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[The Outdated Parkour Thread] It Finally Happened! (Voice Your Opinion In The Poll!)


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I got a pretty good impression from it. I wouldn't expect any changes to be implemented any time soon but at the very least it seems like parkour is getting a serious look at. It was also mentioned that there is a pretty significant amount of feedback being looked at in regards to parkour. So if anything has yet to be said, at this point, now would be a great time.

I didn't have time to watch the devstream, due to school and whatnot.

Did they mention any aspect of parkour in particular? i.e. Wallrunning, vaulting, etcetera etcetera?


U16 confirmed for parkour update?

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I didn't have time to watch the devstream, due to school and whatnot.

Did they mention any aspect of parkour in particular? i.e. Wallrunning, vaulting, etcetera etcetera?


U16 confirmed for parkour update?

Nope, they'll seriously look at it.


Look. :(

Nothing concrete yet...(same for stealth, same for swimming mechanics)

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Not quite sure what you're talking about. Diagonal walls runs are not possible and definitively not towards the ground.

25Pbo8d.jpg <- Right here


The Banshee is moving towards the wall with a slightly downward and diagonal trajectory. How should the collision between the warframe and the wall be handled?


When grabbing onto the wall with such a trajectory, would your previous momentum be factored in, so you run along the wall with a similar angle? If you forget to press space, would you just go splat?


Edit: Sorry I wasn't clearer/more specific.

Edited by OptimumBow0
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If coptering is really OK and what the Devs truly want, Parkour should be removed.  Because it's a mechanic that's wasting space.  It's taking up megabytes and gigabytes of information that could be used for something else.



I think with direction attacks you can actually get to every spot you had to wallrun before, right?

I think they went a bit too far with the directional attacks when trying to solve the aerial unit trouble.

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I think with direction attacks you can actually get to every spot you had to wallrun before, right?

I think they went a bit too far with the directional attacks when trying to solve the aerial unit trouble.

What we needed




What we got



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Auto rolls still activate when you aim while in the air, even when you do it very briefly and height is low.  tiny jumps and very brief aims shouldn't trigger roll as it sends you forward unintentionally.

Additionally, players should be able to stop themselves or turn mid roll.


I think the best way to handle rolls would be to just make them player controlled. Have the player hit jump just before landing to stick the landing (or execute a roll depending on how they want it). I can't really think of any good reason to force a roll anyways. It should be a choice the player makes between precise landing and keeping momenum.



1) The distinction between vertical and horizontal wallrun needs to be removed when player is not shooting or aiming. See below for a good example from "Overgrowth"


notice how you can change your wallrun direction here. By rotating the camera you can control the angle of wallrun and also your jump direction. In other words it's not sticky and that's how it should be in this "space ninja" game too. This would vastly improve our mobility, and coupled with better walljumps and smoother chaining it would be pleasure to parkour.


I agree that the barrier between vertical and horizontal wall runs should become more loose to allow for more control but I don't think that the direction should be controlled with the camera.

I can forsee quite a few issues with this implementation. First off it forces the player to ADS(aim down sights) or start shooting in order to get on target when some players, including myself, prefer to hip fire while wall running. Second, the player can't execute a straight vertical wall run without looking at the wall, as aiming in any direction would cause them to move diagonally. It can also potentially of complicate vertical tic tacs on columns and other surfaces with less width.

I think that your wall run movement should be dependant on the player's velocity when hitting the wall. That way hitting the wall at a slight angle would result in a slightly diagonal wall run and hitting the wall with significant horozontal movement would result in a horozontal wall run. The wall run would still have to be "sticky" so that players could aim and shoot while wall running but the controls should work similarly to the way that they do when "hold jump to wall run" is disabled. Where as long as the player is holding in any direction the wall run will continue but when all directions are released the player will drop off of the wall.


3) Make wallrun jumps more controllable. Kicking from the wall to perform a jump is fine but it should be less

powerful and aimable. It should be similar to what meleeing from a wallrun currently is.

After some thinking, I realized that jumping from a wall while touching it just very briefly is very ninja-like and if would make sense to be able to jump anywhere you're facing with the camera. But once again currently it's nothing but a uncontrollable catapult seen in the GIFS below the spoiler.


I am all for this idea. But Geoff mentioned in the last stream that they didn't want to get rid of the wall catapult since people were already used to using it. One way i think to solve that would be to set the eject direction to default when the player is aiming towards the wall they are running on or backwards( ignore that, changed my mind) . Or you could just set the context action or an extra button to execute the default jump path regardless of aim direction.



And even though I am against current momentum you gain during wallrun jumps, I see that many existing tiles require them. So charging it up, and thus requiring you to run for a while, would perform a jump you see today, or at least close to that.


I like this idea. Though, It might run into the same issue he mentioned depending on how long it takes to charge a jump to max.


here you can see how hard it is to finish a wall run smoothly without triggering the wall-catapult or a roll. It just goes wrong every time. What if you simply want to continue running on the floor?


I'd be much simplier if we could simply aim towards ground while wallrunning to shift back to normal run. (if we had controllable wallruns)


Having to aim towards the floor would mean that you can't exit a wall run while shooting or aiming(since controllable wall runs would be disabled under your control scheme). I think the current method for exiting wall runs, when "hold jump to wall run" is disabled, should be used, like I mentioned earlier.


Doing vault with this "high" jump would result with stepping ON the object and kicking yourself high up like this



The only issue I have with this last one is that the vault would still be tied to the jump button which could cause issues in the same way that the current vaulting does. I would rather vaults be dedicated to a seprate button to avoid control issues.I'd go with context action since it can be adjusted to avoid any input confusion. vaults execute while moving in any direction an all other context actions would trigger when no directions are being pressed.


I think sprinting should gain a little speed increase over some time, so for example you would gain maximum speed after 3 seconds, but that would be faster than slipping because you would need to regain maximum speed after every slip.


I like the idea of acceleration but I don't think that sliding should reset your speed. That would feel really awkard and break the flow of movement.Sliding shoud have its free momentum taken away but it should still maintan speed. The fact that sliding decreases speed over time will keep people from spamming it when it isn't necessary.

On top of that my suggestions for parkour here focus on mantaining and increasing speed as a means of adding a bit of skillful depth to movement in general. I feel like acceleration should be integrated into all movements to reward skillful play with more speed ( and as a result less damage being taken).

Edited by (PS4)KaxMcc
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I can forsee quite a few issues with this implementation. First off it forces the player to ADS(aim down sights) or start shooting in order to get on target when some players, including myself, prefer to hip fire while wall running. Second, the player can't execute a straight vertical wall run without looking at the wall, as aiming in any direction would cause them to move diagonally. It can also potentially of complicate vertical tic tacs on columns and other surfaces with less width.

for Warframe, a good compromise is probably to use the 'left' and 'right' buttons to allow you to 'turn' like a car on the wall.


then you can still shoot while running around in circles on a wall. :D

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yeah, because Warframe has had Controller Support forever.

most definitely hasn't. i'm fairly positive 1st party Controller Support wasn't until after it was on Consoles.


Here some useful information what design means in software development:


Read it from to to bottom, read it again because you didn't understand it in the first place, then follow each link, repeat the process because again, you failed to understand. Then install ... ha, CCC flashbacks. Nvm, gotta go, JIRA is waiting for me.

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25Pbo8d.jpg <- Right here


The Banshee is moving towards the wall with a slightly downward and diagonal trajectory. How should the collision between the warframe and the wall be handled?


When grabbing onto the wall with such a trajectory, would your previous momentum be factored in, so you run along the wall with a similar angle? If you forget to press space, would you just go splat?


Edit: Sorry I wasn't clearer/more specific.

That depends on what devs will actually decide to do. However I did write about space (or any other key) being a "grab" key that lets you hang on something, grab ledges at will or slide down walls. So in this scenario I think you could grab that wall and slide down smoothly decreasing your velocity. Then maybe there could be a way to start wallruning? Probably not if we base everything on more or less realistic motion physics. Personally, I would be fine with an idea that you can only start a wallrun with at least a tiny bit forward momentum.


What we needed


What we got


I agree. Well for warframe we can have something in the middle. I've saved a gif from one of their livestreams and will do a section on directional melee in this thread soon. Basically I'd suggest there is a quick and very short push forward as you swing but no momentum afterwards.

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That depends on what devs will actually decide to do. However I did write about space (or any other key) being a "grab" key that lets you hang on something, grab ledges at will or slide down walls. So in this scenario I think you could grab that wall and slide down smoothly decreasing your velocity. Then maybe there could be a way to start wallruning? Probably not if we base everything on more or less realistic motion physics. Personally, I would be fine with an idea that you can only start a wallrun with at least a tiny bit forward momentum.


I agree. Well for warframe we can have something in the middle. I've saved a gif from one of their livestreams and will do a section on directional melee in this thread soon. Basically I'd suggest there is a quick and very short push forward as you swing but no momentum afterwards.

Ledge grab? Heyyy I made a thread about that! You can check it out and tell me what you think! :)

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Was playing a few minutes ago and after auto grabbing the edge of a waist high object to jump over it, that I brushed against while coptoring into it, and subsequently wasting time with that clunky maneuver, it occurred to me that Tenno should NOT auto grab edges they can jump or step over but should just auto jump or step over them, unless edge grabbing and vaulting is lightning fast, which it's not, currently, in Warframe.  Think of it as the Occam's Razor of Manuverability.

Edited by ThePresident777
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I did a thing about directional melee in the OP. Do you guys agree? I know one of you will agree for sure.

I agree with it, but only on Zephyr or anyone who has some sort of propulsion like a jet pack. I think aerial directional melee should give zero mobility, unless the Warframe doing it is actually propelled by something on their body. There should also be three types of aerial melee: horizontal (we have this one already), vertical (we don't have it), and ground slam (we have this one already.)

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I agree with it, but only on Zephyr or anyone who has some sort of propulsion like a jet pack. I think aerial directional melee should give zero mobility, unless the Warframe doing it is actually propelled by something on their body. There should also be three types of aerial melee: horizontal (we have this one already), vertical (we don't have it), and ground slam (we have this one already.)


Could you elaborate on vertical melee. I'm not entirely sure what you're asking for. like a ground to air melee attack that goes straight upwards? From the gifs you provided I assumed you wanted to be able to just jump and attack without any forward movement.

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Could you elaborate on vertical melee. I'm not entirely sure what you're asking for. like a ground to air melee attack that goes straight upwards? From the gifs you provided I assumed you wanted to be able to just jump and attack without any forward movement.

That is correct. In my personal experience that aerial propulsion from directional melee actually makes it harder for me to hit anything airborne.


Vertical melee attacks are basically downward attacks that do not speed up your fall. Mostly for hitting things that a horizontal swipe couldn't hit like some camera fixtures. Partly there for style.

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I did a thing about directional melee in the OP. Do you guys agree?

ultimately, i can't outright agree with it. Parkour and our odd Melee strikes should be working together. in order for them to work together, i can't just randomly lose momentum when i try to do great things, stitching together mobility Melee strikes and Parkour to make a complete toolset.


you might not like mobility Melee strikes, but Parkour has more options with them, regardless of if you like them or not. they add more tools to handle more situations, letting us keep our momentum across tiles and (hopefully) making for a smooth consistent movement speed throughout all kinds of Tile shapes provided we have the experience to know what to do where.

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I agree with it, but only on Zephyr or anyone who has some sort of propulsion like a jet pack. I think aerial directional melee should give zero mobility, unless the Warframe doing it is actually propelled by something on their body. There should also be three types of aerial melee: horizontal (we have this one already), vertical (we don't have it), and ground slam (we have this one already.)

DE would never take away all of the mobility from directional melee. It would flip the S#&amp;&#036; everywhere with people being mad and rage-quitting. I think having a short and quick burst is totally worth it for the gameplay it would provide. It wouldn't really grant too much mobility. Just a few extra meters without giving any additional momentum.

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ultimately, i can't outright agree with it. Parkour and our odd Melee strikes should be working together. in order for them to work together, i can't just randomly lose momentum when i try to do great things, stitching together mobility Melee strikes and Parkour to make a complete toolset.


you might not like mobility Melee strikes, but Parkour has more options with them, regardless of if you like them or not. they add more tools to handle more situations, letting us keep our momentum across tiles and (hopefully) making for a smooth consistent movement speed throughout all kinds of Tile shapes provided we have the experience to know what to do where.

according to my suggestion nobody will eliminate your momentum. It's just that it won't grant any extra like it does now. And if you really want to FLY for no freaking reason at ridiculous speeds, it shouldn't be tied to a @(*()&#036; melee which some of us just want use to kill stuff instead of flight.

Edited by Aure7
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