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The 'which Side?' Megathread. With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies?


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Would you like to be vivissected? I don't. Leave no tenno behind.

We don't fight for crorpus or grineer. We fight for Tennos.

Now fighting for Tennos means siding with grineer, only to kill them later.


I agree. 



Honestly, if Tenno can wipe out battalions of Grineer as easily as they can now... "Stronger" Grineer shouldn't be an issue.

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Hm... compasion for fictional digital characterless persons?

You should go see a doctor.


Unless we will be teased with some kinda of planetary-anihilator guns for joining sides - its basicly goes with who you like to kill more, not who you like more.

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I am a tool, made for war made for slaughtering. I have no allies, nor have I an enemy, if I have to die it's my destiny, not more not less


Then you are useless. You are not sacrificing yourself, but others, to justify a wrong decision. I suggest you listen to the speech of the Great Dictator again. "You are not machines! You are men!"


Merged a few more topics.

Because it was redundant. If it has to do with Corpus vs. Grineer in this upcoming event, it gets merged to this megathread. This is the place to discuss which side people will choose, what the messages from each side (and the lotus) means.


Poor decision. I suggest you read the threads and rather change the title to channel user input the next time around, rather then just going by the title and blindly merging threads that do not share content, regardless if there is a common part.

Edited by Ced23Ric
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Hm... compasion for fictional digital characterless persons?

You should go see a doctor.


Unless we will be teased with some kinda of planetary-anihilator guns for joining sides - its basicly goes with who you like to kill more, not who you like more.



Well... Osprey's make a rather satisfying popping noise when they die...

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Hm... compasion for fictional digital characterless persons?

You should go see a doctor.


Unless we will be teased with some kinda of planetary-anihilator guns for joining sides - its basicly goes with who you like to kill more, not who you like more.


Well... Osprey's make a rather satisfying popping noise when they die...


See, but the if you team up with those you like to kill more, then you will help them to capture more territory, meaning you'll have more options for killing them later.

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Hm... compasion for fictional digital characterless persons?

You should go see a doctor.


Unless we will be teased with some kinda of planetary-anihilator guns for joining sides - its basicly goes with who you like to kill more, not who you like more.

The beauty of this is everyone has a different motivation for picking sides. I'm going Corpus because I hate the grineer, I've never really had a problem with the corpus. I don't care about the sleeping Tenno since they are clearly PS4 players. If we don't save them, it doesn't release on PS4.

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Why do we have to pick sides? Can't we just proceed with killing everything like we used to? Why do Tenno have morals now...after like almost  1 year of killing everything in sight?

im with you on this one, the thing is, if theres a reward associated with this event, im pretty sure you will have to waste a certain number of side A or B.

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I plan to go with Corpus, mainly because I much prefer their weapons and gear over the Grineer. Yes, the cryopods will be taken by Alad V, but really, does ANYONE know what the project is? It could be to just improve the frames, maybe add more mod slots or even just Research and Development to make new Corpus enemies.


I don't know, I just feel that Corpus is going to go better then the Grineer. Plus, the whole argument, as a few people said, went from, choose whatever side you want, to, YOU MUST CHOOSE GRINEER CAUSE THEN WE SAVE THE TENNO. Even when we don't know what the project Alad V is talking about entails. 

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