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Here's some counter weight to the usual horde of crybabies that will complain about litteraly everything.

Self damage removal is absolutly awesome, don't listen to the cries of a few chroma meta slaves, it will just open up the gameplay that much more, this is grandiose.

Arcanes... Meh, it's nice that people won't have as much of an edge just because they farmed ONE boss hundreds of time, while others were playing the actual game. Such power potential should not be blockaded behind a single very specific activity imo. Looking forward to grinding arcanes during scarlet spear.

Shield gating, god sent. I am now waiting on a mag rework that lets her actually garantee her own survival and we're golden. (I'd say just let her 3 dissipate status effects like hyldrin's pillage and she's almost workable)

Armor scaling changes are long overdue and very much welcomed with open arms.

Companion mods being shared is a very nice touch.

Fov buff is widely appreciated (get it ?)

Excavator health scaling... Thank you ! Was 'bout time but you know, better than never, I can finally play excav without a turbo defensiv frame (beyond earth at least)

I was stunned during the entire devstream, such good update. And never forget DE, the people that are actually enjoying the game have very little reason to come complain here or complete surveys, don't be overwhelmed by the unnending amount of petty criticism. Don't think you're free to go, there still are blatant issues that need fixing (companion switching, just have all animals available without having to open 3 different menus, at least for those that paid for incubator upgrade)

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6 minutes ago, Fallen77 said:

Self damage removal is absolutly awesome, don't listen to the cries of a few chroma meta slaves, it will just open up the gameplay that much more, this is grandiose.

As a player that often didn't have a problem with Self-Damage, I think what it's going to be fostering within the community the prevalent problem continuing to being adrenaline junkies with weapon spamming for some of the more high damage weapons without any consequences for these actions.  It's going to bring back the exploits with the Tonkor which we had originally for years -- an issue that if DE attempts to address is going to break weapons more than rework them base of the game engine physics still in play.  I call your attention to when the Simulor was reworked and for the next three weeks had been completely nerfed into the ground because of it.  

I understand DE's want to do it because of the exploit that happens with a Glaive Prime in Tridolon hunts; something I admit to doing a bit at the beginning until I learned that Terry, Garry and Harry do sufficient damage to activate Vex Armour and could get around the silly hoops to getting high Vex Armour percentages. 

So as I have said previously on the subject, I will maintain my typical wait and see approach when this gets initiated.  This game has reached the time where spaghetti coding is going on and any fixes often come with at least 4 - 6 breaks to the fix and it should be just as interesting as the time when the simulor was reworked.  

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il y a 5 minutes, MBaldelli a dit :

As a player that often didn't have a problem with Self-Damage, I think what it's going to be fostering within the community the prevalent problem continuing to being adrenaline junkies with weapon spamming for some of the more high damage weapons without any consequences for these actions.  It's going to bring back the exploits with the Tonkor which we had originally for years -- an issue that if DE attempts to address is going to break weapons more than rework them base of the game engine physics still in play.  I call your attention to when the Simulor was reworked and for the next three weeks had been completely nerfed into the ground because of it.  

I understand DE's want to do it because of the exploit that happens with a Glaive Prime in Tridolon hunts; something I admit to doing a bit at the beginning until I learned that Terry, Garry and Harry do sufficient damage to activate Vex Armour and could get around the silly hoops to getting high Vex Armour percentages. 

So as I have said previously on the subject, I will maintain my typical wait and see approach when this gets initiated.  This game has reached the time where spaghetti coding is going on and any fixes often come with at least 4 - 6 breaks to the fix and it should be just as interesting as the time when the simulor was reworked.  

Explosives are not gonna turn this way because explosiv guns don't come anywhere close to the damage potential of the high end weapons, and are outclassed in term of AOE coverage by many frame, and the added falloff should clear any doubt on that front.

And it's not AT ALL without consequence, you wouldn't be able to run while shooting at your feet like with a staticor, you'd still be interrupted at every missed shot. The challenge is basically the same as before, only you don't get punished with an instakill because your kavat decided to TP in front of you.

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All in all good changes imo. Nerf to status shotguns despite what steve "feels" because numbers dont lie. Nerf to some arcanes that didnt really need it imo. Was arcane aegis really OP? I always found barrier the better of the two choices.

Also new arcane grind that DE is selling as not a grind under the guise of "event rewards" instead of having new event rewards... Yeah totally didn't see that one coming.

Looking forward to double procs on status effects that don't typically appreciate stacking. Ie. Radiation, Electricity? Blast? Magnetic, etc.

Slash nerf was inevitable.

Edited by Skaleek
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I agree with everything said by topic starter about last devstream, except "don't listen to the ones complaining".

People who love the game but bring poor sides of the game to a public discussion and try to get to DE is what made devstream 139 so good. I wish there were 3-4 more devstreams like that, and the game would be pretty much cleaned of all the mess and ready for new content.

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The people who ground the hell out of that boss did, and still do, benefit. They have the arcanes and enjoyed their use for however long, and, in fact, they still have the arcanes. They're still better and far more powerful than anyone who doesn't. 

Just as an example, I do not own any of the "meta" arcanes, aside from a single rank 0 Energize I got from a nightwave or something. On the other hand, anyone who does have one or two or ten is still in the catbird's seat: able to sustain more energy use, more power use, and more powerful play than I could.

Yes, it's not as powerful as what they're used to, but it's hardly "useless."

And anyway, if this game is going to ever be the game we long-term players / veterans spend hours on this forum crying at DE for, we need to be prepared to take some ugly hits to what we're used to being capable of. This is a gentle redirection at this point.

Edited by Ham_Grenabe
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