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Nerfing arcanes


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I think you went way too far with that one. Here you're about to touch something sacred. And people are ain't happy about it. At least some people.

First you release some broken unfinished promise-breaking Empyrean.

Then you fail to deliver any valuable content for next months.

And now you announce a whole bunch of nerfs. And especially a very #*!%ing substantial one? FFS what were you thinking? Is this really a good time to tackle with balance and come up with huge nerfs that would piss a lot of players off for certain?


Why don't you focus on something else, like making Empyrean a playable thing? Like putting up some working reward system.

This is seriously #*!%ed up, DE. Big time! Hope you're enjoying yourselves.

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13 minutes ago, Grey_Star_Rival_Defender said:

You realize the whole point of the stream is to fix longstanding issues so that way they can make new content without those old issues getting ignored right?

So what?
"#*!% Empyrean, #*!% players who been waiting for it and let's do this thing we've been asked for for years just right #*!%ing in the middle of something?"

Don't get me wrong, dude, I'm not against balance changes. But this one especially is like another NO FUN ALLOWED kind of a thing. And that pisses me off.
All this last time we're only getting #*!%ed over and over again. Nerf this, Nerf that.

That's not how you're supposed to fix the lack of challenge. Instead of putting back raids, making reward system ACTUALLY REWARDING and putting S#&$ together to make enemies smarter, not tankier, they just nerf S#&$ again. That's the easy way. And it's the old players getting screwed again.

And guess what? It's not gonna work. It only will make Warframe loose its identity which is FUN >> BALANCE.


Do you guys seriously want to run around collecting stupid energy spheres for hours? Does it sounds fun to you? For real?
Warframe is the only game I know where you can kill a #*!%ing army with single cast. And it makes it beutifiul and unprecended.

And now what DE are doing is making it a generic boring looter shooter with a bunch of overpowered stupid enemies to shoot. I got Destiny with raids and stuff. And I don't think stupid boring proceduraly generated maps with no-brain wait 30 minutes regimes gonna make WF a good competitor.

Problem is you are removing fun and quality of life and not replacing it with anything. That's blatantly stupid.

Edited by TeaHawk
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It'a a mixture of changes, not an overall nerf:

  • A couple of specific arcanes look like they will be slightly nerfed, or kept around the same level they are now. This is a nerf.
  • The rest will have higher stats (1.5x) at max rank. This is a buff.
  • You won't be able to double up on your arcanes.
  • Some will have cooldowns added.

The last two points are not clearly nerfs or buffs, for example:

  • Absorbing multiple orbs with Energize just wastes the excess energy. If the cooldown works to keep the extra orbs around, then you'll be making more efficient use of them. On the other hand you may not have as much energy if your playstyle is to spam abilities in bursts.
  • If you didn't double up on arcanes, you will clearly get a buff.
  • If you did double up on arcanes, it may be a nerf. On the other hand, stacking one stat in Warframe is often not an optimal strategy, so this may force you to use a more effective combination of arcanes.
Edited by schilds
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13 minutes ago, schilds said:

It'a a mixture of changes, not an overall nerf:

  • A couple of specific arcanes look like they will be slightly nerfed, or kept around the same level they are now. This is a nerf.
  • The rest will have higher stats (1.5x) at max rank. This is a buff.
  • You won't be able to double up on your arcanes.
  • Some will have cooldowns added.

The last two points are not clearly nerfs or buffs, for example:

  • Absorbing multiple orbs with Energize just wastes the excess energy. If the cooldown works to keep the extra orbs around, then you'll be making more efficient use of them. On the other hand you may not have as much energy if your playstyle is to spam abilities in bursts.
  • If you didn't double up on arcanes, you will clearly get a buff.
  • If you did double up on arcanes, it may be a nerf. On the other hand, stacking one stat in Warframe is often not an optimal strategy, so this may force you to use a more effective combination of arcanes.

We both know that the golden trio are getting nerfed for certain. It's unstackable now. And probabilities gonna change for almost certain.
And the problem with these changes is the idea behind it. "Make it something rare, tides turning". Arcane energize was always a quality-of-life thing. It makes dull energy collection less painful. If they nerf it and they are going to nerf it, it is will put another "#*!% fun" thing in the bucket. I don't like this.

-> Absorbing multiple orbs with Energize just wastes the excess energy
Yes, but the question here is probability.  Currently it's 40% which makes it exactly 0.64% chance that at least one works in the stack. It makes it reliable.
Now even if you keep the same 40% (which not going to be the case you can trust me on that) will do substantial damage and make it way less reliable. And this in return will not make you vulnerable. It will just make the game boring.

I don't like the whole concept. You want people to use other arcanes? Buff them.

Edited by TeaHawk
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11 minutes ago, TeaHawk said:

Now even if you keep the same 40% (which not going to be the case you can trust me on that)

They have a forum post up with the expected new stats: 

New Energize will have 60% at rank 5, but we don't know how much energy it will give.


I agree they need to be cautious with Energize. It's not operating in a vacuum, it's operating in an energy economy that has Zenurik and Rage (or Hunter Adrenaline), both very effective alternative methods of energy generation.

Edited by schilds
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23 minutes ago, schilds said:

They have a forum post up with the expected new stats: 


Thanks for sharing. I can see now that it is going to be 60% which is not that bad. However, you shad the chance that both arcanes work giving you 200 energy instantly. And some energy consuming builds are fun only thanks to this. Also I don't like the idea of cool-down at all. Now it works overtime which makes it useless.


Arcane Energize coupled with vacuum gave you s series of procs and almost perfect replenish. Now you're getting none. A slow energy refill making you wait for another.... This is horrible. It means that you will only have a very small unsubstantial surge of energy like from energy siphon. I don't like this. It will force you to run around collecting stupid orbs.



All this situation seriously pisses me off. I've been enjoying this game and now it's about to take a direction I honestly don't like. And pushing things even further I don't appreciate that Megan stated about criticism. It sounded like "Don't like it — shut up". Only positive feedback policy. Okay then... I guess. If you don't need criticism go on your own starting from now. We'll see where it leads you.

But if that's your new vision, I'm disappointed. Really disappointed. I put in this game a lot of time and effort making it comfortable and fun to play. And now you're about to take it from me. Take something I deserve as an old player who has been through all of your S#&$ and however stayed with you.

Now, while finishing this post I just feel sad. I'm not pissed off anymore. It feels like a wasted opportunity. And it feels like something I'll have to leave behind.

Edited by TeaHawk
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26 minutes ago, schilds said:

They have a forum post up with the expected new stats: 

New Energize will have 60% at rank 5, but we don't know how much energy it will give.

Considering enemy accuracy is not going to scale with thar level anymore, its likely going to be more difficult to proc them to begin with. Plus if one really needs energy they can always rely on pancakes or Zenurik which still has its 150 energy dash AND its stacking regen bonus for energy. So this pretty much means one can make use of other particular arcanes still even if energize gets `ruined` by a 10 second cooldown, which honestly, it needs to be 3~5 second for a more balanced design.

26 minutes ago, schilds said:

I agree they need to be cautious with Energize. It's not operating in a vacuum, it's operating in an energy economy that has Zenurik and Rage (or Hunter Adrenaline), both very effective alternative methods of energy generation.

Plus yes, the energy while getting spanked setup also exists, the only real thing that screws over players on energize & grace `fixes`, are those that perpetually leave up channel based abilities(Aka Excalibur & Mesa nutjobs) which disable most forms of energy recover & those who double stacked arcanes...

The ones on the grace side just being those who do not actually try to keep mobile to minimize the accuracy of enemies, which once again, will not scale anymore with thar level, which means more survivability for both stationary and moving tenno.

Still, just like the warm coat meme, i would like plenty of arcanes to be removed from the game to consolidate them better, make certain arcanes more generalized on what weapons can use them to also merge the duplicate arcane gag such as versions for both rifles & pistols that do the exact same things. In addition that we need more useful arcanes for offensive gimmicks like one that boosts multi shot to greatly up the odds of procing status effects or like say, instead of useless arcanes like Arcane Bodyguard which heals your pet after quick killing 6 enemies in half a minute for a measely 600 heal, We instead got more beneficial arcanes that if our pet kills an enemy, it would give us an overshield based on the damage it dealth (or the overkill amount) with a duration and maybe a multiplier value for the overshield based on the rank of the arcane).

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12 hours ago, Grey_Star_Rival_Defender said:

You realize the whole point of the stream is to fix longstanding issues so that way they can make new content without those old issues getting ignored right?

Except arcanes have never been an issue in the past.

And nerfing guardian doesn’t make using crap like arcane warmth any more appealing.

Edited by (XB1)GearsMatrix301
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