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sometimes on landing from archwing I caN't jump or use abilities


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This is a huge problem for me currently during Eidolon Hunts. After I land from Archwing I can't use weapons (can't aim, can't shoot, can't switch weapons either) or use abilities, most of the time I can't even sprint as well. Only way of fixing it for me is dying and that only resolves it for 5-10 minutes if i'm lucky.

Edited by CrYPTeX1337
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Post scarlet spear update- This still isn't fixed, ruined a few of my 5x3s. Feels like DE doesn't care about eidolon hunters. Ivara and her castanas are also still broken, would very much appreciate this getting a fix because ivara is the only DPS i find fun.

Edited by --AbsoluteZeRo--
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Any word from those dumbasses at DE? Been experiencing this on PS4 for days while doing tricaps so I thought by now some players would've reported this.  Looks like any officials are nowhere to be found on this topic, I assume not many players are bothered by it or just don't feel like reporting at all.  As usual, those S#&$heads will stay silent unless a lot of players are enraged.  Another problem for us with their idiotic untested updates.

There's another form of this glitch I know of which causes the frame/operator gets stuck in running animation and jump height is severely reduced, other function unaffected.  By my observation, it's caused by dismounting the arching while being dragged and damaged along the ground.  Mount the archwing again and it'll shows that the descend button is somewhat stuck and damage while on archiving resumes.  Press ascend button to fix it.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...

This bug still in game.... is extremely annoying... can't even access the chat... 

can't shoot or use any skill

i can use gear

only way to fix is to die.


It usally happen when i m not the host and during intense operator - warframe switching when i try to avoid eidolon AOE attacks.

Edited by VeryTough
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  • 4 weeks later...

This bug just happened to me in arbitration disruption.

I wasn't the host. 

It is not related to the frame because happened to me as nidus and as volt.

It seems related to getting knocked back while switching to operator ... and there are no way to recover the issue if you are indoor.

If you are outdoor you can switch to k-drive and try to crash into something and this should fix.

During the bug you can't do anything.

Can't jump, slide , use any skill.

You can use the gear wheel, but spawning a vehicle doesn't fix the issue.

Only crashing with the k-drives into something seems to reset your controls and let you to start cast and jump againt.

Edited by VeryTough
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12 hours ago, VeryTough said:

It seems related to getting knocked back while switching to operator ... and there are no way to recover the issue if you are indoor.


That's exactly what it is, I managed to trigger it in ESO using trinity and operator mode with the radial knockdown attack being performed by an enemy. And I have been begging them to fix it for a long time now since it ruins eidolon hunts and profit taker. Its really annoying when you are relying on magus elevate to combat the constant damage you take because you keep getting knocked down which forces you to run into this bug. 


I've also had it trigger during arbi disruption twice and yes it is super annoying since it kills the mood on long runs as you are forced to extract.


Mods/DE if you are reading this can we please get some sort of confirmation that this bug is known and if there is a fix planned? I always check the patch notes hoping to find a fix or mention yet its never brought up officially.

Edited by XHADgaming
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Just happened to me again went into operator mode only to see my warframe flat on its face knowing I just trigger this bug again for the twentieth time(yes I am being serious that is how easy this bug can be triggered). Seriously please fix this or at least acknowledge it is a problem and there is a planned fix in the works? Over half a year and it's still a thing why? It should at least be on the radar for fixing and I will not stop at bumping threads everytime I manage to trigger it since it is ruining my enjoyment of gameplay that already have tons of BS knockdowns.

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  • 5 months later...

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