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[The Outdated Parkour Thread] It Finally Happened! (Voice Your Opinion In The Poll!)


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Why even bother having maps where you need fancy wall climbing? Shouldn't the maps be tailored around making use of our abilities as a side game, and then only if we wished to do it?


If you released "easter hunt" maps with a ton of wall climbing built in and put timers on them, no one in their right minds that wants the rewards will go to the trouble of wall climbing around. They will pick movement based Frames and mod them for a ton of energy, and bring along Energy Restores just in case they run dry, this is no different then taking Rhino or Zephyr or Valkyr on Archwing before the "fix". You took what is best for the job, and in AW case it was "survivability", and since speed and abilities meant nothing, a handful of Frames were best for Shields, Health or Armor.


You try and force the player base to "wall climb" and they will just work around it.


And before people "this is not what this is about we just want better parkour", that's BS. You do that and leave the current, better movement mechanics in, no one will use those anyway, other then making pretty vids, which means you are asking for the current content to be made redundant in some way.


All of the fixes the OP want will add nothing to gameplay, since the core is shooting things. No one "parkours" in Defense and Survival maps. You are not there to wallrun, you are there to farm loot. Climbing on a "perch" is hardly Parkour. I sometimes take Zephyr to reach perches in a single 1 press.


As already stated, most, if not all, of the Syndicate maps I get into with teams always have movement Frames that are being used to search for medallions. They can bypass any "wall running" you add to a map. No amount of added "improved" normal mechanics will make players abandon abilities, even if you heavily handicap coptering and air-melee.



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Why even bother having maps where you need fancy wall climbing? Shouldn't the maps be tailored around making use of our abilities as a side game, and then only if we wished to do it?


If you released "easter hunt" maps with a ton of wall climbing built in and put timers on them, no one in their right minds that wants the rewards will go to the trouble of wall climbing around. They will pick movement based Frames and mod them for a ton of energy, and bring along Energy Restores just in case they run dry, this is no different then taking Rhino or Zephyr or Valkyr on Archwing before the "fix". You took what is best for the job, and in AW case it was "survivability", and since speed and abilities meant nothing, a handful of Frames were best for Shields, Health or Armor.


You try and force the player base to "wall climb" and they will just work around it.


And before people "this is not what this is about we just want better parkour", that's BS. You do that and leave the current, better movement mechanics in, no one will use those anyway, other then making pretty vids, which means you are asking for the current content to be made redundant in some way.


All of the fixes the OP want will add nothing to gameplay, since the core is shooting things. No one "parkours" in Defense and Survival maps. You are not there to wallrun, you are there to farm loot. Climbing on a "perch" is hardly Parkour. I sometimes take Zephyr to reach perches in a single 1 press.


As already stated, most, if not all, of the Syndicate maps I get into with teams always have movement Frames that are being used to search for medallions. They can bypass any "wall running" you add to a map. No amount of added "improved" normal mechanics will make players abandon abilities, even if you heavily handicap coptering and air-melee.



I don't see how it's fair to even bring up current game mode design (which is actually very barebones and lack any sort of depth) when saying improved parkour mechanics isn't necessary.


I also don't see why you're assuming anybody wants to force anyone to do it. Nobody asked for Archwing and nobody's forced to play those missions or even build an Archwing. It's there for the people who want to play it.


Better parkour just means better parkour, and consistently functional mechanics are always better than barely functional mechanics or flawed mechanics. Parkour isn't going to be an alternative to coptering. While everyone else is coptering I'm just sprinting like normal.


The only thing that's really upsetting is that Directional Melee is doing parkour's job and isn't doing its own job all that well. That's a bad thing.


Also, what "better" movement system are you referring to? You can't possibly mean coptering since it wasn't even designed by DE. You can't refer to simple sprinting because sprinting is part of parkour. So that just leaves Directional Melee and mobility powers from Warframes with Directional Melee being bad at its primary function and mobility powers being a whole different animal all together. Parkour isn't going to replace the "better movement system." It is the current system. It sucks and it needs to be improved. Map design and mission design are entirely different issues from parkour functionality. The only thing that matters in this thread is parkour functionality and the game's physics. Edit: And the Navmesh on walls.

Edited by Aspari
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Players can only work around obstacles if they have the means to do so.  It would not hurt anyone if DE released missions that deprive players of various means to work around obstacles, as long as the players have the choice to not play the mission, it is not the only  mission by which the rewards may be acquired, and the rate of acquisition is the same across all missions supplying the reward.

Edited by ThePresident777
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Well to me it is, if you don't use it and are fine then why want it removed for everyone else that enjoys it ?

I don't support it getting removed, if DE wants it in then fine. But until it actually has resources put into it to make look like a legit part of the game, then to me it is a glorified exploit. Which is still bad.

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Well to me it is, if you don't use it and are fine then why want it removed for everyone else that enjoys it ?

No one seems to read anymore.

This entire thread is about the improvement of parkour and directional melee with a brief mention on how Coptering removes the need for Parkour.

The title is "Parkour has been ignored..."

This isn't "Copter Hate thread 2.0"

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I don't support it getting removed, if DE wants it in then fine. But until it actually has resources put into it to make look like a legit part of the game, then to me it is a glorified exploit. Which is still bad.

They repeatedly said its staying in,  even DE uses it, even if it wasn't intended IT IS now a feature you have to accept it, people love coptering, 90% of players I play with use it, its part of the game now. Its fine if you don't like it you have a choice to use it or not but saying its bad for the game is wrong, to me its one of the reasons this game is so popular.


I can still link multiple wallruns without using coptering it just takes practice can't you ?, coptering is not only used to go fast you can change direction mid-air with it making it an efficient and essential combat maneuver.

Edited by Tr1ples1xer
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No one seems to read anymore.

This entire thread is about the improvement of parkour and directional melee with a brief mention on how Coptering removes the need for Parkour.

The title is "Parkour has been ignored..."

This isn't "Copter Hate thread 2.0"

What do you think is gonna happen if they revamp the parkour system ? I'm sorry but they are gonna ruin it, linking multiple wallruns and using only parkour without copter is already feasable, please don't ask for a assasins creed kinda parkour because that is lame, holding a button and clinging to everything is not parkour, imo this games parkour actually takes practice and skills to be good at.

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What do you think is gonna happen if they revamp the parkour system ? I'm sorry but they are gonna ruin it, linking multiple wallruns and using only parkour without copter is already feasable, please don't ask for a assasins creed kinda parkour because that is lame, holding a button and clinging to everything is not parkour, imo this games parkour actually takes practice and skills to be good at.

Really? Coptering through the maps, which means that all the work the level designers put in just goes to waste?

That's "skilled parkour" to you?

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What do you think is gonna happen if they revamp the parkour system ? I'm sorry but they are gonna ruin it, linking multiple wallruns and using only parkour without copter is already feasable, please don't ask for a assasins creed kinda parkour because that is lame, holding a button and clinging to everything is not parkour, imo this games parkour actually takes practice and skills to be good at.


Where did you read "Yeah replace current parkour with AC parkour"?

If they revamp parkour, which I'm certain DE will, it ain't gonna be "hold button to awkwardly stumble across the map".

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Really? Coptering through the maps, which means that all the work the level designers put in just goes to waste?

That's "skilled parkour" to you?

What are you talking about, this makes no sense to me, I know you've seen my videos, I use the maps efficiently I link wallruns then wall launch + copter on another wall then wallrun on the wall and then launching myself on another level perfectly landing where I want. I am using the maps level designer made and I love them, are you saying I should use stairs ? HAHA


You know what almost all the new tilesets arent parkour friendly, all of the infested hive ones and new earth/phobos and ice levels they all don't favor parkour, the best place to parkour are void and jupiter and corpus levels because you have walls you can wallrun/wallaunch on. If level designers make levels that are crap like hive missions its their own fault I copter through them because they are cramped and not wallrunnable which this game is all about.

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If the maps are not designed for parkour, then, how can one blame coptoring for the lack of parkour?  It seems to me that in order to claim that parkour is being ruined by coptoring that one would have to demonstrate it and such demonstrations are not possible without parkour surfaces.  Keep in mind that parkour's problems stretch far back before coptoring was thing and we have largely the same maps since that time.

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What do you think is gonna happen if they revamp the parkour system ? I'm sorry but they are gonna ruin it, linking multiple wallruns and using only parkour without copter is already feasable, please don't ask for a assasins creed kinda parkour because that is lame, holding a button and clinging to everything is not parkour, imo this games parkour actually takes practice and skills to be good at.

I had trouble getting to vault rooms without Super Jump because Parkour is not feasible as it should be.

There's a lot of places that I have to use Super Jump to get to because the ledge grab doesn't activate so I just fall down.

There's a lot of places, like the the Void, where wall running is impossible even though it's necessary because it doesn't consider where I'm trying to activate the wall run a wall, there for I just slide against it. Had to use Super Jump to get to this hidden room as well.


Dude, we just want them to make it less stiff and crappy. We aren't talking about somersaulting into hay bales. We're talking about being able to slide down the wall and jump off at correct angles as opposed to where we're looking. We want to be able to fix auto rolls and vaulting. We want parkour to just be better. In your opinion, parkour is invalid and is trumped by coptering, which is essential to movement. We don't want to have to Zoren Copter everywhere.

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What are you talking about, this makes no sense to me, I know you've seen my videos, I use the maps efficiently I link wallruns then wall launch + copter on another wall then wallrun on the wall and then launching myself on another level perfectly landing where I want. I am using the maps level designer made and I love them, are you saying I should use stairs ? HAHA


You know what almost all the new tilesets arent parkour friendly, all of the infested hive ones and new earth/phobos and ice levels they all don't favor parkour, the best place to parkour are void and jupiter and corpus levels because you have walls you can wallrun/wallaunch on. If level designers make levels that are crap like hive missions its their own fault I copter through them because they are cramped and not wallrunnable which this game is all about.

I have not seen your videos (frankly, I don't want to even your claims that "you are the best at parkor"). And if you use coptering in maps where parkour is designed for, then yeah, you pretty much screw over the entirety of what the level designers strived to make on end.


No it isn't their fault, it's yours. You chose to copter through them, when you can just as easily slide or even sprint to the objective. It's not them, it's you.

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What are you talking about, this makes no sense to me, I know you've seen my videos, I use the maps efficiently I link wallruns then wall launch + copter on another wall then wallrun on the wall and then launching myself on another level perfectly landing where I want. I am using the maps level designer made and I love them, are you saying I should use stairs ? HAHA


You know what almost all the new tilesets arent parkour friendly, all of the infested hive ones and new earth/phobos and ice levels they all don't favor parkour, the best place to parkour are void and jupiter and corpus levels because you have walls you can wallrun/wallaunch on. If level designers make levels that are crap like hive missions its their own fault I copter through them because they are cramped and not wallrunnable which this game is all about.


>Using coptering and directional melee to make up for the deficiencies in parkour and the current movement system.


I've seen that a long time ago. Doesn't help the "anti-improve parkour" crowd at all.


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I have not seen your videos (frankly, I don't want to even your claims that "you are the best at parkor"). And if you use coptering in maps where parkour is designed for, then yeah, you pretty much screw over the entirety of what the level designers strived to make on end.


No it isn't their fault, it's yours. You chose to copter through them, when you can just as easily slide or even sprint to the objective. It's not them, it's you.

I use everything in combination, its not copter or nothing, of course I sprint / slide / summersault /  wallrun / wall launch (best of all imo) / wall kick to change direction in air / COPTER and new air directional melee can all be used together creating amazing stunts, copter doesn't negate anything it only adds to it all. If you watch my videos you'll understand what this game is about to me.

Edited by Tr1ples1xer
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Then play Warframe, but don't ask them to remove something that is essential to gameplay in the game.

Essential means that everyone MUST use the feature in order to survive. As me and my friends can survive in higher-leveled missions without a melee equipped just fine, that statement is false. It may be essential from your point of view due to your playstyle, but that is not true for everybody else.


Also, please understand that this thread is NOT about the removal or crippling of coptering. It is about buffing parkour and making it viable alongside all other features in the game.

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I use everything in combination, its not copter or nothing, of course I sprint / slide / wallrun / wall launch (best of all imo) / wall kick to change direction in air / COPTER and new air directional melee can all be used together creating amazing stunts, copter doesn't negate anything it adds to it all. If you watch my videos you'll understand what this game is about to me.

I'm not going to watch your videos, so quit bringing it up. After the stuff you've said in the past, you've practically shown yourself as someone who'd dig warframe into its grave. 

Copter removes the need for parkour because of how quickly you can get to locations. Air melee also does this, I mean seriously, the Galatine has a aerial attack that launches the frame higher than excal will ever reach with super jump.

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I'm not going to watch your videos, so quit bringing it up. After the stuff you've said in the past, you've practically shown yourself as someone who'd dig warframe into its grave. 

Copter removes the need for parkour because of how quickly you can get to locations. Air melee also does this, I mean seriously, the Galatine has a aerial attack that launches the frame higher than excal will ever reach with super jump.

That's only true in the case that you use only Blind Rage.

That being said, even that doesn't make a difference because no one should build Excal with that much power. It'd kill all of his other abilites.

That also being said, that height is enough to be stopped by the ceiling in the game.

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