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Ballistica Is Huge.


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They said long time ago in design council that Crossbow will be secondary. What they didint say that it will be the size of a shotgun.

It looks really odd when holstered on hip, because that thing more then half of the leg long - it looks like I carry some sort of high-yech mace.


Oh yeah - and one arm grip is just "redunculus". I look like some sort of Joker with an oversized pistol.


Devs make it your first TWO HANDED secondary that will be stored NOT ON HIP. Place it on the same spot as dual daggers - on the waist, and give it proper grip.


OR - just make it much shorter.

OR - make it wrist-mounted.


Right now its a fynny weapon to use but I cant stop facepalming when I see how it looks with some idle animations (Agile Nyx for example - just freaking silly) and how huge it is when holstered.

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It can be held with one hand because crossbows and bows DONT HAVE RECOIL.... Is that to hard to understand?


Have you ever used a bow, like real bow? If you dont use special trick to negate vibration your wrist will be #*($%%@ up pretty hard after few shots. Wrist dmg is so epicly common among bowmen.... yeah dont have recoil.


Same for Crossbows - you just dont have the recoil from the powder explosion - instead you have the feedback of a string that propells the bolt. Its all about action\reaction. The power that drives bolt in crossbow affects the user aswell,  the only difference is  there is NO DIFFERENCE. Apparently bolt has small weight , BUT it looks like it propeled with such force that can pierce through armor that normaly deflects bullets (supersonic speed and all), and because of that feature (armor piercing) recoil can be freaking brutal, since you need to hold this S#&$ in place during the time bolt accelerating to supersonic speed through like 0.01 second delay. Basicly it should have MORE recoil then Lex.


Ofc you can make Crossbow HEAVY AS HELL to negate some feedback, and I guess thats why new weapon is so damn huge, but in this case you cant hold this thing with one arm cause... its HEAVY AS HELL.

Edited by derclaw
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Have you ever used a bow, like real bow? If you dont use special trick to negate vibration your wrist will be #*($%%@ up pretty hard after few shots. Wrist dmg is so epicly common among bowmen.... yeah dont have recoil.


Same for Crossbows - you just dont have the recoil from the powder explosion - instead you have the feedback of a string that propells the bolt. Its all about action\reaction. The power that drives bolt in crossbow affects the user aswell,  the only difference is that bolt has small weight and thus propeled with such force that it pierces through armor that normaly deflects bullets, and because of that feature (armor piercing) recoil can be freaking brutal, since you need to hold this S#&$ in place during the bolt acceleration process.

Crossbows and bows are very different, and yes I have shot both. Bows do have "vibration'" but crossbows are pulled back and then held by the handle. you aren't touching the arm of the bow, so you don't feel any "vibration."


If you are talking about a kick, a MINATURE crossbow would not have enough kick to interfere with accuracy.

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Crossbows and bows are very different, and yes I have shot both. Bows do have "vibration'" but crossbows are pulled back and then held by the handle. you aren't touching the arm of the bow, so you don't feel any "vibration."


If you are talking about a kick, a MINATURE crossbow would not have enough kick to interfere with accuracy.

Have you seen Ballistica in game? Its the size of a shotgun. And it looks stupid that Frame holds it like Lato (AND THIS IS WHAT THIS THREAD ABOUT ACTUALLY).


Kick = Recoil. Same bloody thing, especially since Ballistica has burst fire mode with 4 sets of strings and 20 bolts in clip - and you are not intended to pull - so here you go - your arms eat all the kick so you can keep aiming at the general direction of enemies for 5 volleys. This thing would have brutal recoil if it was real life weapon.

Edited by derclaw
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Have you seen Balistics in game? Its the size of a shotgun. And it looks stupid that Frame holds it like Lato.

I own it. Bows/Crossbows are made of light, flexible materials in 2013. I'm assuming a few hundreds of years in the future that the Tenno would be able to make it lightweight.



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I'm guessing that the Ballistica is likewise made out of lightweight material.


There is visible recoil from the shots (or kick, actually, the gun doesn't really move much from its center), which leads me to believe this :S


So I suppose it could be held in one hand, its just that in real life, it's not so likely with a crossbow that size :p

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Have you ever used a bow, like real bow? If you dont use special trick to negate vibration your wrist will be #*($%%@ up pretty hard after few shots. Wrist dmg is so epicly common among bowmen.... yeah dont have recoil.


Same for Crossbows - you just dont have the recoil from the powder explosion - instead you have the feedback of a string that propells the bolt. Its all about action\reaction. The power that drives bolt in crossbow affects the user aswell,  the only difference is  there is NO DIFFERENCE. Apparently bolt has small weight , BUT it looks like it propeled with such force that can pierce through armor that normaly deflects bullets (supersonic speed and all), and because of that feature (armor piercing) recoil can be freaking brutal, since you need to hold this S#&$ in place during the time bolt accelerating to supersonic speed through like 0.01 second delay. Basicly it should have MORE recoil then Lex.


Ofc you can make Crossbow HEAVY AS HELL to negate some feedback, and I guess thats why new weapon is so damn huge, but in this case you cant hold this thing with one arm cause... its HEAVY AS HELL.

i own 4 crossbows. There's no kickback or vibration. Sure you feel the arrow leave and a blind man can feel he just fired it but its not what you would call a kickback in the sense of a firearm.


You have to remember the kick back is caused by the projectile pushing the weapon backwards so that it can go forwards. In a firearm, all that acceleration happens in a very short window and once the bullet has left its shell casing and is traveling down the barrel, the backwards acceleration of the firearm has long passed because the bullet is no longer pushing the gun back.


In a crossbow that acceleration window happens over a very long duration and over a very long distance (basically the distance of the drawback). That's why there's no sudden kick because the acceleration has to build up. But accelleration does not mean velocity since you're holding the crossbow in place during the entire duration so really the backwards force cause by firing the crossbow is only the force of its acceleration rather than the entire arrow "muzzel" velocity. 


Dispite intution a powerful corssbow in the 150-250 lb draw range compared to a standard rifle round such as a 5.56 has very limited firing range. This is because the total energy is actually really low. A 5.56 round can travel at 3500 ft/second which a 150lb crossbow can only travel at about 125-175 ft/second. The mass of a bolt would have to equal roughly 30 times the mass of the bullet to provide similar force and hense total kickback force. The mass of a typical bolt is about 25g while a 5.56 round has 4g. Thats only roughly 6 times more mass at 30 times slower travel rate. 


It ends up being a very weak force backwards just the mass of your arm is enough to keep it steady after firing it. 

Edited by ForumSmurf
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They said long time ago in design council that Crossbow will be secondary. What they didint say that it will be the size of a shotgun.

It looks really odd when holstered on hip, because that thing more then half of the leg long - it looks like I carry some sort of high-yech mace.


Oh yeah - and one arm grip is just "redunculus". I look like some sort of Joker with an oversized pistol.


Devs make it your first TWO HANDED secondary that will be stored NOT ON HIP. Place it on the same spot as dual daggers - on the waist, and give it proper grip.


OR - just make it much shorter.

OR - make it wrist-mounted.


Right now its a fynny weapon to use but I cant stop facepalming when I see how it looks with some idle animations (Agile Nyx for example - just freaking silly) and how huge it is when holstered.

Wrist mounted crossbow.

Yes Yes Yes

I want that

Daud would be proud of you

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