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Losing patience, please Help



 I am at my wit's end here and begging for any solutions to the connectivity issues I've been having with this damn game and it's servers for the last several weeks. I have tried:

• deep cleaning my PS4, it is in a well ventilated area already

• Rei-installing WF multiple times and clearing hard drive space

• playing with firewall settings on the router and port forwarding

• changing ping settings, lowering any graphical settings

And still I am cursed with: - host migration every pub mission - mission freezes while playing solo - freezing when using arsenal, mod screen, foundry, navigation, etc. - 15 or minute or more loading screens on startup and between missions

I really don't want to, or have the capability, to restart on PC bc of the time investment I've put in (MR18), but I am about done with this console BS or this game entirely

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A lot of that really does not sound like connectivity issues, but may point to issues with your PS4.

I don't know what diagnostic tools are available for the PS4. You've already done multiple reinstalls of Warframe, so it wasn't an issue with your initial install. You've deep cleaned it and keep it in a well ventilated area, so that's a great start and you may thus already be aware of the health of the fans.  But I don't know what you can do on a PS4 to assess harddrive or memory health. But yeah, a lot of this does not seem to be connectivity issues.  Are you having issues with any other PS4 games, particularly resource-intensive ones?

Hopefully someone with more familiarity with the PS4 can point you in the right direction.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Devilsfan0512 said:

And still I am cursed with: - host migration every pub mission - mission freezes while playing solo - freezing when using arsenal, mod screen, foundry, navigation, etc. - 15 or minute or more loading screens on startup and between missions

First question - is this the only game that this is happening with? If it is, rebuilding the database as @aruless has suggested should sort it out.  Otherwise...

Host migration does point to connectivity issues, but everything else says the issue is with the PS4 itself. AFAIK there aren't any diagnostic tools available, apart from rebuilding the database or reinstalling the system from scratch. There is one piece of hardware that you can test and that is the HDD. PS4s have a standard laptop (2.5") HDD that is relatively easy to remove. With a standard SATA connector you can plug it in to a PC, or if you're lucky enough to have an external USB HDD caddy like I do, you can use that to plug it in to a laptop. Once you have it plugged in, I'd suggest using something like CrystalDiskInfo to check the status of the drive.

As far as the host migrations go, is your PS4 wired in to your modem/router or are you using wireless? Wifi can have a lot of factors that affect it, so for best results cable it in if you can.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)Devilsfan0512 said:

 I am at my wit's end here and begging for any solutions to the connectivity issues I've been having with this damn game and it's servers for the last several weeks. I have tried:

• deep cleaning my PS4, it is in a well ventilated area already

• Rei-installing WF multiple times and clearing hard drive space

• playing with firewall settings on the router and port forwarding

• changing ping settings, lowering any graphical settings

And still I am cursed with: - host migration every pub mission - mission freezes while playing solo - freezing when using arsenal, mod screen, foundry, navigation, etc. - 15 or minute or more loading screens on startup and between missions

I really don't want to, or have the capability, to restart on PC bc of the time investment I've put in (MR18), but I am about done with this console BS or this game entirely

What is your upload and download speed?


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