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  1. I've never claimed that DE directly advertised this frame as op. Instead, they opportunistically seized upon the situation in the least unfavorable scenarios. However, I firmly believe DE deliberately released an overpowered frame, waiting until it gained traction among content creators and players. After profiting from this, DE then implemented a significant nerf, completely altering the ability's mechanics. Following this, they released a buff, only to later commence deleting entire threads. Such behavior appears either chaotic or malicious. DE either lacks understanding of their actions or intentionally releases inconsistent kits to capitalize on their popularity, only to nerf them later.
  2. Nonsense. If DE failed to recognize the potency of a slash AOE nuke, it suggests a lack of competence on their part. This implies that this frame may not have been thoroughly tested by individuals who actively play the game. The assumption here is that the developers are unaware of the intricacies of their own game, disregarding community feedback and neglecting to thoroughly test new frames.
  3. Are you kidding? If Saryn gets her 4th LOS instead of AOE you'd call this a minor change? Tweaking and nerfing stuff is not the problem. Deliberately releasing an unfinished kit after months of testing in order to sell it as "OP" to the players is the problem.
  4. The problem here is that DE sold Dante as pure AOE nuke frame to many people. They've been waiting since the release so that first "Dante is OP" videos come out and some people rush to buy it. And only then they go "oops this ability was intended to be LOS". This is bull***. Dante was shown at least 2 months before the release. It was supposed to be tested. Such an obvious change could be easily foreseen. It's not tweaking some numbers. It's completely changing how the ability works. DE did this intentionally to sell more plat. What a shame! Only one solution is accepted : remove that los crap
  5. This behavior is chaotic. Panic nerfs followed by instant drama and deleted threads won't controlling the damage.
  6. LOS is bad. Killing Nezha is the worst.
  7. Why not 1 to 10? Let's just go wild! Personally I don't like the idea of shards and especially tau-forged becoming a must-have mechanic. I think that tauforged shards must remain rng and time gated only.
  8. Yeah, would be cool to se a tiny sprint speed buff. However I doubt it will ever happen.
  9. It seems like DE are doing well assuming recent prime trailers. Keep it up.
  10. Well, this game teaches you almost nothing about its mechanics and synergies. You have to dig through wiki and other external resources to get a proper understanding of all the available instruments. You practically have to grind for the best gear if you want to be able to play the main story at some point. This game is about optimizing your farm. Thus if you want to enjoy it, you must have a clear vision of progression path you're about to take. I would suggest asking your veteran friends to help you with the gear and especially with the progression plan. It might sound a bit discouraging. But don't get me wrong. This game offers an immeasurable amount of fun if you invest a bit of time and patience into building. Good luck, Tenno
  11. This is not about SP and difficulty only! It's more a QoL topic if you ask me. Some weapons terribly lack one simple stat to make it perfect synergy, For instance Viper, my favorite weapon, terribly lacks punch through to benefit my precisce head shots in order to trigger Arcane Velocity and Skull Shotz. I can't sacrifice an entire mod slot for PT only. And I haven't got any useful riven after hundreds of rolls. There's literally nothing I can do to get this gun any better without sacrificing a key element. The only hope I have is to get a riven, that will have PT and other useful stats (Multishot being first in the list). And that makes me sad. It's like an exhausted potential.
  12. The advantage of the Incarnon here is that it does not alter the basic weapon without player's consent.
  13. I don't put that thing on my ship.
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