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Be Part of the Next Community-Created Warframe


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I propose a warframe centered around the concept of wisdom. Especially the wisdom of a teacher/master. This warframe could e.g. have been formed from not some Dax, but the Dax who trained all Dax. A figure of immense respect. This might make for an interesting dynamic with Tenshin. His/Her abilities should center around support and decision making. His/Her appearance should be reminiscent of an elderly man/woman and maybe remain closely to a regular human, because he/she has the mental fortitude and control over his/her body, to resist the effects of the Infestation. He/She might have managed to keep a part of her personality alive, and gives control over his/her body willingly to the Tenno, but comments the Tennos actions.

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6 minutes ago, Fullmetal-Jedi said:

we need a warframe that comes from the void, other than one that annoys every other player.

yes!, we need a better and more hardcore version of Limbo 😄  VOID-Shadow Dark LIMBO!!

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Knight, claymore exalted weapon with slow and meticulous movements and noble posture. (Sword and shield exalted would be nice aswell, with a shield charge and face first croud disruption)

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HEKATE (Hecate) was the goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts and necromancy. She was the only child of the Titanes Perses and Asteria from whom she received her power over heaven, earth, and sea.

Hekate assisted Demeter in her search for Persephone, guiding her through the night with flaming torches. After the mother-daughter reunion became she Persephone's minister and companion in Haides.

Three metamorphosis myths describe the origins of her animal familiars: the black she-dog and the polecat (a mustelid house pet kept by the ancients to hunt vermin). The dog was the Trojan Queen Hekabe (Hecuba) who leapt into the sea after the fall of Troy and was transformed by the goddess. The polecat was either the witch Gale, turned as punishment for her incontinence, or Galinthias, midwife of Alkmene (Alcmena), who was transformed by the enraged goddess Eileithyia but adopted by the sympathetic Hekate.

Hekate was usually depicted in Greek vase painting as a woman holding twin torches. Sometimes she was dressed in a knee-length maiden's skirt and hunting boots, much like Artemis. In statuary Hekate was often depicted in triple form as a goddess of crossroads.


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I'm STUCK on the idea of a Summoner type Warframe. We have Frames that sort of reward you for having a pet but I feel like a Frame based solely around how many creatures you can summon would be amazing. Passive could be something along the lines of boosting your pets based on how many. This passive could work on Organic companions only, not the Sentinels so even more reason to have a Kubrow or Kavat. Maybe also make it reward you so you get the boost only on one pet type per pet active. Give them a dedicated Companion like Khora's Venari, maybe something along the lines of a flying Companion like Bloodwing from Borderlands would be great for all the flying enemies you have introduced or something sort of like a tank. Then 2-3 abilities to gain new Summons, 1-2 abilities to buff those summons. Or have the summons be on a wheel like the Wisp buffs. Make it a little bit squishy as it would be a Caster Frame, no doubts. But agile and kind of easily forgotten so the pets take the brunt of the damage, maybe with a pet link. And all of the Warframes damage can be dealt with guns or through the Summons. I personally would love to see this sort of Frame.

Either that or to build on the idea of a Mage type Warframe that I've seen in here have it to where the elemental effects caused by this Frame last longer and hit harder. Maybe have it to where the Emissive color on this Warframe boosts a certain Element much like Chroma's mechanic. Give it some buffs and then an ability where you can cycle through the base elements like Heat, Cold, Electric and Toxin. Then when your enemy catches Fire you can cycle to Cold, proc Cold damage and a new Elemental combination occur, I.E. Blast damage. Have some of the other abilities be buffs for the Frame and ally Tenno.

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We've got an Infested frame (Nidus), a couple of Corpus-ish ones (Hildryn+Valkyr), and we've even got some Void-themed ones (Limbo+Harrow), but we don't have a Grineer-themed frame. That's a cool semi-original idea, right? Maybe it could be a secret Grineer project that the Elder Queen commissioned in the hopes of capturing the operator and giving the Tenno a taste of their own medicine? Kind of like a Grineer Valkyr, but with guns instead of claws.

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Warframe - time lord

Pasive - accelerated cooldown and attack speed

first ability: speed up all allied actions

second ability: increased damage for weapons that fire projectiles (bows, grenade launchers, and so on)

third ability: accelerates the aging of enemies within range (removes 25% of enemy health every 3 seconds)

the fourth ability: creating an area that moves with the warframe in which all enemies and bullets freeze (the nullifier field does not disable the ability until the warframe goes under the dome, and the nullifier does not freeze while it is under the dome)

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I'm not too motivated for this contest to draw (mostly because of rough times job hunting and being autistic) but I do have something someone else could pick up on.

Warframe themed around wolves / werewolves. Or Kubrow, since they're mostly the canid race of Warframe. Been sitting on my idea shelf for a while.

"This is Fenrir. The ferocious, the ruthless alpha of the wilds."

"Tame this beast and utilize his ravenous intentions if you can, Tenno."
- Lotus

Health: 150
Armor: 500
Shield: 50
Energy: 100
Sprint speed: 1.2 (runs on all fours)

Beastial Rage
Passive: 5% of damage to health is converted into energy. Sprinting into enemies stagger.

1: Lunge: Leap onto an enemy and maul them with Fenrirs' voracious maw before hurling them away with a Slash proc.
    (Augment: Pursuit- 10% damage dealt converted to health, nearby enemies run in fear.)

2: Hardened Pelt: Become enveloped with a pelt of energy, increasing armor by 50% and adding 50 point damage insulation.
    (Augment: ... - Nearby allies gain 25% armor.)

3: Rile: Unleash the howl of a Kubrow, knocking nearby enemies down, while allies gain 15% life steal for 25 seconds.

Raze: Fenrir sends all surrounding enemies tumbling with a sweep of his of mighty tail. (Augment: ...- enemies will run in terror after getting up)

4: Ragnarok: Summon a pack of ethereal Kubrows of all five breeds and spread carnage upon the battlefront
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A Warframe called "Sentar" a Warframe crafted by the orokin that has the ability to naturally adapt to elemental attacks just as the sentients do. With strong armor and the ability to replenish energy with each adaptation to new damage. Abilities are "stun" which strips sentients of the ability to adapt for about 20 seconds, "deflect" with the ability to deflect the attacks from life draining guns of the corpus. " Energy hammer" takes some energy draining and turns it into a hammer that replenishes energy with each heavy attack and "sentient strike" which sends an emp that disables enemies for a short time within range. Range and time can be enhanced with mods.

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Symbiote/Ghost Themed Warframe

Thinking of a main ability that allows you to "sync" with allies. Target an ally to "possess" their warframe, basically your warframe is absorbed into theirs, and your POV is tethered to their warframe. You can see (and shoot) in 360 degrees around them, but have no control over their movement. While synced, you can use other abilities to reduce incoming damage, heal, or increase outgoing damage. Beaking the sync creates an aoe pulse that deals damage based on mitigation and/or buff to damage output while synced. It would also be cool if you could jump from one teammate to another when you have line of sight.

There would need to be an alternate function when used on enemies. Strait up possession would make the most sense; your warframe is absorbed into an enemy, except now you get full movement control, and the possessed enemy takes hefty damage over time. Jumping between enemies line of sight or breaking the sync would still create an aoe pulse.

The warframe would need to be pretty fragile unsynced, and there would be a pretty high drain on energy to maintain the ability. This would add a layer or resource management to the gameplay, requiring players to balance their energy pool and the health of any enemy they possess while looking for the right moment to break their sync.

I know the idea would be complicated to implement, but I think the "two-in-one" gameplay it opens up would be pretty unique, and open up some cool teamplay options. (Not to mention the trolling potential). =P

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