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The 'which Side?' Megathread. With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies?


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Why do we have to pick sides? Can't we just proceed with killing everything like we used to? Why do Tenno have morals now...after like almost  1 year of killing everything in sight?


Honestly, if it were possible, I'd just unleash the infested on both sides and let them all fight it out. 


Infested would probably win against both sides due to their sheer numbers and rush "tactics"..


Also. Riding Lephantis into battle would be MUCH cooler than riding a Moa.


Just saying. xD

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I plan to go with Corpus, mainly because I much prefer their weapons and gear over the Grineer. Yes, the cryopods will be taken by Alad V, but really, does ANYONE know what the project is? It could be to just improve the frames, maybe add more mod slots or even just Research and Development to make new Corpus enemies.


I don't know, I just feel that Corpus is going to go better then the Grineer. Plus, the whole argument, as a few people said, went from, choose whatever side you want, to, YOU MUST CHOOSE GRINEER CAUSE THEN WE SAVE THE TENNO. Even when we don't know what the project Alad V is talking about entails. 


Alad V and the Corpus in general do the following with Tenno:


They hunt us, kill us, steal our Cryopods, perform experiments, cut us up, try to steal our technology, despise us and will do anything to destroy us. They call the Betrayers. They want what we have, and they want us dead and gone. They are not improving our frames, they are trying to weaponize them for themselves, to wipe us out.


You are a traitor to the cause, then.


And that is the entire problem. DE made it about either saving the Tenno or being bought out by the very enemies that cut up our fellow Tenno as we fight for their captors against their enemies. Going Corpus means being used and silently letting the Corpus murder or vandalize our fellow Tenno. There is no "Maybe they're friendly!"

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Here's how I view the issue itself.


The Corpus want to go against some treaty they had with the Grineer to take and dissect Tenno for themselves, possibly making their own technology stronger by working it with Orokin technology discovered from the frozen Tenno themselves.


The Grineer say they went against it because it can be assumed the treaty stated either Tenno cryopod caches were shared or handed over to the Grineer.  Obviously upset with this, they declare war on the Corpus and try to take their territories.  If the Grineer were to succeed, they'd get the cache of Tenno for themselves and destroy them.


If we side with the Corpus, we hand over Tenno for research and further Corpus technological advances, which could be turned on the Grineer for domination of the solar system.

If we side with the Grineer, we hand over Tenno to be outright killed, and also help the Grineer take Corpus territories, which will further their influence.  Also, since it is Grineer nature, they will kill all non-Grineer except for the Tenno that help them I guess.


I'm going with the Grineer just so I can say, "We didn't start this war, but we are sure as hell going to finish it." because let's face it, no matter which faction wins, each will have a sucky outcome leading to similar results in the long run.

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Watch the reward be something like, if the grineer wins we get the "Beserker" frame, and if the corpus win we get some random fancy useless wrath weapon.


Maybe an "Early Release" of the Beserker frame?


I doubt they'd not release a frame just because we lost an event.


I have a feeling the Corpus prize is going to be something lame... Like a mod almost nobody will ever use. 

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Maybe an "Early Release" of the Beserker frame?


I doubt they'd not release a frame just because we lost an event.


I have a feeling the Corpus prize is going to be something lame... Like a mod almost nobody will ever use. 


Well with Arid Fear they threatened to not release Phobos if we lost. And we would have if they hadn't added other prizes so....

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From what I have heard we will not be fighting each other. We will be tilting the battlefield. When a group of Tenno side with the Corpus or Grineer and help them flip a defense mission etc. Another group can do the same mission and retake it for their supporting faction. I think it will be a lot like a seesaw, one Tenno enforced faction attacks a base/mission and converts it to Corpus or Grineer then another group and switch it back. I would like to see how this event plays out and how it will end. 


Pick your side wisely Tenno. I look forward to playing with those who choose the Corpus. 4506.jpg

Edited by JahziLLa
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From what I have heard we will not be fighting each other. We will be tilting the battlefield. When a group of Tenno side with the Corpus or Grineer and help them flip a defense mission etc. Another group can do the same mission and retake it for their supporting faction. I think it will be a lot like a seesaw, one Tenno enforced faction attacks a base/mission and converts it to Corpus or Grineer then another group and switch it back. I would like to see how this event plays out and how it will end. 


Pick your side wisely Tenno. I look forward to playing with those who choose the Corpus. ps4-game-6929-lower-marq.jpg


This picture is amazing...desktop background, ja?

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Then you are useless. You are not sacrificing yourself, but others, to justify a wrong decision. I suggest you listen to the speech of the Great Dictator again. "You are not machines! You are men!"

But I prefer to be a machine, if you think I'm useless don't use me then, I'm a tool seeking for a master worthy my time, I don't care what you try the S#&$ on me that's my decision but hey~~ you can blabla alot can't you?



Alad V and the Corpus in general do the following with Tenno:


They hunt us, kill us, steal our Cryopods, perform experiments, cut us up, try to steal our technology, despise us and will do anything to destroy us. They call the Betrayers. They want what we have, and they want us dead and gone. They are not improving our frames, they are trying to weaponize them for themselves, to wipe us out.


You are a traitor to the cause, then.


And that is the entire problem. DE made it about either saving the Tenno or being bought out by the very enemies that cut up our fellow Tenno as we fight for their captors against their enemies. Going Corpus means being used and silently letting the Corpus murder or vandalize our fellow Tenno. There is no "Maybe they're friendly!"


and tbh I don't mind that at all, I feel better getting cornered and beeing in a hopeless situation, and nonetheless if I were corpus, I'd do the same with tenno. there's no reason not to.

Edited by Seira-EGT-
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From Facebook: (https://www.facebook.com/PlayWarframe?fref=ts)

"Lotus Transmission Correction:

The Lotus received conflicting intel yesterday. Here is the correct intel:

“If you choose to fight with the Grineer for Sargas Ruk, you can save the sleeping Tenno but the Grineer will grow even stronger. Fight for the Corpus and weaken Grineer supremacy however, our comrades fall to the mercy of Alad V.”


And read the second paragraph:



No doubt they'll reinforce this when the official update is released later today, but HEY. Unless you're fine with the knowledge that you helped deliver our innocent brethren to the Corpus - who will then rip them apart and do experiments on them not unlike kids dissecting frogs for their science class - DON'T SIDE WITH THE CORPUS!


Grineer may get stronger, but we end up saving our family.


P.S. I don't care if this may have been already posted, it needs to be shown for everyone to read! Down with the Corpus!

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I didn't know they merged my thread with this one. Whoever's doing the merging really needs to PM the people who made the threads so we know our threads didn't get deleted.

Happened to me to bro. I don't like it and also think they should read the whole post and not just the title and pm the people who made the thread that they are merging.

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From Facebook: (https://www.facebook.com/PlayWarframe?fref=ts)

"Lotus Transmission Correction:

The Lotus received conflicting intel yesterday. Here is the correct intel:

“If you choose to fight with the Grineer for Sargas Ruk, you can save the sleeping Tenno but the Grineer will grow even stronger. Fight for the Corpus and weaken Grineer supremacy however, our comrades fall to the mercy of Alad V.”


And read the second paragraph:



No doubt they'll reinforce this when the official update is released later today, but HEY. Unless you're fine with the knowledge that you helped deliver our innocent brethren to the Corpus - who will then rip them apart and do experiments on them not unlike kids dissecting frogs for their science class - DON'T SIDE WITH THE CORPUS!


Grineer may get stronger, but we end up saving our family.


P.S. I don't care if this may have been already posted, it needs to be shown for everyone to read! Down with the Corpus!


Agreed. I don't care how strong the Grineer currently are: I've always had a deep seated hatred for the Corpus due to what they have done to our fellow Tenno. The Berserker shows only the first few steps in what the Corpus do to us when captured. Luckily she will be able to escape. But what of the hundreds or maybe even thousands more that don't?


Destroy the Corpus. Once our brethren are safe, we can continue to annihilate the Grineer.

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