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Open Call for Warframe Theme Ideas!


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Thema: Flüssiges Metall / Fest & Flüssigmetall-Frame


Der Frame würde aus festen aber überwiegend flüssigen Metall bestehen was er/sie/es beliebig Formen kann (z.B. zu eigenen Waffen formen/beschwören)


Idee dahinter ist das es einen Frame gibt der aus einem Festem Kern & darum oder durchzogen mit einer Art Metallmatrix (flüssiges Metall-wie Quecksilber) besteht (was dieser frei formen könnte). Es wäre schön wen er/sie/es eine Waffe beschwören könnte.

Das aussehen habe ich ja etwas beschrieben doch zeichnerisch ist es mir nicht möglich dies in einer für mich selbst oder für andere ZufriedenstellenderForm wiederzugeben, das überlasse ich lieber jenen die was vom designen verstehen.

Projektname: Silver – Silveria - Silverstarlight - Starbloodsilver

M-eine Idee dazu & oder zu den Fähigkeiten wäre:

Das er als anfangs Fähigkeit Gegner die Rüstung, oder einen Pauschalwert an Metall nehmen könnte & dies absorbiert um einen Zähler aufzubauen. Mit diesem Zähler könnte es dann seine eigene Rüstung verstärken.

Seine folge Fähigkeiten könnten dann auf diesen Zähler auch darauf aufbauen.


So könnte seine Zweite Fähigkeit wen Es einen vollen Zähler hat eine Beschworene Waffe sein z.B. ein Sperr den er im Nahkampf sowie im Fernkampf nutzen kann die spitze vielleicht verschissen könnte oder ihn gleich ganz werfen. Der Speer hätte einen ausgewogenen Schaden Einschlag, Durchschlag & Schnitt. Bei erneutem vollen Zähler könnte diese Fähigkeit dann vielleicht einen Schild zum Sperr erstellen. Dadurch würde es zwar in der Bewegung langsamer werden jedoch hätte es dadurch mehr Verteidigung.


Seine weiter Fähigkeit baut wiederum auf die erste & zweite auf & Sie könnte den Speer weiter verbessern. Die Grundform des Speers könnte sich in drei Waffen wandeln die jeweils einen Schadenstypen verbessern.


z.B. Am Speers bildet sich eine Klinge & wird z.B. zu einer Sense für erhörten Schnittschaden. Für Durchschlags schaden z.B. zu einer Lanze & für Einschlag z.B. zu einem 2Hand Hammer.


Die letzte Fähigkeit könnte dann so aussehen das Der Frame bei erneutem vollem Zähler seine Zusatzrüstung & sein Speer oder Verbessertem Speer opfert um eine Mächtige AoE Attacke zu machen z.B. Eine Flüssigmetall Explosion die alle drei Schadensarten verursacht.


Eine Möglichkeit Wäre da das er mit dem Flüssigmetall von seinem vollem Zähler seine Zusatzrüstung & sein Speer oder Verbessertem Speer dann eine Art einzelnes Geschoss bildet & diese dann abfeuern kann auf das gewünschte Gebiet.

Zur der Passiven Fähigkeit fällt mir leider nicht wirklich sinnvolles ein.

Außer vielleicht das er mit seinem flüssigem Metall die Rüstung der anderen Spieler etwas verbessern könnte, oder wen er mit der Anfangsfertigkeit die ich beschrieben habe auf Spieler zielt, so sein Flüssigmetall auf diese/n Spieler überträgt.


Ob dies alles so technisch möglich wäre kann ich nicht beurteilen, oder ob die Idee sich (jedenfalls für mich) sich besser anhört als man es dann spielen könnte. Aber das Gedankenspiel das ein Frame der irgendwie aus Festen & einer Art Flüssigem Metall besteht & dies für seine Fähigkeiten in irgendeiner Form nutzt ist /klingt (jedenfalls für mich) recht interessant. Was andere dazu meinen oder diese Vorstellung von einem in irgendeiner Form Fest & Flüssigmetall-Frame ihnen gefällt wird sich ja dann bei der Finalen Auswahl des Themas des neuen Frames zeigen.

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Um warframe Slime.

Um warframe sem forma fixa e capaz de aumentar o tamanho do seu corpo, absorvendo inimigos



ele teria um contador assim como gauss, mas de volume corporal


  1. Absorver
    1. o warframe se transforma em uma bola de gosma e avança em direção a um inimigo, prende ele dentro de si e vai absorvendo ele ao longo do tempo. o efeito depende do tipo de inimigo poderia ser restaurar hp ou talvez energia se for inimigo robotico ou buff de armadura. e por o frame estar mais pesado, ele poderia ganhar um debuff de velocidade.
    2. e ao fim da digestão o frame ganha volume corporal
    3. o warframe não pode usar outras skills enquanto essa estiver ativa
  2. Fantoche
    1. o frame envolve um mob inimigo e passa a controla-lo
    2. 50% do dano sofrido é passado ao mob possuído
    3. se o absorver for usado enquanto isso, o mob é absorvido
  3. Mudar a forma das mãos, transformando eles em armas letais, teria 4 opçoes possíveis
    1. Dual sword
    2. Soqueira
    3. chicote
    4. Uma arma primaria
      1. cada tiro da arma consome volume corporal
    5. isso consumiria volume corporal na ativação e energia pra manter
  4. ???
    1. o warframe se explode, espalhando o liquido gosmento em todos inimigos no raio e depois ele se solidifica, imobilizando os inimigos pela duracao da skill
    2. após isso o liquido gosmento caminha em direção a posição anterior do warframe e se junta.
    3. se o absorver for usado os inimigos afetados sofrem dano
    4. essa skill teria um alto consumo de volume corporal




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типо варфрейм "страха".
пасивка:враги впервые увидевшие игрока получаютс 2х секундный стан от страха.

1)паническая атака = работает как первая способность вольта, но вместо урона - враги станятся и получают урон радиацией. количество врагов же изначальное 30, и на 10 секунд. количество изменяется силой, время длительностью.
за каждого врага будет пополнятся шкала безумства

2)проклятое знание = заставляет врагов думать что выбранная цель - это сам варфрейм, заставляя ее атаковать. весь урон по цели будет лечить союздников и пополнять шкалу безумства. после окончания действия способности, все враги нанесенные урон по цели, получат весь урон полученый целью умноженый множетелем. (изначально множитель X1. улучшается силой).
так же варфрейм невидим для врагов, которые захагрились на илюзию


3)"в уголке твоего глаза" = способность позваляющая перенестись к выбраному врагу, и застанить его на 20 секунд (при 30 ранге.) сам же варфрейм получает 2 секундное бессмертие и увеличеный в 1.5 урон так же на 2 секунды (можно увеличить длительностью. а множитель урона силой)
как активация так и урон по цели будут наполнять шкалу безумия
4) кошмар = может быть вручную включена и отключена.
Варфрейм получает свободный полет.
Любой урон ВАРФРЕЙМА и ближайших союзников в радиусе 10 метров станит врагов.
Если в шкале безумия есть что то, то она будет тратиться. А пока она тратиться скорость полёта повышена, а враги от урона игрока получают эффекты к которым они слабы на 2 секунды ( урон повторно накладывает эффект и сбрасывает таймер всех уже наложеных эффектов)
В случаи если шкала заполнена полностью то при активации все враги в радиусе 20(можно улучшить) метров будут застанены и получат эффекты к которым имеют слабости на 5 секунд. Так же шкала сразу не начнёт тратится. В случаи полной шкалы, пока она будет тратится игрок будет в невидимости(которую нельзя сбить) , трата енергии на способность уменьшится. А вместо оружия игрока, будет "кошмарные" аналоги (тоесть неважно какой у тебя например дробовик. Ты получаешь просто кошмарный дробаш и все.). Эти аналоги полностью на время шкалы заменят оружие. Характеристики этого кошмарного оружия будут в 2 раза лучше во всем чем текущие снаряжение игрока (скорость атаки, шанс Крита, урон Крита, шанс статуса и тд). Так же множитель статов кошмарного оружия НЕЛЬЗЯ изменить (а то имбой было бы)
С однной стороны ВАРФРЕЙМА с такими способностями можно назвать имбой. С другой стороны тут опора идёт на имеющееся снаряжение игрока и на стан который не убьёт за вас 100к уровни.Статы здоровья щитов и скорости можно как раз сделать низкими под постоянные станы врагов



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I don't know if this idea has been posted yet, with 247 pages i only get to the eight. The other days i finished the Chains of Harrow quest, so what about a Void/The-Man-In-The-Wall based frame. A terror-based warframe who came from the void, the one who teach the Sentient fear on the old war and got lost, only to return guided by the hand of The Indifference. It could tie some other themes i have seen here, the spirit based 'frame, the possessor one. Hardly is a warframe based on a single concept so lets join several together :)

Thanks, take care of your health and have a good week 😄

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300 lives
0 Shields
100 armor
Speed 1.25
The character takes its roots from Russian fairy tales.
Passive ability: only weapons have 10% vampirism, with the devastation of lives by 50%, vampirism is increased to 20%. Vampirism can't be increased in any way.
1 ability: the cradle, while reading the book lulls enemies in a radius of 20 meters for 10 seconds, vampirism on these enemies increased to 15%.
25 energy
2 capacity: copper beard,
For 20 seconds you get 75 shields per killed enemy, stacks up to 5 enemies.
50 energy
3rd ability: raven, turns into a crow and trotted through enemies removing 50% of the armor.
75 energy
4 abilities: a needle, a character hides an egg with a needle anywhere on the map in 15 seconds and becomes immortal until the egg is broken. If the egg is broken, the character is removed 30% of their lives.

100 energy


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Hi everyone! My English is not very good, but I have to try.

How about an adaptable warframe? Something like a parasite. You at the beginning of the mission choose your path, to be heavy strong or quiet shadow. In the beginning there are some of abilities that will determine your path. You are warframe, weak and lonely, you must survive 30 minutes, what do you do? Seek the enemy, use the ability to absorb its essence, and choose the path be protected and unstoppable. Or you need to be quiet and stealthy on a mission. Change tactics, take enemies essence and evolve into something quiet and dangerous. Each path has a different set of abilities.

It's like a movie "alien" but still warframe!

And YES, I'm not a very good artist.

ETZwa-KXsAI44DU?format=jpg&name=largeThanks for attention!

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Hi, here is my work. I have created the history and the concept art. Hope you like it.

Warframe name: Caelesti (Celestial in Latin)

Caelesti is capable of using light as a weapon. Projects the immaterial in material.


His first ability is to summon 4 spears. If they hit an enemy it would cause a small explosion of light that would damage nearby enemies (max 3).

Surviving enemies will be affected by the fire status effect, by burns from the explosion.

The second skill would be to create a light well, which occasionally supports nearby allies. This support would serve to give life and defense (a light layer of light would surround the warframe).

The third ability imprisons a target with multiple spears, allowing Caelesti to absorb energy from the enemy.

And lastly, the fourth ability, Caelesti will invoke a spear to pierce through himself, and at that very moment become a celestial semi-spectrum made purely of light. His new form will increase his agility and melee attack. He can also levitate up to a certain height.

Once activated, the skill will consume energy.

Personal weapon:

Yowl (howl in Latin). A huge halberd created by the ancient smiths of Cepheus. This weapon is unique in that when he shakes it you will hear a shrill whistle that stuns nearby enemies.


Beyond the Plains exist a lush town, nestled between a maze of mountains and roads. Cepheus was noted for its great beauty, all its buildings were carved from the very rock of the mountain as a symbol of respect for nature, but what stood out most was the temple built at the entrance of a cavern where all the people gathered there to visit it and honor the guardian of the Sun, but what they did not know that they would have a visit from the wicked Grineers.

Like any other day, all residents did their daily chores, traded, fished in the river that runs under the temple, forged, cooked ... Everything was perfect until an explosion that resounded throughout the valley was heard.

Villagers ran towards the temple, as it is the highest and safest point in town. Others, came down armed. Several warriors equipped with shields, spears and halberds, were ready to protect their home and resist behind the wall.

After long hours containing the enemy, they finally destroyed the gate. The remaining warriors built a small makeshift wall with branches. Once prepared to resist another wave, they began to whisper a name. That name, apparently gave them strength, despite the fact that they were a minority next to the enemy. They kept whispering that mysterious name, and suddenly, a battalion of Grineers came out of the rubble of the wall shooting no mercy...

Bit by bit, the brave warriors were falling until there was only one, despite all the effort to retain them, it was in vain. He fell to his knees, but holding his weapon up high, he still had the strength to direct his hateful gaze at the approaching Grineer as he reloaded his weaponry. At that same momento, the young warrior whispered that name again and behind him began to hear thunderous footsteps.

The Grineer quickly became aware of a presence behind the warrior, quickly put into combat position pointing forward. The Grineer who was near the warrior, turned to see his companions, puzzled he turned back to see that a strange silhouette was approaching and the last thing he saw was a huge halberd piercing his twisted body. The rest of the Grineer, looking at what they had just seen, started shooting like crazy. Then, the figure pushed the warrior away and with a swifting movement of his hand, he began to make appear a series of light spears that went directly to the enemies, leaving them with no possibility of attacking or surviving.

The warrior observed the brutal scene, he could not believe what he was seeing... When the huge figure stopped, he picked up his weapon and finally headed towards him. The young warrior spoke his name again. Caelesti... Our guardian... Is everyone okay?

Caelesti nodded and ordered the warrior to use the temple passageway, to direct his people in the direction of the Plains. There, they can find a new home.

The young warrior was about to speak when Caelesti interrupted him:

-I'll be watching you up there...

He directed his eyes to the sky, and repeated again...

-I'll be watching you up there, from the sky...



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This frame does not need a weapon ... Because he is a weapon himself. My idea is a frame, which could create a weapon from his hands, legs, head ... To deform his body, for example: there was a hand and at the moment it became a blade. The weapon of this frame will not be as usual. That is, he does not have a weapon that everyone has, but no one has a weapon like his. Since we are not talking about abilities, then a little about where he can take types of weapons from. 1) I think that they could open as the level of previous tools was raised (that is, at the beginning he will already have a basic set). 2) special missions on which it is with this frame that you can find (information or drawings) weapons specifically for him (and then he can scan or even somehow study the weapon to add it to his arsenal). 3) I think this option will deprive this frame  something unusual, but he can just scan the weapons that you have and already reproduce them, but this loses all meaning. This is what I was able to come up with. By the way, another option, I think that such a frame could be something like a symbiote ... And yes, I came up with two styles for this frame: 1) more biological and infected (he learned to change his body, controlling the infection inside or something  such) 2) more technical and innovative, then he will look like he is made of many smart particles or he will flow like liquid metal.






P.s. Autors: Shadow_prove; Tronzit3. They had some troubles with enter to this site, becouse of it I just post their idea.

P.p.s. forgive me, please, for my bad english.

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I've seen this suggestion a few times, but I don't think they've quite been delivered quite in the way I'm going to suggest, so I'll try to keep this short and concise.

My Suggestion is a Geisha style frame, possibly mixed in with elements of the Kitsune, drawing from those themes by distracting enemies and inspiring allies through performance, not unlike Octavia, perhaps backed up with the trickster spirit of the Kitsune. A regal, graceful bearing amidst the Chaos inherent in the Warframe universe would bring a refreshing Character that isn't really an existing theme already, providing new unique opportunities for players to approach the game with.

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私が提供するテーマは「beauty&iron wing」です。(またはbeauty&silver wing)



























I use Google Translate and my Bad English



Next frame theme


 warframe has few mechanical frames, animated frames and irony frames, so I think a frame with such a theme is good

(near image is  japan and china  game  anime)


 The theme I offer is "beauty & iron wing". (or beauty & silver wing)


 Women are the best match for mechanical equipment.


 The frame has mechanical wings on its back, which it deploys to fly and attack.


 Then, a homing laser comes out from the spread wings, and it defeats the enemy at once.


Her hands and feet have blades that cut through the enemy. Defeat opponents quickly. 

she can also make a special kick!!(This is important!)


 Assistance to friends is done by flying the nanomachine around.


 I think nanomachine will make a recovery.


I also think it's good to put out a little bit and blade to support the attack.


 But she's like a fighting machine, so she has more offensive abilities.


 Her body feels good to go out(big size), like wisp or saryn.  The exterior is also a little sexy. (especially Lower body)

Waist is thin,But glamor.

A sharp feel is good for the frame design.

 a lot of robots design now.


 But don't overdo it!  Because she's a speed character! (the point is too big hip and bust.)


 Please dare to adopt this theme that is royal road.

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A strong yet unexplored theme, fitting with warframe and our community: Fantasy/Dreams.


A bit of personality: it's about time all the prime-time weebiness is given shape.


The Childish Dreamer, reshaping its self and reality to its whims, following the rule of cool and nothing else. Or, in other words, the Chuuni Unbound.



As silly as it might sound, the potential is limitless: strike bizzarre poses, fight alongside heroes of the past, nuke the whole map throwing your eye-patch on the ground, or go even further beyond. Shifting between different "masks"/forms at will, your dreams will become its abilities.

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Hah, what a mistake giving US so much power XD

Since Warframes are basically Samurai/Ninja in space, why not a Ronin based frame? A defector. Lot of healt and armor, little to no shield and slow healt regeneration. And, instead of an exhalted weapon, a natural, claws like, melee attack. A huge frame, the size of Atlas, maybe. Also a Mass Effect themed frame could be cool...


- I'm commander Warframe, and this is my favorite node on the system! -

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What about a "Mech" warfame. A warframe that is weak but speedy but with the mech it becomes tanky but loses in speed, like a reverse Chroma. It also might evlove into a Gundam mech. but here is a sketch to visualize what it might look like.


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There should be a frame based on shocks/Tremors, not electricity but shocks/Tremors.

The abilities would entail send tremors/shocks through the ground and air. The shocks/tremors apear as cracks in the air and ground 

The 4th ability would be based on frames like ivara, mesa, and excalibur. We have excaliburs blade the exalted blade, the peacemaker pistols of mesa, and the artemis bow of ivara. Why not add fist? The frame would summon corporal fist that when attacking would leave a shock and the attack would extend a certain distince before dissipating, (similar to the effect of excaliburs exalted blade) not only that, but in the air in front of the place he attacked and would stay there for a short duration afterwards that would damage and briefly stun enemies that get to close to it. 

For the abilities,aside from the 4th, id leave it to you guys bc your creative. 

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Frame Concept: Carte, Stade or Divertir





Carte’s themes are Ring-Master.


Ring-Master due to his various abilities relating to various Circus Acts.


Sorry about my awful drawing, I had to learn in three days.


Link to my steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/PrinceA-AS/images/?appid=230410






Inspiration and General Description:


I always loved The Lovely Limbo and the Mysterfying Mirage, But then I thought "If Limbo is a Magician and Mirage is a Jester. Who is the lead entertainer?" A Ring-Master if you will.


His kit would revolve Circus related things, Including Batons, Cards with Various effects, Clown Cars and a Big band for the finale.


The Reason that I post this concept is that I love frames based around entertainment, I love Limbo, Mirage and octavia. So making a concept around a Circus frame was my dream.





Before the extinction of the orokin, Carte would Entertain the Orokin with his tricks and abilities.


One day, The Maker Ballas inquired of him. He told Carte that a sect of rebellious Tenno was formed and hidden within the ranks. These Tenno were going to turn on their Brothers and their sisters, And Carte was the only one he trusted to stop them.


Carte asked where could find them.


“On Lua our greatest failures lie, And that is where they congregate.”


With that, Ballas Mysteriously disappeared.


And so Carte landed on Lua, Many of the tenno were already there.


After seeing Tenno gathering in a large room, He deduced these were the traitors.


He could stomach the idea, Of someone taking the smiles and lives from fellow tenno.


But these Tenno? They weren’t smiling.


With that he started his attack, A former Leader fought against former friends and former allies.


When he was caught, They told him what they were doing and why.


They Then left Lua and trapped him there as punishment.


Soon, Carte roamed the empty golden halls of the Moon.


After hearing about the Orokin, About how they had enslaved and killed many he sought to protect, He vowed to never attack someone who seeks the same thing he does.


To never prevent someone from smiling.


And with that, He smiled before falling into stasis.




Signature weapon:


A Electric whip which solidifies into a sword.


The whip would be segmented pieces of metal which when switched, Will become a thin, cane-like sword.


Whip to stun, Sword to fight.







Carte looks similar to Limbo, However he has a larger build and his suit is different in design.


The suit’s chest has a tiger-like pattern on the front, And the tails of the suit go down the right side of the thighs.


His right arm has a silver spiral on it. Designed after a snake.







//300 Health//


//125 Armor//


//200 Energy//


//300 Shield Capacity//


//1.00 Sprint Speed//




Abilities and Passive:


1st ability, Animal Act: Carte throws out several batons which when hitting an enemies, Summons Lions to "fetch" the Batons. Dealing Puncture Damage. 25 Energy 


2nd ability, Heart of the Cards: Rotate between 3 Cards, The first card will give Carte 30% evasion. The second Card will shoot Toxic acid which will linger. The third card will summon two fiery horses which will deal fire damage on every enemy they pass through. 50 energy


3rd ability, Clown Car: summon a car that you control remotely and detonate, Leaving Fire in the area of explosion. After exploding, Summons small Jesters that boost allies armor and restores Carte's shields. 75 Energy


4th ability, Ring Leader: Carte summons a band which follows him. The Band will buff nearby allies and himself with speed, Increased Fire-rate and status chance. 3 energy per second.


Passive, Every Status he inflicts increases his Evasion stat by 5% until hitting max value of 30% (Combined with one of Carte’s Cards will result in an evasion stat of 60%). (Not final value).







Heart of the Cards:


Press 2 to swap and Hold 2 to use ability.


The "Crystal" Card. Animation will have the card tapped on the wrist before disappearing. 


The "Flower" Card will Shoot a stream of Toxic acid as long as the player holds down the ability button. Animation will have the card be held against his chest like a squirting flower. Card will remain until the player stops using the ability. Players are unable to use weapons while ability is active.


The "Carnival Horse" Card will shoot out Two Fiery horses that will pass through Enemies. If "Carnival Horse" runs over toxins on the floor it will result in gas damage to follow horses until duration ends. Animation will have the Card held against his right palm being held down by his Index and Pinkie finger. Card will disappear after ability is used.




Curtain Call: Mixing the "Flower" Card and fire will result in lingering Gas damage. The Jesters will seek out nearest frames for the boost. Jesters that Jump on Carte will speed up shield restoration and give overshields. Jesters will look like Noggles of Carte.




Ring leader: The Band members will resemble Carte. However they will be made from energy.



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Warframe name: Jormand

Theme: Jormand a frame that specializes in metal art.

Passive: Quitrent

When killing enemies, spheres appear that restore a separate scale of liquid metal (similar to the Nidus scale)

Ability 1: Mercury skin
When active:

  • Jormand is coated with a layer of red-hot liquid mercury, which can absorb bullets to replenish the liquid metal scale. But the warframe loses a significant portion of its maximum health.

Ability 2: Sacred spear

  • Jormand pulls out a sharp spear with spikes and throws it in the direction where you aim (like on a fishing). When hit by an enemy the spear takes away a little of the enemy's armor for each movement. Each throw takes away the liquid metal.

Ability 3: Helping hand

  • Jormand puts scrap metal armor on his teammates which reduces the damage received. When the armor gradually destroyed, it shatters and a lot of small shards causing bleeding status to enemies nearby. Slows down your teammates. There is a small chance that the blow ricocheted back into the enemy. As long as your teammates have armor, the damage from your weapons is reduced. Creating armor wastes liquid metal.

Ability 4: Skilful order
The player can switch between two options for the fourth ability. This ability consumes almost all liquid metal.

  • First variant: Jormand creates a turret that fires red-hot shards of metal. Damage ignores the enemy's armor and shields.
  • Second variant: Jormand throws out a box from which a barbed wire with a certain status begins to come out (depending on the color of the energy). The wire stuns enemies every second, deals them bleeding status and energy status, and slows them down
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First time poster, so please be kind!

My idea for a new warframe has taken me a while but here i am. we all know that on the devstreams the crew likes a little tipple...


My warframe would be based on drunken master, somewhere between an actual drunk and a kung fu master... abilities linked to his gourd of wine and martial skills. maybe even something to make a fool of enemies, or get them drunk!

i think DE could have a lot of fun with a frame like this.

i'd also see him as a friend to Grendel - whereas Grendel gorges on food, my warframe would gorge on wine!


Hope you like it - and good luck Tenno



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Surely it is from the time of the creation of empyrean that I came up with, and would be the ideal character for what the game is and is becoming:
A frame based on the users of force, a sith master specialized in individual missions suitable for the endgame, therefore capable both of doing crowd control with the push of the force, and of absorbing vital energy with suffocation, of destroying the armor with the lightning, and summon a lightsaber as an exalted weapon (based on the rapier with a new style possibly). as a passive would be ideal an enhancement to the ability to deflect and deflect the blows, perhaps with a particular synergy with the fourth ability


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I would like to see a warframe that could use parts of the animal’s body as a weapon, I mean, for example, porcupine’s needles as a blow to the area (a warframe spends 100 units of energy to release long metal needles from the body which, after 10 seconds, are separated from the body, causing damage to surrounding enemies), or tiger’s claws to enhance a melee attack (a warframe grows tiger’s claws on its hands, dealing 30% more damage than usual and adding a tear effect)

I hope this idea is pleasant ...

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Name [Placeholder]: Erato

I'm sure anyone can come up with a better name. Erato was a Greek muse of love, bows and flutes. This warframe would be a perversion of that theme. Though may have a signature bow. Who knows?

Theme [Dark Mistress / Dominatrix]

A regal warframe that grows twisted as it lets slip loose the dark urges shackled within it. Perhaps it was tainted by the debauchery of the Orokins or perhaps something of the madness that seized the adults aboard the Zariman Ten Zero lived on in a tainted memory. Whatever the source, malice and avarice leak out of this warframe like an infection, manifesting as demons born of void energy when Erato gives in to the whispered cravings.

When the spirits of Avarice and Malice take root in mere humans or machines, they will eventually rip free as short lived demons. When seeded into other warframes however they can persist nigh endlessly, twisting both fellows and Eratos herself for as long as she gives in the the alien desires.

Role: Interactive support

Just as it turned out to be really fun for Wisp to drop pit stops which other people would run over, the concept for this warframe is to provide a very simple support rotation which provides increasing buffs to your fellow players as well as you the longer you both play your part. While details will follow, up to two fellow warframes will get a visible (physical) demon or vampire skull beaker (or any more appropriate visual representation) that will slowly deplete. If your warframe whips them when the beaker is under a 3rd full, the buff will get stronger and the duration will increase - meaning that so long as your fellow warframes come back to you like the good pets they are, they will get larger and larger buffs.


This warframe focused for co-op play in long missions or against tough bosses - with filler effects for when playing solo. When solo, your game play focuses around meeting the demands of your two craven spirits - which will reward you with longer lasting boons and an etherial companion the longer you keep it up. When in co-op, you instead implant your your craven spirits in two fellow warframes and you will need to whip them at appropriate times to keep up (and increase the duration of) the dark boons you put on them. As this encompasses over half your skill set, you encouraged to engage in secondary objectives in between disclipining your servants - or just shooting things.

Skill 1 Whisper of Malice: (25 energy)

On Enemies: Take control of an enemy unit. It will become more engulfed in dark red shadows the more you kill enemies in a radius around it. At any time, you may mercy kill your dominated thrall to summon a "manifestation of malice" a floating etheral void slug thing which passes straight through enemies to deal damage. The manifestation of malice has a set duration but can be extended by enthralling, "seducing" and mercy killing more individual enemies. The longer the "manifestation of malice" stays up, the stronger it gets.

On a Fellow Warframe: When casting this on a fellow warframe, you will be locked out of using the "On Enemy" effect until you cancel the skill or it expires. The skill does not drain energy or stop regen (it has an odd refresh mechanic). The fellow warframe with be surrounded by light red black flames which will darken whenever the warframe performs a finisher/mercy kill or Eratos manages to refresh the effect in the correct window. The warframe will recieve a slight damage, armor and health regen buff - which increases in potency and max duration everytime Eratos manages to refresh the buff when it has under a 3rd duration left (which is signified by an emptying demon skull chalice which floats around the infected tenno but appears as a large icon above that Tenno for Eratos). Eratos Will get half the buffs which her fellow warframe benefits from.

Skill 2 Whisper of Avarice: (50 energy to cast, if not cast on a Tenno then incurs energy drain)

On Self: A small gold black whisp willfly around in the gemeral area of Eratos. Every 20 seconds it will emit a loud chime (which only Eratos hears) and will go infect a random nearby enemy - causing it to glow with gold and black light (for Eratos only). Once the enemy is infected, if Eratos kills it without killing any other enemies first, she will gain a status resist (including stagger/knockdown), energy regen and max health buff - which is accompanied by slight gold and black shadows around the edge of the screen and soft whispers. If she continually manages to kill the Avarice spirits chosen target without killing any other targets once its selected, the buffs will keep getting stronger while the shadows around the edge of the screen (and the whispers) will get more pronounced.

On a Fellow Warframe: When casting this on a fellow warframe, you will be locked out of using the "On Enemy" effect until you cancel the skill or it expires. The skill does not drain energy or stop regen (it has an odd refresh mechanic). The fellow warframe with be surrounded by slight gold black shadows which will darken when the warframe kills a selected target before any others after hearing a chime (or deals enough damage to the auto-selected boss without killing anything else) or when Eratos manages to refresh the buff when it has under a 3rd duration left (which is signified by an emptying vampire skull chalice which floats around the infected tenno but appears as a large icon above that Tenno for Eratos). The fellow warframe will receive a slight status resist (including stagger/knockdown), energy regen and max health buff which increases in potency and duration every time Eratos manages to refresh the duration in the correct time window. Eratos will get half the buffs which her fellow warframe benefits from.

Skill 3 Sadistic outburst: (75 energy to cast - delayed stun or boon refresher)

A very fast animation skill shot where Eratos will strike in front of herself with an energy whip made out of cruel looking energy which can only hit a single target. If she hits an enemy that enemy will suffer a stun several seconds later - the more health they have, the longer the pause before the stun but the longer it lasts for. Hitting the same enemy with the skill multiple times before the stun goes off will not stack multiple effects or decrease the time until the stun, it will stagger Eratos instead. If Eratos hits a fellow warframe under the effects of "Whisper of Malice" or "Whisper of Sadism" and that warframe has under a 3rd duration left for the buff (which will be visually displayed for Eratos), the buff will increase in strength and max duration and pleased whispers will be heard on Eratoses screen (and whispers will momentarily grow and shrink along the boarders of her screen.  If Eratos hits a fellow warframe under the effects of "Whisper of Malice" or "Whisper of Sadism" and that warframe has more then a 3rd duration left for the buff (which will be visually displayed for Eratos) then the buff will only refresh to its current maximum duration, will not be strengthened and Eratos will be staggered.

Skill 4 Dark Surrender: (100 energy and a VERY long cooldown which can be shortened)

For this skill to have any effect you must have either the "Whisper of Malice" buff or "Whisper of Avarice" buff active - and the stronger either of them (or both of them) are, the greater the effect. If the "Whisper of Avarice" buff was up, you and your squad will have a short period of invulnerability (while you channel) followed by a heal and rhino type armour being applied to your entire squad. If your "Whisper of Malice" was applied on a fellow warframe, your squad will additionally get lifesteal on their weapons and a short range pulsing fear effect on their warframes.

If neither the "Whisper of Malice" buff nor "Whisper of Avarice" were cast on fellow tenno but were cast on enemies only, only you will recieve the heal, armor, lifesteal and pulsing fear buff but will additionally transform into an eldrich singularity while casting. If this happens, nearby enemies will be dealt massive armor and shield bypassing damage and any enemy which would be killed by this attack is grasped by an etherial tentacle and pulled into the dark mass where the center of where your warframe should be, where they disappear. Your warframe turns back to normal when its finished casting.

This skill has a cooldown of 100 seconds but the cooldown is shortened everytime you mercy kill an enemy under the effect of "Whisper of Malice", an ally performs a finisher/mercy kill while under the effect of  "Whisper of Malice", either you or an ally under the effect of "Whisper of Avarice" succesfully kills the target after the chime without killing any other enemies prior or Eratos resets the duration of "Whisper of Malice" or "Whisper of avarice" on an ally when the duration of the skill is under a 3rd with "Sadistic Outburst"


Obviously the gameplay loop and skill set idea is important here, not the exact buff sets, background or warframe name. Please come up with a better Warframe name :p

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An arachnid male warframe with summoner like abilities a predator that waits patiently for its prey. He dominates the thread of  destiny of your enemies.
But there's only one fate for all your enemies, Being Devoured.

Ai Apaec/Ananse mythological references of mythologic male spider related


Passive: shows the enemies of the map in a certain area (because spiders uses it's web to feel the vibrations, finding your prey) 


Longer wall climbing running, and so on

1st abiliity(mobility): you throw your web on a wall creating a passage that allow you to walk (like ivara's arrow) as an example the point where you are where the line starts is point A, the end of it is point B, but when launching another web, points A and B connect at C. On top of the web, when hitting an enemy with this skill will pull him trapping him in that web (likr 4th khora ability where they get stuck)

2nd ability (summon): summons your brood, you can summon up to 4 spiders and choose between 4 different species each one has it's own diversification:
I fire spider: leaves a trail of fire wherever it goes, and when it dies it explodes
II parasitic spider: climb the enemy by fixing on it and controlling it attacking other enemies
IIISpider pet:a little bigger than the other spiders(kubrow/kavat size) follows you just like a kubrow or kavat attacking enemies inflicting toxin damage
IV spider swarm: several mini spiders, the size of maggots or tiny, go together attacking enemies and devouring them.

3rd ability (Control): in an area determined by the range you put your webs in the whole area, completely stopping the enemies immobilizing them and making the enemies that enter the area walk slowly.

4th ability (exalted): grow your blade-like back legs on your back, breaking your exoskeleton (removing the shields) getting faster and increasing your vitality during the period the skill is active, and using these back legs as a weapon to slice your prey (with toxin or another status damage already in it).

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