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How to keep playing past the first three weeks?


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Even in lockdown I'm working full time from home.

When I started playing years ago, I was also working full time, with 60-70 hour weeks.

You do not need to "progress" quickly in Warframe. But you can progress in multiple fronts.

When you are waiting on something to bake in the oven, you could go do some syndicate missions. Open a relic. Scan a Simaris target. Do Nora stuff.

Even with sub-optimal gear all the above is doable. I was using my original Mag with the first weapons I built for most of the starchart. I did not even potato all my stuff until near completion. Probably not the most efficient but I had fun doing things my way. Oh and I ran solo too on the first run through.

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1 hour ago, UilliamNebel said:

I thought I would be in the open areas as I come up to MR5. But from my attempts to play there, and advice I've been given on the open play areas, you can't do much there without getting overwhelmed until about MR10. That and the aerial enemies, like most drones in the game, have really cheese A.I. that I don't want to deal with until I can use an archwing there. Should I be reconsidering that?

As long as you did the initial Fortuna quests and get your default K-Drive launcher, it's not that bad to run around the map (you can equip it on your Gear wheel). The aerial guys can be picked off from range, and you can occasionally find a couple of their platforms to zip around on yourself. The Archwing launcher is EXTREMELY handy, I will admit, once you unlock it to zip around the place for open world. Definitely recommended to build when you can.


Also, the Mastery level thing is actually a little misleading, imo. You need higher Mastery levels to be able to equip and use certain weapons and things, but it actually has very little to do with the actual enemies in the game. The higher the Mastery, the more equipment slots and storage space you get for various things. Some quests do require some pre-requisites that can be locked behind initial Mastery, but it's generally just to be sure you have the basic equipment (like unlocking the Archwing quest). If you have a Clan, check out what you can research/build in the Tenno Lab initially, and also look at the Bio and Chem labs. There are a lot of different stuff you can make and level which is both useful for extra Mastery points, but also to experiment on what you actually like to use.


There is no actual "level" in that respect for what you as a player are able to do, as you can range all the way up to 100+ enemies even though we're capped at 30 on the Warframes/weapons. It's how you mod and build your equipment that's important. Stuff like the Corrosive (Toxin+Electricity) elements are very useful against most mobs. You'll want a couple of different types so you can figure out what's most useful in your playstyle. You also can check the Trade window and see about getting an Ignis Wrath flamethrower. They're usually free or very cheap, since they are a Dojo item, and can be modded easily for some AoE quick ranged damage. Stuff like the Sanctuary missions are also useful for leveling weapons/Warframes fairly quickly.


Some stuff can be overwhelming until you've seen it and planned a bit. If you haven't, I'd recommend working on your story quests especially towards unlocking the War Within and your eventual Operator form. It's fairly mandatory for the endgame content due to certain abilities, and was also pretty damn cool. I should also point out, the Junctions between the different planets are EXTREMELY important, both to unlock progression between the planets, but also for the quests that are locked behind their pre-requirements. You definitely should be working on those as priority, even if you don't clear the entire map right away.


Good luck!

Edited by HoustonDragon
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Warframe is a free to play and download looter shooter mmo with multiple hundreds of hours worth of play time.  If you want to spend money on it you can but don't have to.

The game isn't going to keep the hardcore folks after an ego rush happy because it's not designed to be particularly hard.

If you are like me though its a great game to just hop in crack skulls feel like a badass and stress relief.

If you have a warframe player friend to grind with it can be even better as you can sit in chat with them and just shoot the S#&$.

Poster the question to ask is pretty straight forward.

What makes you happy? Why are you playing the game for?

If there's nothing you enjoy or have no time.  Quit and comeback later.

Well playing the game naturally resources will pile up.  As foes mr and gear.

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