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1 hour ago, (PS4)CallMeTelos said:

im not sure if its a bug or de forgot about Balancing conclave but the ragdoll effect works on players in conclave

Before the old blood (Nov 11th) it used to knock enemies down (which was still too much for doing nothing but a slide attack), however, since there is no mention of this change in the patch notes i guess it's safe to assume it's a bug that hasn't been adressed in all of this time (6 months and counting) despite being reported quickly after it got introduced.

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15 hours ago, (NSW)Quarky said:

I applaud your post, also I would like to direct the DE employees people who see this to this thread, as well:


sadly due to the gifs not being portrayed on the forums anymore most the footage isn't displayed... gotta replace the gifs with their inital links once I'm free... in a month or so *huff*

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Even in PvE the second slide mechanic needs to be fixed. Sure, as a host it procs Lifted status on enemies. However once you PuG as a Client that second mechanic becomes a violent ragdoll that rarely procs Lifted reliably, which was the one thing that made Telos Boltace a very unsatisfactory weapon to use.

Even after the changes to Telos Boltace with this whole “Lifted” status BS, as a client I’m still forced to chase after enemies that I catapulted? I may sound harsh here, and I’ve made several comments/topics regarding fixing the Telos Boltace for years: Seriously DE, c’mon. C’mon already.

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