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Be Part of the Next Community-Created Warframe


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Alright, hear me out. We have a few warframes based on myth, and I think it would be cool to add one more to that. This would be a serpent based theme that takes it's theme from basilisks and medusa. It's abilities could include crushing enemies with wrapping coils or turning enemies to stone when they face you (which befits both basilisks and medusa).

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Transforming warframe  combine stalker and sentient looks like cooler from base and his final form but like he will have voice acting when his transformation happens and cinematic story 

support mode thickness 


Mega support get you team each one minute one free cast ability on yourself and team frames then you don't need energy if you don't have energy is you last resort and nice

1  part one ability will have bonus for you team why not better volt who have 50 metter affinity range 50%+ speed   and you get super armor it not simple armor like chroma or rhino who only gives you damage resistance and bonus elemental you get 500 +-  because you need do a lot testing on super armor for rest of the game and not can be negated except from nulifiers then you get super tanky of course why can change this in too different ability like ivara has her arrows this farm can anti support team def give you  

the ability not stacking same frame

1 part two you get 50% more damage but all you team gets 50 %+ more damage because you have supper armor effect will be that bad can be erected by strength mods

the ability not stacking same frame

1 part 3 you get effect like chroma but for energy color you chose any who shots in you get status effect bu color if you chose white you can get cold procs range is 50 meters but the only get effect but not getting damaged allot ez on lv 30 +- but not good against level 100+ but you can crowd control

the ability not stacking same frame

1 part 4 supreme get supreme any one the warframes and give them strength buff duration buff and efficiency buff 30% effected my strength mods and duration 

the ability not stacking same frame

2 ability shadow mode you get like limbo in the void but you become shadow and make all team the can go ignore all enemy for good speed runs because this ability not effected by any enemy nuli enemys but you can't do any damage 

2 part one why not make team invisible for 5 sec 5 sec cool downs  50% status chance can be effected by duration and strength mods


3 ability energy blast you don't need energy spend all energy by 50 meters and on each kill you get 15% on head shot and 7% on normal kill plus slow enemy by 20% kinda op minus strength you get speed boost 20% but max you can have speed and is 20% -20% for balance still nova need too be meta 

the ability not stacking  same frame


4 ability you get you enemy damage debufff 50% and you  effected warframes will get res against gas toxin and magnetic effects 50 meter range not effected by range mods and max reduction is 70%

the ability not stacking same frame


supra god mode kill any enemy ez gg


then you can transform on first time push 5 like transference but you just need hold 5 sec 

then you get nice transformation with cool animation and voice

when you transform get different passive

then not forget you need be smart and not forget one thing cast all support ability on yourself 

passive all ability cast  on you support from will be on the rest on the game when you transform   that part for one free each minute ability cast for free max 5 ability  stacks on frame that means you can have like Trinity damage reduction volt speed Octavia damage speed buffs Chroma vex armor rhino damage buff but keeps only on 5 ability you get for rest game wen you transform

1 ability exalted tail you can grab enemy's and shoot them in the head or just melee them 

2 ability super shadow mode lets you use weapons and use melee but you can be damaged when you use them get 50 chance get doges any damage for one sec each you using guns melee

3 ability lets you get get all enemy in air but and get them together control them like the god but you can use against enemy you see range is 35 meters can not be clanged by range mods

4 is extolled fist you get 100% red crits and plus 100% plus status with true damage on the extolled fists but only red crits on guns but is have side effect is realy simple is drain you can keep this ability forever but you need get kills become hyper carry on the team on pve game is get 5% energy on normal kills and 10% on the head shots drain is 3-4% each second kinda fast drain   not effected by efficiency mods or duration mods only by melee mods and strength mods 

this some kinda need maybe better improve and balance not final decision or maybe my crazy and idea or not😲😲😲😲:facepalm:



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Оператор, заражённый машинным вирусом. С психическими отклонениями и возможностью более качественно использовать энергию бездны(оператор усиливает его способности). Также в зависимости от пути оператора должны быть разные способности. Варфрейм может общаться с оператором и давать ему советы(если уж на то пошло то у варфрейма должен быть параметр лояльности(примерно как у кубрау(допустим при 0 он не будет давать подсказки))).

Operator, a machine infected with a virus. With mental abnormalities and the ability to use the energy of the abyss more efficiently( the operator strengthens his abilities). Also, depending on the operator's path, there must be different abilities. The warframe can communicate with the operator and give him advice(for that matter, the warframe must have a loyalty parameter (similar to kubrau( for example , if 0, it will not give hints))).

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Имя: Арахна

Концепт: Гибрид человеческой женщины и паучихи. Нечто уродливые и сексуальное одновременно. Из механик можно привнести паутину, перемещение по любой поверхности (пол, стены, потолок) или мимикрию. Не невидимость, как у Эша или Локи, а именно изменение окраса под окружающую среду. Заметить можно, но только в движении. Отсюда следует возможность атак из засады. 

Name: Arachne Concept: Hybrid of a human woman and a spider. Something ugly and sexy at the same time. From the mechanic, you can bring spider web, moving on any surface (floor, wall, ceiling) or mimicry. Not invisibility, like Ash or Loki, but a change in color to the environment. You can notice, but only in motion. Hence the possibility of ambush attacks.

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vor 13 Stunden schrieb (XB1)Red Dough Boy:

Oberon could have his passives mix where other animals are tamed around him, as well as his current buff for friendly pets. Would make him close to beastmaster Warframe. 


Oberon has also been called a paladin since healing and fighting powers. 

Yeah but i would think a Warframe based around defendig other with Armor or resistance boost like sentient and he would have a Shield as main weapon

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We've got 175 Warframe abilities. I'd love to see a Chimera frame that is a weird amalgamation of current Warframe abilities. It could be kitgun, Zaw Warframe. Is it not time to let us build our own frame?

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I would be happy if there was a warframe that can control enemies  in example  you get into the enemies mind ant control it. The enemie you control would get bonus to damage and health while you are in control of it. After leaving its body the enemie would go asleep or something. 

So you could use eximus enemies for slowing down others ect...

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vor 15 Stunden schrieb JamieVoiceOver:

This is awesome news! It would be really cool to see an arachnid themed Frame, based off of spiders and scorpions 🙂

Definitely THIS ! This would also lead to nice aspects to wall running & Crowd Control etc

I think in general an animal frame is a good decision - this can also lead to a series of frames !

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Honestly, take the pic in the post, make it a little more feminine and you’ll have a more basic idea of a female(sort of) infested frame that I’ve been picturing ever since Nidus’s release. One that can turn affected enemies killed into her own personal army. An infested queen of swarms. Could see a giant infested boss in the new infested open world that summons armies of infested minions, including pure breeds like juggernauts, to attack her enemies or protect her. 

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