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Lich Mercy Kill leads to inability to pick up resources


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This is a bug I've discovered that seems to happen during Lich missions. I don't know what causes it, but these 2 things seem to happen. screenshots provided for proof.

1. I am unable to use the interact button (X) on specific things like stabbing Thralls, hacking consoles, and even reviving my pet


2. All and any loot I go to collect wont register as collected, it just floats below my warframe

Edited by Wolfie_Talkie
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I have the same thing (also when doing Lichs), in around 1/3 of the missions that lasts until the end of the mission.

Loot just follows me around and I can't interact with anything (including Murmurs).

I am still able to loot/interact when entering Operator mode however, doing so picks up all of the loot that's following me and allows me to interact with objects (though not Murmurs obviously, sadly).

Happens when I'm host too. Playing on Wisp if that's relevant.


I have had this bug a few times before the update, but only when in Titania Razorwing (could loot/interact when exiting Razorwing and not again when reentering Razorwing) and very infrequently (maybe once every 100 Missions or so). It has never happened for me on Wisp before and never as frequently as it's happening since the update.

Edited by Daxidol
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37 minutes ago, Daxidol said:


I am still able to loot/interact when entering Operator mode however, doing so picks up all of the loot that's following me and allows me to interact with objects (though not Murmurs obviously, sadly).

Happens when I'm host too. Playing on Wisp if that's relevant.

one thing I found that fixes it is full-on dying. I tested it by letting a Grineer scorch down me (which also made it so I couldn't hold X to revive). I just waited till I bled out and when I respawned, it was fixed

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It is like being in Limbo's void dimension, but without any Limbo player in the team.

I don't know if it is fixed with hotfix because none of fixes seemed relevant to this.

Hotfix didnt have this in pocket it seems. I just had it again. I had to wait to die  for timer to  end so I could use X again.

Edited by yilmazdurmaz
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When my friends had this happen during missions last night it always started after they had a failed attempt on their lich. I was the host in our missions and I did not experience this bug but it happened to both of them every mission where they had a failed lich attempt.

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12 hours ago, Vasala said:

When my friends had this happen during missions last night it always started after they had a failed attempt on their lich. I was the host in our missions and I did not experience this bug but it happened to both of them every mission where they had a failed lich attempt.

agreed. this shows a pattern now.

i dont remember if else, but it comes after i fail a combination on a lich.

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7 hours ago, Faemaster said:

Same bug here. Also, cannot even resurrect myself (so dying doesn't fix it) or Mercy kill thralls.

Only happens in missions when there is other players present.

15-20 seconds to die from bleeding, or more if you have link to increase this. only then you die, then you need to hold X 4-5 seconds.

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Came here to post exact bug.  Happens every time a Lich is sent on his way:  Mapped "use" key no longer works: cant mercy thralls, cant open doors, cant hack consoles, nothing that ties to "USE" function.  Go into Options/Keyboard bindings, still nothing...no matter what key is mapped "USE" function stops working, have to exit restart entire game.

A side note:  Weapons no longer get ammo drops either, as all "stuff" normally sucked up by either passing over it or by companion just float around your frame after same Lich problem above.

Edited by MordenGeist
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Further testing shows it can happen to the host as well and it can happen after just using the parazon on a thrall. Dying does fix it but you can't use X to release early. After the bleed out timer was able to hold X and respawn though at first it seemed like it was not going to allow that either.

After further testing we may have found at least one trigger for this bug. We both went for the same thrall at the same time and both of us bugged out with the floating loot and no ability to use X after that. Once again death fixed it.

Edited by Vasala
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Just got the bug AGAIN. Both times happened in a Lich survival.

Can't interact with items, can't finish thralls, can't pick up loot, and can pick a bit of it if I switch to Operator mode but still unable to pick up ammo.

Full dying didn't help at first as it wasn't let me revive. After a couple minutes it did let me revive and pick up loot/interact again.


EDIT: got the bug once more in a Lich sabotage, right after stabbing my lich.

Edited by LoyalFangs
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The same happened to me, can't use X in any case and the loot is floating around. Happened with different warframes and always in lich missions. The bug only dissapears if dying and reviving either by a teammate or by the autorevive when the timer ends. 

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This is progressively getting worse.  It started off as an occasional issue on Thursday but now it's nearly every time.  Loot pickup and interact you can get around with operator but no way around using parazon.  Also no way to pick up energy or ammo and it says ammo is full with 0 left. 


BTW this bug has existed for quite some time with Khora and capture missions so it's not a new thing just new to lich missions.  It happens all the time to me on cetus if I don't capture in operator mode. 

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Same bug here. I have noticed it happening when my lich spawned when I was not the host. Someone said it is connected with a failed attempt, can't confirm or deny that I jsut know the rough timing. I also wasn't able to hold X to revive and when I fully bled out I had the same UI as in bleedout so I was unable to continue in the mission.

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4 hours ago, SpongeCakeS said:

Same bug here. I have noticed it happening when my lich spawned when I was not the host. Someone said it is connected with a failed attempt, can't confirm or deny that I jsut know the rough timing. I also wasn't able to hold X to revive and when I fully bled out I had the same UI as in bleedout so I was unable to continue in the mission.

Not just on failed attempts.  I've had it happen after killing my lich as well.  Also noticed an increase of "double hits" (where it tries 2 requiems at once) resulting in this.  Even had it happen after not using my parazon on my lich and the game doing it automatically.  Lich was up on some crates and I jumped and the attempt screen showed before I even got close.  This bugged it too.

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Sometimes when stabbing the liches to get either correct or incorrect word, the button used for interacting with terminals, lockers etc just stops working, it also doesn't let you die so you can get back up quicker.

edit: When you die while this is happening, you can't play for the rest of the mission.

This is kind of annoying on missions like Mobile Defence or Spy where you must pick things up or hack terminals, respectively.

Edited by Flint__
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I've experienced this recently when farming murmur with my squad. My X wouldn't work which ment that I couldn't even do mercy on my thralls, but my squamates could. And for pickups, I had to go to operator form to pick them up, else it's really bugged.

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This has been happening to me a lot when I am a client and I test a requiem mod on the lich unsuccessfully I can not interact with anything or loot as my warframe I have to do the rest of the mission as my operator if I want to get any loot.

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