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Problems with inviting/being invited.


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So I tried to do a bit of trading, and tried to invite a few different people, however, when I try to invite them I get the error message:
"some_name appears to be offline."
When they try to invite me, I get a prompt, however, when I accept it, I just get the error message:
"Could not join session (Host not found)"

I've had a few successful invites, however more than half of the invites I did, in the time span of an hour or so didn't work...
I've used the "Analyze network" feature, that's built into the game, and I get the "All systems nominal" message upon completion.
I've not tried to log onto VPN, to see if that could mitigate the problem.
I've tried restarting the game, to no avail.
I've told everyone I couldn't invite, plus another couple of people about it, and I've had one person say, they had come across the same problem.
I'm unsure as to how this works in relation to normal mission matchmaking; tried to run a mission, after noticing the problem, but nothing seemed wrong.

I'm not sure, if this is at all related, but I figured I might as well put it in:
I first experienced this problem, after having done both the first, and the second Glassmaker weaves, back to back.
I did experience something weird happening to the chat, while I was doing it once, where the entire chat HUD,
just disappeared for a bit... It started while I was re-checking the evidence, for the first weave, I quit out of it,
because I got trade requests, and the chat disappeared...
It was still gone, after I had quit, for like 20-30 sec or so, then it reappeared, opened.
Which is kind of weird, because I could move around, but I had also typed a bunch of W-s and T-s. (moving + trying to open chat.)
I had also pressed Esc, to see if that worked, but it just opened the ... "pause"(?) menu. (Again, chat reappeared opened.)
Also, the bar with the chat room icons, also disappeared during this occurrence.
(The restart I mentioned, was after this had happened.)

I was going to test with VPN on, to see if that changed anything, with the one who had run into the same problem;
however, before I did, I figured I should see if it worked now, before turning on the VPN, and it did.
(Like 15 min later or so, as I tested normal mission matchmaking meanwhile.)
He/she said that he/she had just restarted the game, though he/she did say, that he/she had had the game running for many hours before restarting;
I'm unsure how that relates to this problem.

I'm unsure how many invited didn't work vs how many worked, but I believe, from the top of my head, that 3 worked, and almost 10 that didn't;
one of which worked later, as stated above.

I've tried to do pretty much all the troubleshooting I can think of, I've also created logs, I'll be sending them your way, in case they are of any use;
though I have censored my machine/PC user name...
(Because I don't see why those would be important/useful to you, at least in this case; also, I like the idea of some privacy.)

Thank you, for your time and understanding!

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Same here. What I suspect are relevant sections of my log:


354.139 Script [Info]: ThemedSquadOverlay.lua: Accepting invitation to join <name redacted> in 5ee4f11b8633cd2e8c008d6d (mode: 0)
354.139 Net [Info]: MatchingService::FindSessions
354.139 Net [Info]: FindSessions query: {"id":"5ee4f11b8633cd2e8c008d6d","queryId":1}
354.248 Net [Info]: Found 1 session(s)
354.264 Net [Warning]: Ignoring resolve-results with invalid binding server 255
354.264 Sys [Info]: Resolved 0 / 1
354.264 Net [Info]: FindSessions completed. 0 session(s)
354.264 Net [Info]: PunchThroughCleanup - state = FindingSessions. Sessions: 1, resolved: 0, contacted: 0
354.265 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/Dialog.swf
354.265 Script [Info]: Dialog.lua: Dialog::CreateOk(description=/Lotus/Language/Menu/SocialOverlay_HostNotFound, leftItem=/Menu/Confirm_Item_Ok)
354.265 Net [Info]: Sent game invite response 0x04 to 5d4fcc5d62a4517f425bffe7 via <IP redacted>:4950
354.265 Sys [Info]: ClearInvite from <name redacted> to session 5ee4f11b8633cd2e8c008d6d


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For me I haven't been able to invite a single person. I just get a message that says, Could not deliver invitation to "players name". The last time someone tried to invite they told me that I was offline. I've tried a lot of what's been said in the forum above, just not sure what to do at this point.

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I've been having a similar problem for the last month roughly. Usually I seem to be the problem "offline player". If I try to invite the game just says "Could not deliver the invitation" and this will keep happening until I turn my router off for 30s. This only seems to last until I log on a day or so later to trade again. This also fixes not being able to find public games, where the game will think about it for half a second then start the 10s countdown timer.

Another tell for this happening is going to the friend list or clan list and the game won't find anyone online. Once I restart the router it works as it should and shows everybody online.

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Same issues here for me and my squad; once we get out of party, it's almost a certainty that we're all going to have to relog at least once until someone can see everyone as online and reform the group. On more than one occasion we'd leave Fortuna or Cetus back to Orbiters and suddenly not show up on one anothers' friend list or clan roster as online.

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Same, seems like I'm the one who appears offline.  I haven't tried VPN either, but relogging, restarting, redownloading, resetting router and modem, signing in and out of steam all does not seem to work. It fixed itself for me, but then it came back so I have no clue what to do.  

For me, it seems to start whenever I go into solo mode and then out into public mode.  Dunno how it started for everyone else

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For me,this issue seems to have begun after Hotfix 28.0.3
Its erratic ,I primarily use two networks for gaming,my Wi-Fi and my cellular data connection.
Initially it was only my cellular data connection giving me this problem but the Wi-Fi is doing the same too.
Analyzing the network gives the result All systems nominal.No UPnP or NAT detected.
People can't invite me nor can I invite them.

Update:Even after Hotfix 28.0.6, this hasn't changed,no one can invite me

Edited by Luce_Veritatis
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Yep, this has been an ongoing issue for over a month now, but it was the occasional trade where it would happen. today, only twice have i managed to get through. this must go straight to the top of fix priority!

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