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Be Part of the Next Community-Created Warframe


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"The Loremaster" is a Warframe who embodies the idea of the pen being mightier than the sword. This frame wields weapons as well as any other Tenno, with a particular grace that comes from the smoothness of articulation in both word and body. Where others would simply bring a blade to the necks of their enemies, the Loremaster master reminds them of the harshness of a cutting word, wielding script itself into battle, inspiring some, frightening others, and recording every moment for the sake of knowledge. Cephalon Simaris would rend the world apart to have every bit of knowledge this Warframe holds. . .

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Beserker gladiator viking warframe with big two-handed magic axe as exalted weapon and that is also a pirate captain with his own ghost ship

that also can turn into a werewolf and conjure vines and hop around like tarzan
and maybe can bend time and go back and forth and looks like the roman goddess of war with various weapons

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A puppeteer/ doll maker styled warframe. Mirage is cool aesthetic-wise but I don't think she embodies the harlequin style enough. This new warframe would more fully take on the "warframe who laughs" style and mannerism. Consider a skipping animation instead of walking lol. Possibly one of its abilities would be to possess an enemies body. That would pretty awesome. Maybe he can turn enemies into little tiny voodoo dolls, he collects dolls throughout the mission.I was going to do some art for it but I don't have the time rn. p.s I am tired of abilities that are just particle effects hopefully we get something more concrete.

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I'm no good with this drawing stuff but I've this idea that would turn what Ordis used to be into a Warframe.  You know how he used to be Ordin Karris, the "Beast of Bones" whose fate was to live on as a cephalon after a failed suicide attack against the Orokin?  What would happen were "Ordin" to become a Warframe for use?  I'm intrigued by this concept and I think his abilities would be centered around bone weapons and projectiles that cost him his health to deal increased damage or provide protection.  His exalted weapons would be a set of bone daggers he would rip from his body to deal damage to the enemy at the cost of some of his health per attack.  He could throw the daggers to sap health from enemies.

Ordis deserves a second wind that would open up an opportunity to create more content.

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It would be cool to see a "Cellular/nanobot warframe" realised. One that could divide into small(er) parts and use these parts to take control of targets while transforming them into copies of this warframe, like Nyx's mind control, but not limited to one, combined with Wukongs celestial twin.

"Divide and conquer.. more."

This could even have a healer/buffer role hidden in it 😄

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Hello so i have had this idea for a warframe 

Its a Venus fly trap and as it gains or uses powers it opens up.   It has a passive of extra health and energy in nature tile sets.   Examples of powers are growth spread a carpet of fly traps that feed on enemy health a dot.   Reap takes the health the plants have collected and distributes its to party members in range.   Fertilize killed enemies in area of affect cause the carpeted area to grow.   Sow/Plant causes a patch of fly traps to grow out from warframe and it will grow as you fertilize (ability).  Pollinate Causes the fly traps to close and ball up and glow slowing down and confusing enemies in area of carpet.    


In my head i see a large flytrap and you don’t see the head of the warframe until it opens its trap.  Kinda like Nidus.   It be vine like structure.   

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Mimic frame who can be origanated from the first type of sentients.

Converted sentient like Lotus (Natah)

He/she can create spectre from it's body copying other frames enemies and use those as his/her body.

specters has no duration limit they drain energy, after you change body the main body became dormant like the tenno leaves the frame(If frames got the umbra effect on the this change with that).


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WF Theme: Design based on Aztec art; for instance, Aztec gods and mythology, like Quetzalcoatl. Frame would have design mechanics like Aztec art: Angular armor with organic curves, feathered like accessories possibly appearing ghosted like energy projections, an ornate head dress with further head dresses purchasable ingame. Origin story: Warframe conceived by distant alien race that visited Earth during Aztec period. Aztec Warframe would broaden diversity of game, presenting historical acknowledgment of central and southern America.


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Hm I can't chose. How about a locksmith. He understands the laws of physics and nature to the point of opening and closing anyone's potential. Example instead of giving a buff he opens the team players stats +max energy, health etc while enemies are locked(debuff) for the ability duration. Weapons won't receive buffs just to balance things. IDK just a thought

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I hope to be able to make an armor related to darkness and light, with a very powerful ancient power, related to the ancient dragon, with the most powerful power of darkness and light, because the dark forces for a long time engulfed the light and goodness in the body, causing the self to begin to collapse. Hundreds of years have passed, his commander has long disappeared, in order to control his own power, he is controlled by the lotus. He worked for Lotus, but after meeting the player, he gradually became aware of himself, but because the dark forces in his body engulfed his body and were out of control, what the player had to do was to remind him of the past and inspire the light that remained in his body. become our friend. 

Passive: power of the Dragon-switches between darkness and light every 120 seconds. The bright side increases your damage by 15%, and the dark side increases your health and defense by 15%. 

1st Skill: magic Dragon's fist-punches in the direction pointed by the mouse, after which the wind of the fist flies forward and hits the enemy to cause damage (dark mode-causes impact damage, light mode-causes piercing damage, and reduces the enemy's armor and shields by 5%). 

2nd Skill: ancient ability-extract abilities from designated enemies to change the damage and form caused by 1st Skill. 
Extract GRINEER to turn Dragon's fist into Fire and form into a meteor falling from the sky that deals fire damage and burns enemies. 
Extract CORPUS to turn Dragon's fist into an electrical attribute, turn the palm into a pillar of lightning and paralyze the enemy for 6 seconds. 
Draw INFESTATION to turn Dragon's fist into poison gas damage, in the form of a forward fist, causing the target area to form poison gas smoke, which lasts for 6 seconds and deals poison gas damage to enemies every second. 
Extract SENTIENT to turn Dragon's fist into corrosion damage and 4 punches in a row. 

3rd Skill: to turn yourself into a magic dragon, flying in the sky, you can use 1st Skill and 2nd Skill. 1st Skill spits out of his mouth and continues to consume energy during his transformation into a magic dragon. 

4th Skill: punch the ground, and then fly a huge magic dragon from the sky around him for 5 seconds (it can cause damage during the orbit), and then hit the ground to cause extensive damage. 
Note: this ability consumes all your energy and cannot restore energy during casting. 

There is no PRIME version of this armour because it is older and more powerful than PRIME warriors. 

How to get it: complete the raid and have a small chance of getting blueprints and parts. 

I hope DE and players can see, love you, and remember to give me one if you make it.

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We already have a warframe based on kavats with her own kavat pet. What about a warframe based on kubrows? A werewolf frame basically with a werewolf-alike kubrow pet. It would need kubrow eggs and plants only found at night to be crafted. Abilities would be about higher speed (running on four legs and cant shoot at that time, but a powerful melee to compensate), damage resistance, removing enemy armor or just weakening them.

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1分钟前 , Crazy-Flower 说:

我希望能制造一件与黑暗和光有关的盔甲,用一种非常强大的古代力量,与古代的龙有关,用最强大的黑暗和光的力量,因为黑暗力量长期吞没身体中的光明和善良,导致自我开始崩溃。几百年过去了,他的指挥官早已消失,为了控制自己的力量,他被莲花所控制。 他为莲花工作,但在与玩家见面后,他逐渐意识到自己,但由于身体内的黑暗力量吞没了他的身体,失去了控制,他所要做的就是提醒他过去,并激发他身体中的光芒。成为我们的朋友。 










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