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[The Outdated Parkour Thread] It Finally Happened! (Voice Your Opinion In The Poll!)


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While controversial, aerial melee and coptering are quite large issues to making rooms parkour-focused. The distances has to be huuuuuge in some cases just because you could copter across or jump up with the spin from aerial melee.


100% exactly this. I just thought I had to talk fancy to make people realize this.


And totally agree with some sort of climbing underneath the ceiling. That and wall hanging would work out very well for stealth. I might even add it up to the OP.

Edited by Aure7
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I think coptering has EFFECTIVELY been replaced by the air dash. It is a very good edition to the current move set and is superior to the old coptering system in almost every way. Use it. Use it like a champion and learn the beauty of the multiple air slash/dash or chain the dash/air slide. Ryu Hyabusa himself would nod at the progress. That being said I still support this thread whole heartedly and would like to petition the OP to include THE ALMIGHTY HANDSPRING BACK TUCK COMBO.




I don't think I can stop until this is a reality

Edited by Nkomo-Sama
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I think coptering has EFFECTIVELY been replaced by the air dash. It is a very good edition to the current move set and is superior to the old coptering system in almost every way. Use it. Use it like a champion and learn the beauty of the multiple air slash/dash or chain the dash/air slide. Ryu Hyabusa himself would nod at the progress. That being said I still support this thread whole heartedly and would like to petition the OP to include THE ALMIGHTY HANDSPRING BACK TUCK COMBO.




I don't think I can stop until this is a reality

I am sorry but that looks useless in warframe environment.

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more types of climbing would be well worth to implement. i fully support.

but i don't think we 'need' to make things huge to 'force' the Player to use Parkour. simply making point B less visible from point A solves this. if you need to take a more convoluted path to point B, you can't just Copter to it and think you're cool.


then Spin Dashes and Aerial Attacks can have uses, but do not defeat the purpose of Parkour.



what's even better is that more convoluted paths means that you can fit more 'content' into each square inch, making for more stuff to do with about the same amount of render load.

in other words, Game Design 101. if you can reuse assets or fit more 'game' into each 'zone' of your game, then it's best to do it. because everybody wins.



unless it would have invincibility frames

please no.


that's Cancer in the Games Industry.

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I am sorry but that looks useless in warframe environment.


I am glad you said that. I assume that you do not currently use the current handspring for presumably the same reason. Well...awesome OP of 1k+ upvotes... shame on you too IF I am correct. It is one of the most underused evasion tactics I see in any mission no matter the team... I am normally the only one using it to avoid gun fire, melee, and w.e. else I can. As controller only player It works well tbh and I thoroughly enjoy employing it.. It is very satisfying to avoid an ancient/scorpion harpoon or a Bombsard or Napalm with a well timed back flip. It...is just how things are meant to be or feels like it should be., Also being in a 3-D environment one does not have to retreat in a straight line or alligators would rule us all. We can zig zag that H&BT combo with the movement options. You are SUPER creative. Play with that idea abit.  Although the current mobility suite is NOT perfect I don't find it fair to leave out the any of the current evasion tactics in the parkour conversation. The only evasive manuevers to ever get SOME love are the forward roll and by default the forward frontflip. ALSO... The COUP DE GRACE...if that back tuck animation had wallcling/running attributes...well..need I say more?



How to implement:

From another thread


INSTALL A BACK TUCK MECHANIC (A back tuck is the last flip of this loop)


 roundoff / handspring, handspring,back tuck                

     \                 \                              /              /



(There is already a precedent/placeholder for it by pressing jump while doing a handspring. It currently looks super awkward.... Seriously stop reading, Go to your or your friends' dojo and do it right now. Jump while handspringing .No bueno.  I still do it and just imagine that the Tenno did a back tuck. Too busy? Just swap it for the animation when backflipping off of a wall/surface I KNOW you can do it. If you would allow me I would code this myself (for super free) I just need the assets and the privacy to make a complete fool of myself before I make an awesome backtuck mechanic worthy of animation/implementation... 


Dodging Backwards Combo  (handspring) - Aim + Backward + Sprint

While holding the aim button hold the back key and tap the roll button to do a back handspring.


Why? because doing a backtuck to a wall and wall running from that state will change the lives of every organism in the Warframe universe for the BETTER. That is why




unless it would have invincibility frames

 no need. Zig Zag. Evade.

Edited by Nkomo-Sama
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it's useless because it takes more time to do something that's less effective in combat.


doing 3 backflips and an air roll is less effective than just walking backwards.


the single rolls and flips we have now are useful sometimes, but an Animation that long has no use.

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Cloudbuit is the parkour that I wish Warframe had.  It's better than Archwing too.  There is no walk speed.  Why would you need walk in a fast fluid space ninja game?  You would need it only for stealth.  But, Warframe is not a stealth game. 


Cloudbuilt has auto sprint and jetpack.  Only jetpacks use energy/stamina.  The sprint is at least as fast as +100% power Volt Speed.  Jet pack is even faster.  The movement speed in Cloudbilt actually feels fast.  It provides visual stimulus.  Warframe's movement speed is too pedestrian to be impressive.


The control in Cloudbilt is phenomenal.  The movement does not fight you, like it does in Warframe.  It's not sluggish.  Movement in Warframre is anti-skill because it ignores your keystrokes.  It takes control away from you.  If you are not in control then you are not using your skills.  The game is playing for you.  Long, slow, clunky, uninteruptable animations are like macros.  They play the game for you.  Movement in Warframe is not a matter of skill.  It's a matter of patience.


In Cloudbilt, where ever you aim, that's where you travel.  In Warframe, you never know where you're movement is aiming.  You're camera looks forward but you fly off on a diagnal.

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it's useless because it takes more time to do something that's less effective in combat.

doing 3 backflips and an air roll is less effective than just walking backwards.

the single rolls and flips we have now are useful sometimes, but an Animation that long has no use.

You all apparently misunderstand ...it is my fault sorry. I mean just ADD an option instead of JUST a handspring you can input a different command to do a back tuck.


INSTALL A BACK TUCK MECHANIC (A back tuck is the last flip of this loop)


 roundoff / handspring, handspring+,back tuck                

     \                 \                              /              /





Command. Push jump while you handspring. You can do the command in game now and the result is a visual slap in the face "broken animation/placeholder":

Edited by Nkomo-Sama
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I am glad you said that. I assume that you do not currently use the current handspring for presumably the same reason. Well...awesome OP of 1k+ upvotes... shame on you too IF I am correct. It is one of the most underused evasion tactics I see in any mission no matter the team... I am normally the only one using it to avoid gun fire, melee, and w.e. else I can. As controller only player It works well tbh and I thoroughly enjoy employing it.. It is very satisfying to avoid an ancient/scorpion harpoon or a Bombsard or Napalm with a well timed back flip. It...is just how things are meant to be or feels like it should be., Also being in a 3-D environment one does not have to retreat in a straight line or alligators would rule us all. We can zig zag that H&BT combo with the movement options. You are SUPER creative. Play with that idea abit.  Although the current mobility suite is NOT perfect I don't find it fair to leave out the any of the current evasion tactics in the parkour conversation. The only evasive manuevers to ever get SOME love are the forward roll and by default the forward frontflip. ALSO... The COUP DE GRACE...if that back tuck animation had wallcling/running attributes...well..need I say more?



How to implement:

From another thread


INSTALL A BACK TUCK MECHANIC (A back tuck is the last flip of this loop)


 roundoff / handspring, handspring,back tuck                

     \                 \                              /              /



(There is already a precedent/placeholder for it by pressing jump while doing a handspring. It currently looks super awkward.... Seriously stop reading, Go to your or your friends' dojo and do it right now. Jump while handspringing .No bueno.  I still do it and just imagine that the Tenno did a back tuck. Too busy? Just swap it for the animation when backflipping off of a wall/surface I KNOW you can do it. If you would allow me I would code this myself (for super free) I just need the assets and the privacy to make a complete fool of myself before I make an awesome backtuck mechanic worthy of animation/implementation... 


Dodging Backwards Combo  (handspring) - Aim + Backward + Sprint

While holding the aim button hold the back key and tap the roll button to do a back handspring.


Why? because doing a backtuck to a wall and wall running from that state will change the lives of every organism in the Warframe universe for the BETTER. That is why




 no need. Zig Zag. Evade.

I use rolls and handsprings very often. I absolutely think they are cool and useful. I just thought doing so many flips is unnecessary. However if you speed them up and add some sort of synergy with other maneuvers like wallruns, it could be implemented very well.

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Cloudbuit is the parkour that I wish Warframe had.  It's better than Archwing too.  There is no walk speed.  Why would you need walk in a fast fluid space ninja game?  You would need it only for stealth.  But, Warframe is not a stealth game. 


Cloudbuilt has auto sprint and jetpack.  Only jetpacks use energy/stamina.  The sprint is at least as fast as +100% power Volt Speed.  Jet pack is even faster.  The movement speed in Cloudbilt actually feels fast.  It provides visual stimulus.  Warframe's movement speed is too pedestrian to be impressive.


The control in Cloudbilt is phenomenal.  The movement does not fight you, like it does in Warframe.  It's not sluggish.  Movement in Warframre is anti-skill because it ignores your keystrokes.  It takes control away from you.  If you are not in control then you are not using your skills.  The game is playing for you.  Long, slow, clunky, uninteruptable animations are like macros.  They play the game for you.  Movement in Warframe is not a matter of skill.  It's a matter of patience.


In Cloudbilt, where ever you aim, that's where you travel.  In Warframe, you never know where you're movement is aiming.  You're camera looks forward but you fly off on a diagnal.

I disagree about sprint speeds since it would just make things into chaos. Only few bonus %'s added on what we have now feels reasonable. However everything else is exactly my philosophy which I am trying to express.

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I have fast reflexes and eyes so increased movement speed doesn't bother me at all.  It's not chaos to me in the least.  It's visual stimulus, it's fun, for me. 


Increased sprint speeds do not have to be universal.  They can be implemented via Rush mod.  Then you have the choice of what speed you want to move at.  +25% max sprint speed is lame.


There can be missions for slow players, and missions for fast players so they don't interfere with each other.  One size does not fit all.

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Well Aure here's some of my opinion on the matter


The problem with parkour isn't that much in the mechanics , it lies in the tilesets, they way they're buold give you most of the time 0 reason to parkour ,or just make it plain impossible ( i'm looking at you ceres)

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DE has a tendency to make the game slow and clunky, and nerf what fluid and fast mechanics there are.  With downgrade 15, they broke a lot of weapons as far as momentum, speed, and timings, the result is that they all coptor like S#&$ now no matter how fast your Warframe or weapon is, even if you're modded for max speed.  You can have two weapons with the same exact attack speed listed in the arsenal or codex.  Yet, one seems to move faster than the other.  It makes no sense and it's boring.


The new corpus extraction map is a movement nightmare.  There are tons of tiny little ledges, protrusions, cracks, and crevasses to get stuck on.  Which all trigger a long boring uninteruptable sheathing animation that gets you killed.  The maps look beautiful, but the movement mechanics, the animations can't handle it.  The last infested map is a movement nightmare too.


DE doesn't think on our scale.  It was evident a few devstreams ago when Geoff showed a gray test map with a trench in the middle and there were distance markers on the walls and floors.  He was showing off some movements with Banshee and 10 was the farthest she jumped then just dropped like the gravity suddenly shot up or the boat anchor caught.  It was boring to watch.

Good man, agreed here.

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