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Railjack cloaking


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The other day I maxed my paracesis to level 40 and was itching to try it out in the veil anomaly. Unfortunately, no one was hosting missions there and no one joined my public crew when I launched my own railjack, so I had to do it solo. I don't usually play solo railjack so I never noticed this particular problem: Grineer installations such as missile silos can launch ramselds while you are raiding them, but Cephalon Cy won't give you any indication that it's happening. Since it launches them two at a time, the result was me coming back to a half-dead ship absolutely filled with boarding soldiers causing fires and hull breaches.

Normally you can leave behind a pilot to guard the ship, but solo railjack doesn't afford you that option. With that in mind, I came up with this solution: When the railjack is stationary and crewless, it should cloak in a similar fashion to the Void Cloak avionic. This would allow solo players to safely leave their ship unattended to do the tedious ground objectives without getting shafted by random boarding parties. It can reasonably be assumed that the railjack has built-in stealth capabilities, considering it's always tethered to our orbiter when we're not using it and that's cloaked too.


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23 minutes ago, SignatureChewy said:

With that in mind, I came up with this solution: When the railjack is stationary and crewless, it should cloak in a similar fashion to the Void Cloak avionic.

So, if a party cannot be bothered to defend it they just ditch it somewhere? Your idea seems a little flawed/exploitable.


I am not sure it is needed either. A well modded ship does just fine when abandoned.

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I've exclusively played railjack solo and you're handling it with a too much "in your face" approach. When you clear all the fighters and crewships park your raiiljack about 4.5-5 km away, that's the ramsleds range on the objectives and then Slinghsot or archwing to them.

And a piece of extra advice since everyone I've told this to hasn't heard of it before: you can hack the turrets on the missile battery when you open the tactical menu and you're close enough in archwing. Then they start working for you. I had my railjack parked inside a hollow asteroid and hacked the missile battery turrets to see how many fighters they'll take care of for me. While I was inside dealing with it, the thing wiped off half the fighters.

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37 minutes ago, (PS4)Deeceem said:

Park your ship further away from the stations/silos.

I think some where around 4000 Meters is the Threshold where 2ndary objectives start launching Ram Sleds.

But just to be safe you can park 7000 Meters away and i know for sure That's outside of Ram Sled Range.

Now... lets talk about those Archwing Sling Shot Buffs. 

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