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Teoarrk's concepts, lore and ideas thread, part 2 (Latest post - Where Part 9?)


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Thanks for the feedback from you all. I had a Nora Night event script brewing, which I will definitely work into part of this miniseries. I could also write some radio segments from the Corpus and Grineer. I had this 1984 style news station idea for Grineer, but Corpus having their own radio station opens up a bunch of ideas as well. Fortuna has a bunch of adverts in the ambient noise, which I will try to build upon.

13 hours ago, keikogi said:

Also man did you remember the blackseed group from that ancient juggernaut event.

I'll be honest if it weren't for me talking to @FoxFX and reading from his backlog of concepts on the faction I imagine they would have not been on my radar. I wasn't around for the event itself as I was taking a break from the game at the time.

13 hours ago, keikogi said:

the corpus seen way to altruistic

I may want to explore the freeport network at some point. It's kinda like a bunch of floating stock exchanges, so one of them going down is letting Profit Guilds crash and burn. Perhaps I could do with adding minor Corpus Factions at some point as well? We will have to see.

11 hours ago, (XBOX)Fluffywolf36 said:

This looks very interesting! I'm looking forward to seeing where you take this.

Thanks Fluffy :)

13 minutes ago, Unus said:

Ooooo, this reminds me of my own work with possible sub factions and my Conqueror Wyrm event,

You know Unus, every time I look into your thread I find gold. These posts will definitely help steer the ship going forward, at least in part. 

13 hours ago, keikogi said:

Glad to know I've helped.

You always help :)

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8 hours ago, Teoarrk said:

I'll be honest if it weren't for me talking to @FoxFX and reading from his backlog of concepts on the faction I imagine they would have not been on my radar. I wasn't around for the event itself as I was taking a break from the game at the time.

DE has a nasty habit of introducing a plot thread and not really tie it or develope it. Arlo went literally nowhere, the wolf never heard of again and tyl regor still MIA. Same goes for the black seed group , did that strain of the jugernaut and we never head of them again nor striked their headquarters ( to the story could have closure ) /

8 hours ago, Teoarrk said:

Thanks for the feedback from you all. I had a Nora Night event script brewing, which I will definitely work into part of this miniseries. I could also write some radio segments from the Corpus and Grineer. I had this 1984 style news station idea for Grineer, but Corpus having their own radio station opens up a bunch of ideas as well. Fortuna has a bunch of adverts in the ambient noise, which I will try to build upon.

Corpus could for for the 1 minute standart off the recent off 1 minute videos or having a weird gimick off speaking really fast to optimize the "break". 

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On 2021-10-06 at 12:27 PM, Teoarrk said:

I had this 1984 style news station idea for Grineer, but Corpus having their own radio station opens up a bunch of ideas as well. Fortuna has a bunch of adverts in the ambient noise, which I will try to build upon.

Go for it. Do it. It's always been weirdly funny to me that Corpus tilesets don't have that much environmental storytelling, and I love stuff like this.

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 Technocyte Schism Part 2: Enemies of the same flesh

The hazard lights pulse, bathing everything in a deep red glow. The others scan nervously into the dark.

The scream of my radio catches me by surprise. "Komrades of Mercury, finest of the Grineer stock-" The radio continues, but I don't focus on the rest of the message. An idea has come to mind.

"Everyone, get ready." I shout, ripping the earpiece from my visor. Sounds come from the nearby tunnels. They are close. I throw the earpiece into an open area, while the rest ready themselves. Sargus Ruk is bellowing about our bravery, while Kweens of Us All plays in the background. My brothers are nervous, I hear the slight clicking of their armor bouncing against their weapons. I feel my own hand shaking slightly as I pull out my Kraken. The noises from the other tunnels have stopped.  

The ground around the headpiece erupts into dust. We open fire, the light from our guns drowning out the hazard lights in bright flashes. As the smoke clears, one of the ghouls is there, twitching and bullet ridden. I go to confirm the kill, when another leaps past me, the bulk of the creature knocking me to the ground. My brothers continue to fire as I scramble for my gun, the fire spreading out on all sides. They've surrounded us. I grab my gun, finding myself face to face with one of the submerged creatures. My hands are faster than it's lunge, my visor covered in ichor. I get to my feet, instinctively pulling out my Sheev as I see the eyes of ghouls all around.

My brothers are fighting tooth and nail, but they are being cut down one by one. The glow of the Sheev in my hand steels my nerves with it's comforting glow. The beasts lurch forward, but a weak paw of the weapon is enough to keep them back. One much larger than the rest jumps from the crowd, a bloody handprint on its face. I jab the Sheev up into it's chest, a howl of pain my reward. A metal claw slams into my Sheev arm with such force that it feels broken. I pull away, my Kraken being the only thing separating me from being Ghoul food. I manage to get a few rounds into the creature before it rushes at me again, careening into a nearby wall.

An arm down, I stumble and fall onto the floor again, amongst the bodies of the fallen. Gunfire interrupts the sound of the ghouls less and less. The alpha approaches, the glistening gunshot wounds not doing anything. I realise that I still have a frag grenade in breast pouch, it would probably be better to die that way than be eaten. The creature stops a few feet away from me, waiting patiently. Maybe this thing knows what I'm planning to do? The stalemate lasts long enough for other ghouls to approach, their fresh kills running down their bodies. They stop at the same distance as the alpha, their eyes, or what passed for eyes looking at me with interest. My Kraken feels useless in my hand, but letting go of it even for a second would be fatal. A clock was ticking till the time when the threat of my grenade would end and the beasts would attack regardless.  

That was when something shone brighter than the hazard lights again. The ghouls froze at the sight of something behind me. A heavy footprint was all I heard before a Supra fired above my head. The ghouls died where they stood, each erupting into clouds of viscera. I looked up at my would be saviour and froze myself. A glowing fleshy thing wriggled around in a tube, which was attached to much larger, hulking creature, whose torso was covered in a cluster of eyes and whose head was little more than a antenna, each arm a mess of infested flesh with a Supra wedged into a bloody slot. It took no interest in me, thank the Kweens, instead lumbering past to do something to the ghouls it had killed. I took the opportunity to escape.

Hu did nothing wrong. Mine Fhuve Tok Ehught is Rapatok. Tu kotr is retrroyed. Tu brothers are dead. The Kurokk sikhaat have overrun it.

- After action report delivered by Ukhi Uk Uk Chee to the Mercury relief command.


Black Seed


Ever wanted the great taste of Rho Fruit in Pim Berry Flavour? Thanks to the geniuses at Rho Biotechnical Solutions, the wait is now over! 100% Safe, 100% delicious. *9 out of 10 doctors do not recommend consumption of Rho Pim fruit due to several violations of food and drug consumption standards* Try Rho Pim Today! This advert will continue after the break story!


The story will continue during the next break in two days!

Black Seed is an enigma as far as factions in Warframe go. There is very little known about them, aside from their one time release of Juggernaut Spores into the Origin System. They are considered Corpus in name only, being little more than terrorists that have no ties to any Profit Guild nor representing any Corpus interests. However, it stands to reason that they did once. When Alad V was driven into hiding on Eris, the fleets he used to continue running his Mutalist experiments had crews. These Corpus knew full well where Alad V was and also must have known of the changes in their boss. It would have been extremely lucrative to turn him in, obtaining a meteoric rise to the status of Profit Guild Master for the Jupiter region and many assets alongside. But they didn't. Many of them continued to work in this capacity long after ships and crews went missing in a growing Mutalist mass that has left a lasting scar over the skies of Eris.

If you are still with me, let me explain why the logo says 'Black Rho' and the logo looks very similar to the Beekloud Hivemind logo. Black Seed are terrorists, their actions prove as such. But lab equipment, spore samples, logistics, these do not come for free. Therefore, the easiest strategy is to create a shell company and register it in a obscure freeport that produces a basic, but profitable product. Use the name familiarity of Project Rho to further cement the product in Corpus society. Establish a connection with a minor Profit Guild that is in the same industry. Commission a small logistics fleet in the name of this shell company, with a misleading Profit Guild logo to mask illicit activity behind Guild business.  Spend most of the profits back into this shell company, meanwhile funnelling a sizeable amount into furthering their true goals. Recruit Corpus through promise of higher wages. Pay off key people in key places to 'turn a blind eye' to unmarked items appearing in manifests. 

Come to discoveries that can bring the System to it's knees.  

It is time.




Tar Mutalist Moa

Swarm Mutalist Moa

Mutalist Osprey

Biofilm Mutalist Osprey - A creature that emits of a thick mucus that slows down projectiles fired at allies within 15m by 30%.

Triuna Enforcer - A wall of flesh with two Supras grafted directly to their arms. A Triuna Zygote suspended in front of its torso will deactivate Warframes that get too close.

Puppet Warframes - Warframes animated by Infested Flesh. 

Triuna Brute - A mountain of Muscle that will close the distance, using the Triuna Zygote to disarm and dismember the Tenno.

Triuna Lurker - Little more than a tripmine with arms. Do not stand on or near them.

Mutalist Jackal - Exactly as it sounds.

Mutalist Hives - Forward defences that provide hive bonuses when destroyed.


Attack from range and take out Triuna Zygotes as first priority. Warframes close to these organisms will become deactivated.

Final Note:


Why do Black Seed have access to the Triuna? 

Nef Anyo scanned all of the Myconian children that he captured, making a small profit out of their sold biometric data. Included in this was a rudimentary scan of the Triuna, something that quickly got swept up in multiple black market dealings. Black Seed were the eventual holders of the scan, using their labs to reverse engineer a version of the Triuna for use on the battlefield. Triuna allows Black Seed to control the Mutalist directly, in a similar manner to Necramechs.

Kurokk Hive


- warning sign placed on all entrances to Mine 811, Mercury.

Glorious news Brothers! Thanks to the victories at Nemesis by Commander Voht, the Grokdrul rations have been increased by 30%! The defenders of Nemesis were cunning and cruel, but proved nothing before the might and bravery of the Grineer! A toast to Voht and the conkwerors of Nemesis! May we hear more good news from Commander Voht! But brothers, it is now time to talk of the traitor Kurokk. This evil Grineer is hiding, for he knows he has failed his Kween. He knows that every Grineer is looking for him!  The reward for the capture of Div Kurokk has been upgraded to Petty Officer in the Arid Corps. More brave brothers and sisters have been lost due to his abominations. We will have justice. For the glory of the Kweens!

- Radio of the Grineer Soldier

The Kurokk Hive is formed from a number of Grineer Ghouls with the Kurokk Strain of Technocyte. This strain has made them smarter and stronger than normal ghouls and even more monstrous. Despite the small number of initial ghoul test subjects and their tendency to eviscerate their victims, the unique mixture of diapause and Kurokk has meant that each victim becomes another added to their number. 

Div Kurokk, the strain's creator aimed to make Ghouls that would be able to destroy the defences of colonies in such a way that no Grineer lives would be lost due to enemy combatants. He was too successful. Now it is up to us to clean up.

"Infestation and Ghoul physiology? Simply put, they get together like a house on fire. The connections to the cybernetics are finer, more intuitive, than most grineer prostheses, so it gives the technocyte biometal an easy path into the neural connectors.  With all the weaknesses of Grineer physiology magnified through the Ghoul creation process, the subject has no immune responses to speak of, and causes rapid, unpredictable growth and replication of Infested cells. It's as if the Infestation is fire and the entirety of the Ghoul is oil. Which is sort of literal when you consider how many natural oils are in their skin."
--Teb Huen, Steel Meridian-allied clone biologist.


Kurokk Ghouls still follow a pack like structure, with an Alpha, (being the biggest and toughest) being the one in charge, while those under the Alpha being at relatively equal footing. Unlike normal Ghoul packs however, this Alpha is shared between all Kurokk ghouls, meaning this alpha is a very powerful creature.


Kurokk versions of the Rictus, Expired, Devourer and Augur Ghouls.

Kurokk Alpha - A larger Ghoul Devourer with skin like the Grineer head of the Lephantis creature.


Kurokk Ghouls are evolved ghouls, but are still ghouls. Fight them from range and avoid their death clouds. Encounters with the Kurokk Alpha will be a test to how well you can kite something that will kill you in one hit if it connects.

The  Apostles of Arlo


The message received on trade route Lantha

The Apostles of Arlo are a cult that worship Arlo, a miracle turned mutant of the Infestation. Through transformation into their current forms, they exist as fully (or at least partially) conscious hybrids of Infested flesh, willing to prove themselves to their patron through bloodshed. 


Arlo, as the deity of this cult is the leader, with the Zealoid Prelate being his speaker. Below these two figures are Zealots of various descriptions and proficiencies. The cult has grown to an unknown size since the events of The Emissary, their movements and actions suggesting that small teams are active and operational all over the system.

Corpus Void

The abandoned Corpus Void is tied to the cult, however to what extent is unknown. The infested nature of keys found by fallen zealots suggest that the Void network has been corrupted by their presence.

Cathedral of Want

This massive Derelict structure appears to be tied to the cult, however this is based on one report. The true significance of the structure remains unknown.


Arlo - Massive Infested Creature

Zealoid Prelate

Zealoid Bastion

Zealot Herald

Zealot Baptizer

Zealot Proselytizer

Zealot Anointer - Zealot armed with the Bubonico

Zealot Flagellant - Zealot armed with the Hema

Zealot Cloistant - Zealot armed with the Dual Toxocyst

Blessed of Arlo - Something in the spirit of this.


The Cult need to be taken out quickly due to their power. Be quick on your feet and try not to given them an opening.

The Dregs


Death is certain for those who have been born and rebirth is inevitable for those who have died. Therefore, you should not lament over the inevitable. 

-Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2 verse 27

The Dregs represent the largest contingent of the Infested. Dangerous creatures that are ancient, or recent victims of the Technocyte Virus, the System wide hive drawn to action by actions of other infested elements.


True hivemind. The Dregs all operate as one massive organism.





Volatile Runner

Undying Flyer



Brood Mother


Leaping Thrasher


Asclepi - Giant creatures that release gas clouds when hit. These clouds will deal gas Damage

Panactus - Creature that releases a cloud of gas on death that grants Tenno that stand in it Toxin immunity for 10 seconds and the cost of 100 health.

Phorid, Evolved. - This creature. This creature has increased durability and versatility when compared to it's 4 legged counterpart.


Slash and burn.

The Saffron Emperor


We were losing, our soldiers stripped of all but the most basic of arms. Costs of men and materials that made the Great Plan untenable became inevitabilities of our daily existence. What we chose to do was unthinkable and yet, it was the only option left open to us. We needed to win the war.

What a price we paid for peace.

-The Saffron Emperor

The Saffron Emperor, a figure long thought dead has returned. Where or how his rebirth was achieved remains unknown, just as is his location. The only certainty is his intentions: war. 


The Saffron Emperor is the only known actor of this faction, however his genetic control of major infrastructure and systems around the Origin System means that he does not truly act alone.


The Arbiters of Hexis member was under very specific torture methods only spoken of in old legends. While inconclusive, it may point toward other elements of the old power structure still surviving.


Null Sentries



Avoid the Saffron Storm.


Well thats it for now. It was fun making the images I made and digging up others. 

Stay tuned for part 3: Night waves under torn skies.

Till then.

Edited by Teoarrk
Added @(XBOX)Fluffywolf36's description of Kurokk Ghouls to the post.
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On 2021-10-06 at 12:27 PM, Teoarrk said:

I'll be honest if it weren't for me talking to @FoxFX and reading from his backlog of concepts on the faction I imagine they would have not been on my radar. I wasn't around for the event itself as I was taking a break from the game at the time.

On 2021-10-05 at 11:11 PM, keikogi said:

I'mma need to give that a look...

I do feel your pain on this one. Black Seed, I feel, could be really interesting because the idea of anti-Corpus guerrillas from within corpus space that use biotech is really captivating.

But nope. haven't seen hide nor hair of them in years.

On 2021-10-06 at 9:32 PM, keikogi said:

DE has a nasty habit of introducing a plot thread and not really tie it or develope it. Arlo went literally nowhere, the wolf never heard of again and tyl regor still MIA. Same goes for the black seed group , did that strain of the jugernaut and we never head of them again nor striked their headquarters ( to the story could have closure ) /

On 2021-10-06 at 12:27 PM, Teoarrk said:

same for... a lot of things about Orb Vallis. There's all these hints there's something under the Vallis, there's that third Orb we haven't killed yet, and... nothing.

Really, Arlo hurts the most about what you just said because the idea of definitely not a genestealer cult Infestation Cultists is really cool. It could add some interesting plots to quests, it could change up how you fight Infested, DE could repackage some of the Arlo segments into a quest to introduce you to this subfaction...


23 hours ago, Teoarrk said:

Triuna Enforcer - A wall of flesh with two Supras grafted directly to their arms. A Triuna Zygote suspended in front of its torso will deactivate Warframes that get too close.

Puppet Warframes - Warframes animated by Infested Flesh. 

Triuna Brute - A mountain of Muscle that will close the distance, using the Triuna Zygote to disarm and dismember the Tenno.

Triuna Lurker - Little more than a tripmine with arms. Do not stand on or near them.

Mutalist Jackal - Exactly as it sounds.

...This sounds nightmarish. And like a cool way to make me use Operator... or use ranged combat. Suck it, people who laughed at my Prisma Gorgon!

23 hours ago, Teoarrk said:

The Kurokk Hive is formed from a number of Grineer Ghouls with the Kurokk Strain of Technocyte. This strain has made them smarter and stronger than normal ghouls and even more monstrous. Despite the small number of initial ghoul test subjects and their tendency to eviscerate their victims, the unique mixture of diapause and Kurokk has meant that each victim becomes another added to their number. 


...honestly, I'm surprised DE hasn't done infested ghouls yet. Boil, close proximity to genetic abominations... It all makes sense.

Looking forward to the Saffron Emperor! If you need help, well, you know who to call.

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13 hours ago, (XBOX)Fluffywolf36 said:

Really, Arlo hurts the most about what you just said because the idea of definitely not a genestealer cult Infestation Cultists is really cool. It could add some interesting plots to quests, it could change up how you fight Infested, DE could repackage some of the Arlo segments into a quest to introduce you to this subfaction...

I do feel like a lot of the discussion about improving the new player experience ties to what can be done with the setting. Grineer Informants are definitely still around, we just have never seen them and nothing more has come of their existence in years.

13 hours ago, (XBOX)Fluffywolf36 said:

...This sounds nightmarish. And like a cool way to make me use Operator... or use ranged combat. Suck it, people who laughed at my Prisma Gorgon!

Glad that they struck a chord :)

13 hours ago, (XBOX)Fluffywolf36 said:

...honestly, I'm surprised DE hasn't done infested ghouls yet. Boil, close proximity to genetic abominations... It all makes sense.

When I talked with @keikogi about the Ghouls something that came up was how un-Grineer like the ghouls were and how close they were to Infested. It seemed like a natural step.

13 hours ago, (XBOX)Fluffywolf36 said:

Looking forward to the Saffron Emperor!


Wyrd Malifaux News & Rumors Thread - New edition page 55! - Page 66 - Forum  - DakkaDakka | Roll the dice to see if I'm getting drunk.

me too


13 hours ago, (XBOX)Fluffywolf36 said:

If you need help, well, you know who to call.

Thank you, might come to your dms to exchange ideas :)

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On 2021-10-16 at 8:20 PM, Teoarrk said:

Recruit Corpus through promise of higher wages. Pay off key people in key places to 'turn a blind eye' to unmarked items appearing in manifests. 

Neat way to explain their continued existente. Terrorism needs funding after all.

On 2021-10-16 at 8:20 PM, Teoarrk said:

Triuna Enforcer - A wall of flesh with two Supras grafted directly to their arms. A Triuna Zygote suspended in front of its torso will deactivate Warframes that get too close.

Puppet Warframes - Warframes animated by Infested Flesh. 

Triuna Brute - A mountain of Muscle that will close the distance, using the Triuna Zygote to disarm and dismember the Tenno.

Triuna Lurker - Little more than a tripmine with arms. Do not stand on or near them.

I would suggest to rework the Aura effect into a unique grab attack that disables or even goes as far to take control over a warframe. Auras tend to take away a lot off forms off counterplay ( energy drain auras comes to mind )

On 2021-10-16 at 8:20 PM, Teoarrk said:

The Kurokk Hive is formed from a number of Grineer Ghouls with the Kurokk Strain of Technocyte. This strain has made them smarter and stronger than normal ghouls and even more monstrous. Despite the small number of initial ghoul test subjects and their tendency to eviscerate their victims, the unique mixture of diapause and Kurokk has meant that each victim becomes another added to their number. 

It's only fair that ghouls actually got the zombie stick off infections bite. I would sugest to allow them to turn enemies on invasion maps. 



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17 minutes ago, keikogi said:

I would suggest to rework the Aura effect into a unique grab attack that disables or even goes as far to take control over a warframe. Auras tend to take away a lot off forms off counterplay ( energy drain auras comes to mind )

The idea is that it will be an attack similar to the radial pulse of a Coomba.

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15 hours ago, Teoarrk said:

The idea is that it will be an attack similar to the radial pulse of a Coomba.

Maybe some kind off breath attack or something like the petrification ray from medusas ( from god off war ). Disabling warframas is a remarkable powerfulll form off cc to be easy to land. 


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4 minutes ago, keikogi said:

Maybe some kind off breath attack or something like the petrification ray from medusas ( from god off war ). Disabling warframas is a remarkable powerfulll form off cc to be easy to land. 

Since DE have begun to add radius markers to enemy mechanics that might actually be better.

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3 hours ago, Teoarrk said:

Since DE have begun to add radius markers to enemy mechanics that might actually be better.

I do like telegraphs and the like for abilities. I get really sick of knockdowns that keep coming and coming and coming...

and I always liked in Outriders when they'd have the telegraphs to say "hey, this section of map will explode. It's your own fault if you're still there."

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22 hours ago, keikogi said:

It's only fair that ghouls actually got the zombie stick off infections bite. I would sugest to allow them to turn enemies on invasion maps. 


It's gotta be said, too - it just makes sense. Undead-ish name, (sort of.) genetic abominations that basically have all the issues of Grineer physiology turned up to eleven, buried near an Infested Boil....

If I may add a quote for @Teoarrk:

"Infestation and Ghoul physiology? Simply put, they get together like a house on fire. The connections to the cybernetics are finer, more intuitive, than most grineer prostheses, so it gives the technocyte biometal an easy path into the neural connectors.  With all the weaknesses of Grineer physiology magnified through the Ghoul creation process, the subject has no immune responses to speak of, and causes rapid, unpredictable growth and replication of Infested cells. It's as if the Infestation is fire and the entirety of the Ghoul is oil. Which is sort of literal when you consider how many natural oils are in their skin."
--Teb Huen, Steel Meridian-allied clone biologist.

Edited by (XBOX)Fluffywolf36
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47 minutes ago, (XBOX)Fluffywolf36 said:

It's gotta be said, too - it just makes sense. Undead-ish name, (sort of.) genetic abominations that basically have all the issues of Grineer physiology turned up to eleven, buried near an Infested Boil....

If I may add a quote for @Teoarrk:

"Infestation and Ghoul physiology? Simply put, they get together like a house on fire. The connections to the cybernetics are finer, more intuitive, than most grineer prostheses, so it gives the technocyte biometal an easy path into the neural connectors.  With all the weaknesses of Grineer physiology magnified through the Ghoul creation process, the subject has no immune responses to speak of, and causes rapid, unpredictable growth and replication of Infested cells. It's as if the Infestation is fire and the entirety of the Ghoul is oil. Which is sort of literal when you consider how many natural oils are in their skin."
--Teb Huen, Steel Meridian-allied clone biologist.

This is perfect, it's been added :)

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4 minutes ago, (XBOX)Fluffywolf36 said:

Also I was only guessing at the whole "oil in skin" thing, but since Grineer skin is apparently abnormally flammable, it makes sense.

Oil makes sense for Ghouls given that they gestate in pods of nutrients and come out looking like things in a tube. Theres clearly corners cut there to make them grow fast. I quite like the detail, humanizes Teb.

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)Fluffywolf36 said:

speaking of which, I imagined them as an outside expert that Steel Meridian hired or something - not, well, a Grineer.

I can imagine a fair amount of Steel Meridian support staff are not Grineer, but people from colonies that are sympathetic to their cause. Cressa Tal and those under her would hold most of the leading military positions due to their combat experience.

1 hour ago, (XBOX)Fluffywolf36 said:

I was sort of operating under the assumption Grineer scientists would have the cushiest jobs and the least reason to defect.

I feel like in the past that might have been the case and for those under Tyl Regor, absolutely. But now with the councillors culled and Vay Hek calling the shots, you can only imagine what stresses that would cause to scientists. The Gustrag 3, the (initial) Infestation outbreak on Mercury during Once Awake, the ghouls. Then you have military leaders like Sargus Ruk pawning off important Orokin artifacts for the sake of getting more augmentations. I'd say that they probably do have it much better than most Grineer, but with the minds to do what they do and the conditions they work under it's probably the knowledge of what will happen if they defect (since they probably have an active hand in handling defectors) as much as the loyalty gene keeping them in line.

Edited by Teoarrk
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  Always has me curious if, despite the uniformity of Grineer culture, if Grins grown on different worlds have slightly different “styles”. Grineer on Earth seem like they end up on the cushy side of things, barring Hek’s Tusk elites, while the further out into the system you go and the more hostile the environments get (perhaps also in proximity to the Kween herself or the sea labs over on Miranda), the more “refined” and nasty they get.


  Tried to reflect that in my Grineer Generations design section of my Pit, but, I’ll be demed if I don’t see some reflection in the structure of the current Solar System.

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20 hours ago, Unus said:

Grineer on Earth seem like they end up on the cushy side of things

I'd argue they have it pretty rough. They have to clear out Infested and deal with a conscious forest that really does not want them around. 

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The Technoctye Schism Part 3: Night Waves under torn skies


Nightwave: Seeded Fear

Episode 1

Something bad goin’ down Dreamers.

Infested boils flying about like it goin’ out of style. Thought I’d lay low, head to Mercury to catch some rays. Turns out it ain’t doing so well either. Ever wondered what happens to the Grineer defectors that get caught? Got the answer screaming down the pipe.

Distress call popped up not too long ago. Red Veil Torture squads fixing for a songbird like this one, man trying to save his soul by laying down every sin. Mine 811 where defector folk been picked apart or hopped up on whatever poison needs testing. And baby, latest stuff’ll kill ya.

I ain’t got all the details, but looks like someone been messin’ with the Infestation again and this time it bit back twice as hard, Ghouls taking to the stuff like a Kubrow to a Pobber. Y’all wanna deal with this, Caloris Colony only a bad wind away.

Make aunty Nora proud.


Episode 2

What a funny thing superstition is, Dreamers. 

Theres a name y’all don’t wanna hear in the flesh market, an’ y’all better not say, neither. Folk think that even talkin’ about them’ll bring ‘em back from the dead. Turns out they didn’t go away, just went dark. Black Seed been making waves, think they can creep on Nora unawares. Better keep wishing Seed heads, ‘cause this lady born with two sets of eyes. 

So they go looking for something else, someone else. What shapes your shadow? Been acting funny lately? There about one place they could go right now that don’t need no extra surprises. 

Watch your back down there, Dreamers. 


Episode 3

Test tubes make for bad parents, don’t they Dreamers? Can’t blame Grineer folk for doing as they do with a whole lotta ugly taking the place of a loving home. Songbird singing again, saying that something Orokin in the mine woke up. Ever heard of ‘bit off more than you can chew’? This here’s the whole meal.

Another day for tomfoolery, ain’t it?

Set things straight.


Episode 4

You ever leave something behind, Dreamers? Someone has. Ain’t something so careless as a misplaced knife, no it’s a calling card. A single feather in a room full of blood. Mine 811 got interesting again, on account of more foolishness.  I’m in the neighbourhood, where you at?

Big ol’ alpha ghoul been seen again, something ‘bout this new player got him all riled up an’ mean. But what is a canary in a coalmine if anything but a sign that things ‘bout to change?


Episode 5

Good things to those who wait, Dreamers

Songbird sang for the last time today Dreamers. He with Steel Meridian now, explaining in small words how it all went down, ‘fore all your hard work. It ain’t over though, is it Dreamers? Alpha ghoul not after the hunt no more, but fixin’ on revenge. He’s heading to Caloris, with what pack he has left.

It ain’t so simple as ghouls, neither. Looks like Black Seed been saving something till now, something that’ll make us think twice before crossing them. Show ‘em what we do to freaks that look like they crawled outta a lab half done. 

You got someone watching over you Dreamers. Canary still out there, showin’ them all what for. Best you return the favour.



Edit: attempt at drawing the entrance of Mine 811



Glorious news brothers! Those that doubt the Kweens can be reminded of their greatness by the hard work mine 811 provides! Come willingly and return improved!

-Radio of the Grineer Soldier

Invasion Rework - This Nightwave will launch with an invasion on Mercury. Rather than being a planet wide invasion like those we've seen in the past, this will be limited to a single node - Mine 811. Clicking on this node will open up another map, which will expand with each week. This will be a personal journey, where the map will progress at your pace and more importantly be affected by your actions only. 

New features:

  • Turn based system - Each Commander will take turns interacting with the map. This will mean that the Ghoul Alpha, Black Seed, ??? and the player will each have a turn, starting with the player.
  • Points based system - Securing a node on this map will add to your invasion total. Reaching a certain threshold will get you ready for the next area, but points can also be spent to perform actions. In a normal Invasion, this will be the points required to reach total victory.
  • Interacting with nodes - A player can choose what to do with a node they have under their control. Fortifying a node will make it harder to attack, while preparing an ambush will make it possible for a greater force to be defeated while caught unawares. You can also build special installations on nodes to provide bonuses, just as can the enemy. Some nodes will contain special objects, which can be activated for a special bonus.  Examples of this include:
    • Fortify - Adds 1 strength to a node. In addition, player owned nodes will hold for 1 turn when attacked.
    • Ambush - Adds 2 strength to a node for 1 turn. 
    • Recon Post - Allows you to detect ambushes within 2 nodes.
    •  Ammo Cache - Grants you improved ammo efficiency for 4 missions.
    •  Relay Beacon - Grants a 10% bonus for capturing nodes. Only 3 total can be built.
    • Transference Locus - Grants a passive energy regeneration to warframes and a bonus to power strength of 20% up to 3 nodes away.
    • Radio Uplink - Grants you the ability to call in Syndicate reinforcements once every 3 turns. 
  • Force Strength - Each captured node will have a strength of 1. Fortifying it will give it a strength of 2. Creating an ambush will give a node a strength of 3. Each Commander has a basic strength of 2, which can be improved with bonuses around the map.
  • Empty nodes - Some nodes will be free of hostiles. These will exist to give you points for free. Make sure to grab these areas before your enemy! (There will be no mission for claiming these nodes!)
  • Ambushes - Some nodes can appear empty, but actually contain an enemy force. These nodes will contain elite troops and demand a special mission from you.
  • Double Back - Defeating a commander without an adjacent node under their control to retreat to will make them reappear at the nearest node they control. If there are none available, they will be 'defeated' for the week and at the end of the map, mean they are defeated for good.
  • New mission types. - Scavenge, Recon and Breakout
    • Scavenge - Get materials from ruined machinery and hidden caches to repair a device that will get to your ship, while stopping enemies from destroying it.
    • Recon - Scout out an enemy location and their inventory, while trying not to get caught. 
    • Breakout - Help a large number of troops to escape by keeping the enemy's attention on you, while making sure that undercover agents aren't able to ruin the plan. 

Since this is tied to a Nightwave, this Invasion will work differently to standard ones out in the wild. Firstly, the map will be split into 5 parts to be episodic, bitesize content. Secondly, the bonuses that the enemy commanders will be able to get will not be representative of every invasion.

For clarity on the second point:

Alpha Ghoul Commander can build:

  • Mechanism-gumming Miasma Den - The death clouds of Ghouls on this node will disable secondary and primary weapons for 10 seconds.
  • Skulker Den - When attacking this node, gear will be disabled and enemies will not drop ammo.
  • Adrenaline Pheromone Den - Ghouls move 30% faster and have 15% faster attack speed.
  • Rapid Transmogrification Den - Ghouls will create pulsating nodules when killed. These nodules will explode after 5 seconds into Chargers.

Black Seed Commander can build:

  • Ascaris projector Hive - Missions on this node will include these special hives. They will stop you from casting the same ability too many times (in a similar manner to Elite Sanctuary Onslaught
  • Volunteer Incubation Hive - Missions on this node will include hives that will spawn a large number of leapers. These Leapers will explode on contact with a Warframe, dealing Gas Damage.
  • Beecloud Integration Locus - Black Seed Experiments on this node will be 15% more accurate. Their munitions will slow player mobility by 10% and deal 20% Electric Damage. 

???? Commander can build:

  • Nothing. This commander can only destroy.

Note: While the Kurokk Ghoul and Black Seed missions will play out as normal, ???? missions will start differently. Your screen will blur for a moment, as lines of Orokin injector code will fill the top left corner of the screen:



No enemies will appear in these missions, but you will occasionally see glimpses of a giant shadow cross your screen and the music will be replaced with the ominous choral chants of the Orokin. 

Edit: Credit to @Unus for some of the ideas here.

Week 1 - Entrance and Processing - This area will contain 8 nodes.  The player will encounter very limited Grineer presence here, concentrated around the entrance. Processing will have some Kurokk Ghouls, including the Alpha. 1 node will contain volunteers, which will give you 5 Grineer to fight alongside you, or be sent home for points.

Week 2 - The Pit and Railroad - This area will contain 12 nodes. This will introduce Black Seed to the map.  An Orokin Vault will be present in one of the nodes. Grineer Excavators will be on standby to obtain Orokin Artifacts from 3 other nodes.  Kurokk Ghoul and Black Seed forces will engage each other as well as you.  

Week 3 - Prison - This area will contain 15 nodes. This will introduce ???? as the third and final enemy commander. Grineer forces will be present in one node, with Kurokk ghouls taking most of the others. There will be an Orokin Contraption in one node, which will grant you the ability to move twice per turn. ???? will leave empty nodes on any node it attacks.

Week 4 - Laboratory - This area will contain 10 nodes. There will be 3 Grineer controlled nodes, with the rest controlled by the other commanders. The Grineer controlled nodes will grant boosts to speed, health and energy regen to the controller. 3 Orokin Artifacts will be present on nodes, ready for extraction. 

Week 5 - Excavations - This area will contain 20 nodes. There will 5 Orokin Vaults on random nodes and 1 dormant Orokin Void Gate.  1 node will be owned by Tenno forces, while the other nodes will remain open. The Alpha Ghoul will be placed at a specific node each time, while the other commanders will be placed randomly. Only the Alpha Ghoul can attack this special Tenno node. Reaching this node before the Alpha Ghoul will grant you a special bonus and defeating him there will instantly defeat the Alpha Ghoul for good. A random Black Seed controlled node will contain a special boss. Good luck.

Once all nodes have been claimed in this final area, the Invasion will be complete.


Thought it best to keep it simple and present map layouts in these.

Map 1 - Entrance and Processing



Map 2 - The Pit and Railroad



Map 3 - Prison



Map 4 - Laboratory



Map 5 - Excavations




Map rewards

Kurokk Korrudo - Reward for defeating the Alpha Ghoul. -This weapon will grant the wearer additional movement speed per combo multiplier.

Mutalist Supra - Reward for defeating Black Seed - Supra with an alt fire that lobs an infested globule at your targets. Enemies hit by this globule will be stuck in place for 3 seconds.

Traksi - Reward for defeating ????. -These wrist mounted flame weapons were used by Orokin servicemen during the Plague Purge of Mercury. They are activated by a sudden supination of the wrist. Careful hand movements are required while equipped.

Emundato - Reward for completing the vault in Map 2 - This giant hammer also serves as an censer, spreading a sinister incense to your foes.

Aliram, Mundatus and Terrifectus - Securing the Orokin Artifacts in the lab- These devices will have no use to the player, but giving them to Loid will grant access to new Amp Parts.

Quest: The Cauldron Bubbles - Entering the Void Gate in Map 5.

Corrupted Archwing mods - Completing the vaults on Map 5.

Increpa - Completing all vaults on all maps - This Orokin Disc gun fires spinning projectiles that make short work of unarmoured foes.

Kurokk Gorga - Defeating the Alpha Ghoul before it takes the friendly node in Map 5. - This Infested Weapon fires a large, fast spreading cloud of noxious gas at your foes. 

Kurokk Pox - Completing all maps - These unusual thrown weapons secrete a trail of ichor that lingers, ensuring that their virulence is felt by all.

Pinket Sugatra - Capture all nodes in Map 1 - These sugatra are granted to Grineer guarding Royal Society interests.

Inox Sugatra - Capture all nodes in Map 2 - Fashioned from the broken chains of a Grineer prisoner

Warwa Sugatra - Capture all nodes in Map 3 - This bulky sugatra indicates one as a Warden of Mine 811.

Inundus Sugatra - Capture all nodes in Map 4 - Grineer Scientists do not engage in combat, as evidenced by this impractical sugatra.

Omoleon Sugatra - Capture all nodes in Map 5 - The origins of this bizarre sugatra have been lost to time.

Nightwave Rewards

Aside from rewards from the map, the standard Nightwave distribution of rewards via completing tasks will occur. Completing the Weekly Map will grant 7000 rep with Nora Night to help expediate progression and a further 7000 will be granted upon completing every node on the Map.

Since I like this template (with perhaps a little bias), I will use it here.



Notable tier rewards:

  • Songbird Creds - The season credit reward
  • Seeded Fear Sigil - A screaming skull with a seed replacing an eye socket
  • Community Cosmetics - Themed after Kurokk Ghouls. Think tubes, flayed skin, mutated bionics.
  • Orbiter Decoration - The bionic eye of a Ghoul Devourer.
  • K-Drive Scrawl - The eye and teeth of the Ghoul Alpha glowing in the darkness, with the caption "Terminal Flare!"
  • 2x Amalgam mods - Amalgam Vitality +360% Health, +15m taunt of nearby enemies while blocking. Amalgam Antitoxin +30% Toxin Resistance, +15% Sprint Speed when hit. 
  • Special Season cosmetic - Grineer Queen's Gratitude - An Orokin scroll that hovers over a support plinth. It will turn to face you when approached. The message reads: "You get to live."


Thats it for part 3. Part 4 will cover an interlude before another Nightwave.

Stay Tuned for Technocyte Schism Part 4: Waiting in the Wings

Till Then.

Edited by Teoarrk
Adding more stuff.
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17 hours ago, Teoarrk said:

Invasion Rework - This Nightwave will launch with an invasion on Mercury. Rather than being a planet wide invasion like those we've seen in the past, this will be limited to a single node - Mine 811. Clicking on this node will open up another map, which will expand with each week. This will be a personal journey, where the map will progress at your pace and more importantly be affected by your actions

Making the invasion map its own thing is a good idea. I would even go as far as to sugest a revival of the old build defenses system used on the old invasion on solar rails. Having some defense nodes where the player just builds the defense and #*!%s off for passive gain could be neat.

This would also make a mini game that actually has a reward structure attached to it so that's progress

Also I do like the the smaller but ultimately more meaningful invasions.


Edited by keikogi
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5 hours ago, keikogi said:

Making the invasion map its own thing is a good idea. I would even go as far as to sugest a revival of the old build defenses system used on the old invasion on solar rails. Having some defense nodes where the player just builds the defense and #*!%s off for passive gain could be neat.

I am kinda interested in getting use out of the player owned turret emplacements I suggested in one of the open world event revisits.  It would be fun to revisit that system, although I have something that might be able to accommodate that better later in this series, since this one will most likely rely on the tile system instead of a fixed map.

5 hours ago, keikogi said:

This would also make a mini game that actually has a reward structure attached to it so that's progress

I really hate that Invasions have been stuck in a limbo state for 7 years. Ironically the ideas here are from games that are older, like Dawn of War for example.

5 hours ago, keikogi said:

Also I do like the the smaller but ultimately more meaningful invasions.

Glad you like it :)

Edited by Teoarrk
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On 2021-10-26 at 9:59 PM, Teoarrk said:

It ain’t so simple as ghouls, neither. Looks like Black Seed been saving something till now, something that’ll make us think twice before crossing them. Show ‘em what we do to freaks that look like they crawled outta a lab half done. 


Oh God. that's what happened to all those infested security proxies from Corpus Derelicts


On 2021-10-26 at 9:59 PM, Teoarrk said:

Invasion Rework - This Nightwave will launch with an invasion on Mercury. Rather than being a planet wide invasion like those we've seen in the past, this will be limited to a single node - Mine 811. Clicking on this node will open up another map, which will expand with each week. This will be a personal journey, where the map will progress at your pace and more importantly be affected by your actions only. 


I realize I have pretty surface-level takes on a lot of fan concepts, but I'm going to throw another one out there:

this was well-needed.

Invasions are a great concept on paper, because it's not hard to spin it as "Look, our world has interaction, stuff happens when you're not directly there!" but like you said to Keikogi, Invasions have been caught in limbo. As it is, people only look at Invasions if they're offering Catalysts or Reactors or strun wraith parts (at least, this is what gets me doing it) or Mesa parts. And even then, not certain. I just have little reason to engage.

On 2021-10-26 at 9:59 PM, Teoarrk said:

Kurokk Gorga - Defeating the Alpha Ghoul before it takes the friendly node in Map 5. - This Infested Weapon fires a large, fast spreading cloud of noxious gas at your foes. 


So is it like a gas flamethrower? 

Because if so I can draw one. :P

On 2021-10-26 at 9:59 PM, Teoarrk said:

Omoleon Sugatra - Capture all nodes in Map 5 - The origins of this bizarre sugatra have been lost to time.


...is that a reference to what I think it is.

Weapon rewards seem so on point!

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