I know. There is no good argument against a vote-kick function. 

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That's still not what irony means, dude.


And you implicitly implied the worst on purpose, don't be coy.


Not that it matters, because you're only arguing semantics-- everything else I said was completely on-point, and the reason they're bored doesn't matter. They shouldn't AFK, and they should be kicked out of games for it. Point-blank.

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I frequently AFK on Cyath to get melee XP, because it's much faster to get XP from teammates spamming ults than it is trying to kill enemies.

Yeah they should do something about AFKing, but they should do something about incentivising going AFK. Or at least letting your teammates get all the kills...

Edited by VegetableBasket
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Guest DeadGoanna

The major thing is though, if you introduce a kick system how fair will it be?

A random person could join many teams only to be kicked by those already in it because they thought the random person wasn't good enough.

Same goes with only giving xp, someone could door sit and take all the kills and xp from someone.


That's why I won't agree with a kick system or the xp being changed and say tough cookies. It happens to everybody and most just deal with it.

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People who die and don't use a revive but just sit there for the rest of the mission should get booted as well.

Afkers: Join with the intention of doing bugger all to help the team and to leech.


People who die and don't use a revive: Join the game with the intention of playing the mission and helping the team, but for some reason died and either could not or did not want to use a revive, which they have a limited number of, and they didn't leave the mission because they didn't want to lose all of the resources obtained on the mission, most likely.


It would be incredibly unfair to kick someone for dying and not using a revive.

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Never had an AFKer EVER which tells me this post is fairly extremist.


Experiences vary.


Come on, you're playing Warframe. You should know by now that your luck is not representative of the community's luck as a whole. If you're lucky enough to get the Hammershot mod three times in one day, that doesn't suddenly mean that everybody else who posts about farming for Hammershot for two weeks is a liar. It means you got lucky, or they got unlucky.


People you play with are basically the same way. If the player pool has 100 people in it and 5 of them are AFKers, you still have a 95% chance each time of not getting an AFK player. That doesn't make them less problematic when you DO get them, and it doesn't change the fact that unlucky souls might manage to hit that 5% over and over. It just means you were lucky enough to never hit that 5%. Same with mod droprates.

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We need a kick option. Now. Day after day, I get pugs that run some where, and hide. Having the sentinal stop doing stuff after a minute is pointless. There are too many places to go where enemies never tread. It just makes my life harder. Please, for the love of god, let me kick these campers. It's ruining the experience.


They are AFK. How will they go?

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Afkers: Join with the intention of doing bugger all to help the team and to leech.


People who die and don't use a revive: Join the game with the intention of playing the mission and helping the team, but for some reason died and either could not or did not want to use a revive, which they have a limited number of, and they didn't leave the mission because they didn't want to lose all of the resources obtained on the mission, most likely.


It would be incredibly unfair to kick someone for dying and not using a revive.

I disagree. If you have revives and you don't want to use them, but instead sit there, you're an A******. If you don't have revives, why did you try to join a [hard] mission to begin with? It is equivalent to afking, you are just sitting there, doing no work and leaving me to fight all the enemies by myself.


Let's say DE puts a one minute timer in to make a decision, DE could then make it to where people who forfeit keep their stuff. Problem solved.

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I disagree. If you have revives and you don't want to use them, but instead sit there, you're an A******. If you don't have revives, why did you try to join a [hard] mission to begin with? It is equivalent to afking, you are just sitting there, doing no work and leaving me to fight all the enemies by myself.


Let's say DE puts a one minute timer in to make a decision, DE could then make it to where people who forfeit keep their stuff. Problem solved.

I knew you would bring that second point up.

Alright, first one I'll give you. If you have revives and don't use them, you're being fairly useless.

But... If you run out of revives for whatever reason, you shouldn't be penalised for... you know... keeping on playing the game. Sorry, I've ran out of revives before and I wanted to keep playing, so I did. I actually did the good thing and said at the start of the game "Sorry guys, I've got no revives, so if I die it's GG for me." and let everyone know from the start what they're getting into.

And having no revives doesn't instantly make you helpless, you still have your weapons and such and can still do damage.

If the person is doing a hard mission, I'm guessing they'll be adequately equipped. They're not AFKing and doing NOTHING for the team, they'd doing something and earning their xp.


I guess you and I have two different stands on the value of some players. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on that.

However, I'll agree with your solution.

The big put off of leaving the game when you die is, yea, you lose everything.  All resources, mods and bonus xp.

Not much of an incentive to leave, is it?

If they gave people who died the opportunity to keep everything they'd earned up to their death, I think people would be very happy.

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"It's my choice and right to be a major dillweed! Ahyuck!"


Okay, but it could also be DE's choice and right to give us a way to punish them for it, so.. That's what we're talking about.


You know that DE encourages/incentives afk leeching with their counterintuitve affinity system that makes afking/not actively killing the most effective way to level in many cases? Don't blame the player, blame the game like they use to say. Of course the fair thing would be to play a support class and be ready to fight if things go wrong but unless they overhaul the affinity system any kind of afk kick system is a farce.


And anyone who plays Nova and MPs and blows ups enemies before the other players even hardly had a chance to shoot at them is just asking for the team to go afk... it's just boring... by your own logic DE should punish any Nova player for making the game less fun for the rest of the team... makes sense...

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Don't blame the player, blame the game like they use to say.


Naw, I'm gonna' blame the player.


What DE did might be bad design, but what the players are doing is just plain being jerks. DE? Unintentional. Players? Intentional. I'm not gonna' give them a free pass because I'm some cynic who thinks the worst should be assumed of people. I'm gonna' want them punished because I expect better of my fellow player.


And if they implement a kick function, it stops the "encouragement" ( allowing ) to AFK.


Also, you considering Nova OP is a totally different thing. If you feel that way, I'd say go talk about it in one of the several other topics about Nova being OP.

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