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Exclusivity, Timed Exclusivity, And Events Exclusives...


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Well, I see everyone using Soma.



I don't to be honest.


If i had an exclusive weapon i would use that, get it maxed out to the best of its ability and use it! Unless it was a complete dud of course.


Exclusive is as it means, if they aren't going to be exclusive use a different word and save all the fuss.

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I don't to be honest.


If i had an exclusive weapon i would use that, get it maxed out to the best of its ability and use it! Unless it was a complete dud of course.


Exclusive is as it means, if they aren't going to be exclusive use a different word and save all the fuss.


Well as already stated, exclusive means (taking the wiktionary definition) 


  1. (literally) Excluding items or members that do not meet certain conditions.

For example, the skins we'll earn in the halloween event will be "Halloween exclusives". Can only be earned during Halloween. That doesn't mean next halloween, no players can have it.


That doesn't mean thoses conditions can not be earned again, or be changed at all.


To have another example, the baseball bat from Left 4 Dead 2 was exclusive to preorders, and then changed to thoses who played the expansion :




As long as at least one player is signed in to a profile that downloaded The Passing DLC, and is playing on a system with it present, the Baseball Bat will be available to all players for the duration of that game.


And this was for a COSMETIC weapon.


Think of it. Why does all the successful games turn away from "forever" exclusive stuff ? Because it's detrimental to a game in general.

The weapon was exclusive for months. And I did feel rewarded, but not cheated at all when all players could grab it, even if they paid the game 2$ on sale.

Edited by Froh
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Because it's detrimental to a game in general.



They do it to earn an extra couple of quid (££).


Im just giving my opinion. Which is if they use the word exclusive, it should be a one time thing. My reasoning being i think its great that people have different things in a game, which others may have missed out on, it adds a 'WOW' factor especially in multiplayer online games.

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Well, I see everyone using Soma. Is it because everyone can access it ? Or because the weapon is too powerful ? Think of why people are using the same things. Because I don't see people using the same colors at all.

I also think a point has been made by closed alpha/beta players (or at least one of them on this topic). They deserve something to prove they were here. I would go for the usual forum special badge, but also for an in-game awesome avatar. That way it gives them something, without new players being affected by the lack of a weapon (which again GIVES mastery and plays a little bit differently).

You're always going to go up against this sort of criticism when trying to tackle exclusivity, even when it impacts things like game balance. There's a certain section of just about every playerbase that value something only if others can't get it.

On Guild Wars 1 the developers started giving event items out that were from events seven years previous, which met with massive hostility from a portion of the playerbase. In the end, one of the developers ended up posting something to the tune of "If you only appreciate an item for it's exclusivity, that others don't have it, then you don't deserve it" and those were just cosmetic items.

When it comes to this game it's just absurd that some of the best stat weapons are limited to a three or four day event. Loads of people have made suggestions that the exclusive part could be the "skin" and that the base weapon and all it stats would be available to everybody. Somehow this gets the same kind of resistance too.

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They do it to earn an extra couple of quid (££).


Im just giving my opinion. Which is if they use the word exclusive, it should be a one time thing. My reasoning being i think its great that people have different things in a game, which others may have missed out on, it adds a 'WOW' factor especially in multiplayer online games.


Except that the DLC was free.

And I totally respect your opinion. But I'm pretty sure we can stay, if we really need to, on the cosmetic stuff rather than the gameplay stuff => Use avatars. Badges. Not weapons.


I'm pretty sure you stay with a WoW factor if the systems of events coming back was there like "I must not miss this event next time, I want this weapon so badly".


You're always going to go up against this sort of criticism when trying to tackle exclusivity, even when it impacts things like game balance. There's a certain section of just about every playerbase that value something only if others can't get it.

On Guild Wars 1 the developers started giving event items out that were from events seven years previous, which met with massive hostility from a portion of the playerbase. In the end, one of the developers ended up posting something to the tune of "If you only appreciate an item for it's exclusivity, that others don't have it, then you don't deserve it" and those were just cosmetic items.

When it comes to this game it's just absurd that some of the best stat weapons are limited to a three or four day event. Loads of people have made suggestions that the exclusive part could be the "skin" and that the base weapon and all it stats would be available to everybody. Somehow this gets the same kind of resistance too.


That's the same problem here. And I didn't even know that Guild Wars 1 items were coming back. I'm glad to see another example.

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can always bring them back as blueprints that cost so much you cant figure if to laugh or cry.


in case of excalibur it could be 3 parts needed crafting, if helmet has a nueral sensor (forgot sorry >.>) it could reqier 500 of them in order to craft the helmet.


timed exclusives could requier 500k or more of easy obtained resources like alloy plates, bit less on the uncommon resources, and only a few hundreds in the rare resources, that way people that got the exclusive could have comfort that new players will likely wont have them without atleast 500 hours of farming.

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I missed 2 of those weapons on your list and I am still mastery 12(close to 13). Right now the highest mastery require weapon is 8. Even if you missed the entire list you can still achieve it easy. So you do not need to have those exclusive weapons for high mastery.

If you are going to talk about the "usefulness" of those weapons. Most of them arent really that good. At least there are better weapons can replace them. The only 2 that are best in its catagory are Exculiber prime and Strun Wrath. People raging everyday that they missed Strun Wrath because it is currently the best SG. If Strun Wrath is bad, would anyone care? So a simple solution is for them to come up with a better shotgun.

You are suggesting free stuff for people in exchange in exclusive items. I find it very dis-encouraging. The point of exclusive item is the bragging right and the accomplishment. If the reward is just free slots or potato, why would people have platinum do the event?

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As stated the original Vandals were to commemorate someones participation in the Closed beta and open Beta weekend, And as such should remain locked.


Founders gear is given to those who directly supported the devs. I know it isn't really fair, but I doubt DE would want to de-value the contributions of their Founders.


As to the event exclusives, I have seen talk of them returning as rewards for other events etc. And personally I'm fine with this since really there isn't really anything special about them. 

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Well, thoses vandals/prime weapons will not be "given" to everyone, they'll have to work hard for them. This doesn't devalue anything for the old players. They already have them. They won't lose them.


Any player who spend money in the game is supporting devs. Am I a better player that the new one who can't access the founder pack but pay the same if not more ? No.


You don't want to give vandals away with new labs, farm, events coming backs, or other stuff ? Fine, sell them at the higher price point. This way, the original owners won't have to pay a thing.


Don't want to lose the proof that you were a closed beta player ? Fine. Here's a in-game title, badge and avatar. Something that is a proof that you were there, but not a weapon that gives mastery and can be played differently.

Edited by Froh
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Stuff they sold for money should remain the way they are, lato prime, skana prime and excal prime.  That is basically putting your hand in anyone who purchased these items pocket.


Vandal, Wraith and whatever else was an event reward, just bring back in  similar events once a year so folks can A) enjoy an event (assuming it is made to be enjoyable and not forcing one Developer's personal play style) and B) grab hold of the collectible item for fun and enjoyment not to mention the mastery from it.

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The whole point of exclusive rewards is for them to be appealing during the time periods they were offered.

There's nothing wrong with digital exclusives, they are a good thing and DE should pump out a wider variety of exclusives in general IMHO to give people a bit of flair and individuality.

Some of these things could cycle back, sure, but they could also be one offs and be fine. There's no reason to trivialize special rewards and alienate players by going back on promises. Making exclusives more accessable just takes away the point of even bothering to make them in the first place.

Edited by Bakim0n0
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I'm not getting why would you want to have everything.


I thought the point of the game was killing stuff while doing backflips. Collecting stuff sounds like a second job to me... but I'm not a collector kind of guy.


Anyway, it's completely irrelevant either way. Both points of view are totally subjective. There is no "better" as it's a matter of tastes.


Imho is worth keeping their word about what they did. If they say it's exclusive, it is. Breaking their word would set a bad precedent, and is not something I'd like them to do unless there is something more critical at stake.


But feel free to convince them to say that exclusive items they give in the future will come back and won't be totally exclusive.

Edited by bobafetthotmail
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Yeah, no. I paid $250 dollars, to support the devs, yes, but I'm going to be -really- super &!$$ed if people who didn't pay the same amount of money ends up getting the same weapons and stuff eventually.

so you telling me a year from now if it made available you'll be pissed, even if you have a whole year of exclusivity? (more when considering open beta and people that just dont earn enough >.>)


the idea i suggested a few posts ago is probebly the more logical way that will take forever to obtain one of them.


its either have them drop somewhere with extreamly high crafting requierment and low drop chance.


or be more greedy and have them only obtainable trough cash.

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so you telling me a year from now if it made available you'll be &!$$ed, even if you have a whole year of exclusivity? (more when considering open beta and people that just dont earn enough >.>)


the idea i suggested a few posts ago is probebly the more logical way that will take forever to obtain one of them.


its either have them drop somewhere with extreamly high crafting requierment and low drop chance.


or be more greedy and have them only obtainable trough cash.

Yeah I'd be pretty aggravated, especially bc it's labeled as exclusive - it'd be a slap in the face to founders, like saying yeah thanks for helping us get on our feet but we're all set now that we're a big popular game kthnxbye nao.

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Yeah, no. I paid $250 dollars, to support the devs, yes, but I'm going to be -really- super &!$$ed if people who didn't pay the same amount of money ends up getting the same weapons and stuff eventually.


As stated, this would cost the exact same $250 in this particular item. So if they pay the same amount, you would not be &!$$ed.

Were you pissed when they extended the founder's pack availability ?



The whole point of exclusive rewards is for them to be appealing during the time periods they were offered.

There's nothing wrong with digital exclusives, they are a good thing and DE should pump out a wider variety of exclusives in general IMHO to give people a bit of flair and individuality.

Some of these things could cycle back, sure, but they could also be one offs and be fine. There's no reason to trivialize special rewards and alienate players by going back on promises. Making exclusives more accessable just takes away the point of even bothering to make them in the first place.


I quote a number of games to prove that digital exclusive (see previous posts, and especially the new stance of League of Legends on the topic) is indeed wrong if they can't come back later. It doesn't trivialize rewards to have them coming back in a cycle besides allowing new players to actually get them.


Another example ? Burnout Paradise have its store closed by EA on PC so players can't access the DLC making it "exclusive". It &!$$ed off some players :

- A fan working for amazon actually successfully contacted EA about that and actually sells thoses DLC Digitally. After a year.

- Some others are actually working on a PC mod that INCLUDE thoses DLC AND the DLC which was never ported on PC (a new island).


As an active member on my gaming community, I mostly welcome new players to try the game. And some (not a majority) were unhappy to know that some weapons were not accessible anymore as we're not even out of beta yet.

You must understand that exclusivity NEVER means it's stays that way forever. It does only mean that, for the moment, only the players who afford the conditions are "included" for the reward. Thoses conditions CAN return, be changed, etc.
You also should understand that some here actually like collecting stuff. Not being given freely this stuff. But WORKING to get this stuff.
If it's not your mentality. I get it. You play the game like you want.
If this is your mentality. Even if you got all weapons. You should understand that it will prevents players with the same mentality to actually play this game.
The game is now coming on PS4, and some of the futures players will also ask for the same thing.
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Excalibur Prime is the only one I have a real issue with. He's a frame, I feel all the frames should be available through playing the game.

Heh, I spent real money on him and yet I really wouldn't be bothered if he was available to everyone, but don't go giving away Braton/Lato Vandals man! Those are a priceless symbol of how long I've been hanging around.

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I made a similiar topic here:


But it attracted so much negativity by people who didn't even read the topic that I ended up having to edit it twice and change the topic name. The original topic name was something like "return of exclusive items" and it ended up attracting a lot of posts that were "topic creator is just whining about not having the Strun Wraith".


Just a small correction, they said that Braton Vandal were put on their possible "future events reward vault", so no it's not impossible for it to make a reappearance on some event.

Could I have a source on this? I'm not saying I disagree with you, but a lot of people make posts saying that the devs said something they really didn't.

Edit: Exclusive things make people different. Different is good in my books!!


Imagine how boring it would be if everyone was the same/had the same.

You mean like in most games? Besides, almost everyone has an Acrid already anyway.

Yeah, no. I paid $250 dollars, to support the devs, yes, but I'm going to be -really- super &!$$ed if people who didn't pay the same amount of money ends up getting the same weapons and stuff eventually.

The topic creator isn't suggesting giving them away for free. I wouldn't mind so much paying for the items, its just the short time window that is limiting me. I simply will not have a whole lot of money available until after I get my degree due to my disability making it difficult for me to function in most work environments where I can work part-time.
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I think the founder package should remain under another name "Orokin Exclusive package" but had the same price, so new players (and me too) we could acquire.


With respect to exclusive weapons that are available in the events, should have an annual event called "second chance" where these could be achieved..


I must say that I have a good time playing in warframe (Mastery 8) but I soo limited to buying small amounts of platinum, so I think that those who have greater seniority and activity should reward them with something more ...

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Well Ill bring up the good olle "you cant always get everything in life" card here. Every event someone who had something to do or decided to wait at the last second goes on the forums and rages about how its unfair that they never got the gun and how its too OP even though they don't have it. Well I say no because we indeed had to work for those darn guns. We had to grind hours in survival, one shot drones, and farm keys for the void. 

Agreed. People need to grow up. You were here longer, and you worked hard to get certain perks and abilities. New people shouldn't be able to just come in and have these privileges because things need to be "fair"

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