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Master Chief Vs. Warframe


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Now that I have your attention, Hello there!


It's almost embarassing that i've been playing this game for so long, and this is my third time actually posting on the forums instead of lurking. To be honest, i've always thought of this community as rather silent, but the more online games I involve myself in, well, it turns out that I was the silent one. So before this next update comes in and I get focused on the grind again, I figured why not come to the forums and actually say something.


Lately I've become very interested in helping the newer players catch their space legs, so if any newbies out there need any help at all, send me a message or find me online! There's a strong chance that if i'm not at work, then i'm at warframe. I have all warframes, and am familiar with a good majority of the mods and how they interact with weapons, and my mainframe is a Vauban, so I can bounce you till you ragequit be really, really helpful.


Anyways, there's not much more to say in something as simple as an introduction, so I'll pose the Title's question again:


In an Epic, High Stakes Death Battle, would Master Chief of the Halo series stand any chance against 1 or more Tenno, and if so, which of and/or how many of the warframes would he be able to defeat/kill/neutralize before he is another mark on someone's Soma?


See you around, Space Ninja.

Edited by Diquad
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well, it depends how you look at it, if you look at it from the gameplay perspective, Master Chief can only take a few bullets before his shields is down, and a few more and his dead, tennos on the other hand can each a dozen of rockets before they go down. so tenno would win. but if viewed from the lore/story perspective, Master Chief would probably take down as least half the warframes before going down, if all 14 frames were going at him at once, he's supposed to be sort of indestructible afterall. then again, all the frames could probably just simultaneously use their ults, and it'll probably just kill Chief out right, and it wouldnt help if he tried to use cover either, cuz most ults goes through cover.

Edited by leonvision
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If you go based on the way the games play, Tenno would win every time.  Nearly every frame has at least one ability that master chief would be screwed over by, the master chief doesn't have anything really on his side.

If you go by lore, the master chief would be able to take down any single frame on his own, and most teams of 4 that weren't using extremely good tactics (a vauban and frost using bastille and frost bubble for example is impenetrable, so chief would be screwed unless he could somehow throw enough enemies into the bastille to make it so he could run into the bubble and get the job done).  It also depends on if you're saying open gladiator style combat where everyone knows the other is there, or if it's fighting on John's terms, or the tenno's terms, as both would employ stealth first in any skirmish if possible to tilt the battle in their favor.

If you allow the chief to have any of the other spartans with him, even just one, I'd call it for the spartans.


EDIT: also I recommend you go watch Haloid if you like the idea of super suits fighting eachother, gives me chills every time I watch it (but the ending is really stupid, so just quit after the big escape... please)

Edited by Hypevosa
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I'm not even sure Master Chief could take down a single Warframe on his own. Even going by the books his guns are worse, his shields can't take more than a magazine or so of his own weaponry or a few shots from a plasma rifle, he isn't a bullet timer and his available tech is way below Tenno Standard.

Tenno in the trailers (and thus the closest thing to Lore we have) are all super powered, bullet timing damage sponges.

I think Master Chief would be roughly equal to a high level Elite Lancer with a weak assault rifle and maybe a jetpack.

EDIT: also I recommend you go watch Haloid if you like the idea of super suits fighting eachother, gives me chills every time I watch it (but the ending is really stupid, so just quit after the big escape... please)

Doesn't really work as a representation of Halo since Monty Oum amped it up so much. If Master Chief was half as awesome as the Spartan in that vid, the war would have never happened. The Elites would have fallen to their knees in worship and brought the Prophets as a sacrifice to their new lord and savior.

Edited by ValhaHazred
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Doesn't really work as a representation of Halo since Monty Oum amped it up so much. If Master Chief was half as awesome as the Spartan in that vid, the war would have never happened. The Elites would have fallen to their knees in worship and brought the Prophets as a sacrifice to their new lord and savior.


I admit it's a little too much, but it still is alot closer to real spartan capabilities (by lore and books) than what you're relegated to doing in the games themselves.  Spartans can do alot more than simply run, hide behind cover, and shoot accurately, but adding dynamic use of the environment beyond simply crouching behind walls would be difficult.  Sniping upside down while hanging from a ceiling at guys who are multiple full halo maps away?  Not something you can really replicate in a game.

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No. Look at the facts.

Master Chief can't survive even one rocket to the face.

Tenno can survive multiple rockets to the face.

How the hell is Master Chief going to defeat something that can take ROCKETS TO THE FACE? The Tenno have, if not the skill advantage, an overwhelming technological advantage over Master Chief.

There is NO WAY Master Chief could ever hope to defeat a Tenno...not even if he had an Overshield.

Edited by Ned_Wiki
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Lore/Experience Perspective


MasterChief spent all years of his Life (since he was still 7) until he lost Cortana.

1. He sabotaged a Mothership all by himself,

2. annihilated a Battalion of Covenant alone,

3. made Impossible Missions possible,

4. saved Two Planets-Reach and Earth,

5. saved the Entire Galaxy with the help of the Arbiter,

6. planted a nuke on an Ancient Forerunner,

7. destroyed a Halo,

8. survived dozens of times falling from Space


but he cant swim, and has ONLY ONE Armor through-out the game and the poor Spartan isnt a ninja. He doenst even know how to backflip.



The Tenno? The Lotus provided us of everything, we even have cheats to magically revive ourselves from Death, weapons we upgraded while Masterchief uses the same goddamn weapons-looting corpses while we freely massacre Storm Troopers. 




Who wins? Darth Vader 

Edited by yeomanry
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Guys... Before Master Chief, Samus Aran was fighting aliens with plasma weapons...

And like Warframes, The power Suit that samus uses is also an "ancient technology".

Don't catch me wrong, I love Halo series, but in terms of raw power the Warframes and the Power Suit are superior

to the Spartan armor.

And of course... rockets...

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Guys... Before Master Chief, Samus Aran was fighting aliens with plasma weapons...

And like Warframes, The power Suit that samus uses is also an "ancient technology".

Don't catch me wrong, I love Halo series, but in terms of raw power the Warframes and the Power Suit are superior

to the Spartan armor.

And of course... rockets...

Don't even THINK about bringing Samus into this. She's as close to god-tier as you can get without just being stupid. Samus could solo the entire Tenno army.

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Nah he would lose once the Brotherhood of Steel arrive and gatling laser everything to oblivion.

lol I see what you did there...


Also You could just use Frost on Master Chief... That will put him on ice...(again) Problem solved lol

Edited by Arlayn
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You guys are forgetting one thing. Level scaling. Tenno shields are gone from one rocket or a couple seconds of enemy gunfire at high level missions. 


What if Master Chief is level 100+?

Master Chief doesn't have a level. His numbers are set from game to game.

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In an Epic, High Stakes Death Battle, would Master Chief of the Halo series stand any chance against 1 or more Tenno, and if so, which of and/or how many of the warframes would he be able to defeat/kill/neutralize before he is another mark on someone's Soma?


See you around, Space Ninja.

Not really, no. Tenno are significantly more mobile than John is even in his highest end portrayal (ie the books), have crazy powers that John has no counter for, and their weapons tend to do things like slice huge armored space marines in half, while John can't do that even against unarmored spongy flood.

Honestly, I wouldn't put John much higher than a grineer commander who's had his switch teleport disabled. Both are shielded heavily armored space marines, though the commander has a reach advantage on John in close combat.

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I admit it's a little too much, but it still is alot closer to real spartan capabilities (by lore and books) than what you're relegated to doing in the games themselves.  Spartans can do alot more than simply run, hide behind cover, and shoot accurately, but adding dynamic use of the environment beyond simply crouching behind walls would be difficult.  Sniping upside down while hanging from a ceiling at guys who are multiple full halo maps away?  Not something you can really replicate in a game.

I admit that I haven't played any of the games or read any of the books since Halo 3, but I doubt they've had that big a power boost since those days.

The highest powered stuff comes from the Anime, and even those guys still couldn't take the Tenno. Well the Prototype mech and 1337 could, but that was more like a Gundam and a Saiyan than anything from normal Halo.

Also that super sniper move was Linda not MC, and she is the best sniper out of all of them. None of the others could have managed anything even close to that shot.

Lots of games have better a super-soldiery feel than Halo.

Doom: Superhuman rage machine that runs faster than a car and can punch zombified humans and 7 foot demons into chunky salsa with a left hook.

FEAR: Superhuman bullet timer with awesome guns.

MGR Revengeance: Every character from this game is so OP it's hard to describe.

Shadow Warrior (2013): Lo Wang's melee skills are rediculous and awesome.

I'm sure I could think of more, but that's a good sampling of of how games can get across how powerful their characters are. Bungie was just lazy.

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I admit that I haven't played any of the games or read any of the books since Halo 3, but I doubt they've had that big a power boost since those days.

The highest powered stuff comes from the Anime, and even those guys still couldn't take the Tenno. Well the Prototype mech and 1337 could, but that was more like a Gundam and a Saiyan than anything from normal Halo.

Also that super sniper move was Linda not MC, and she is the best sniper out of all of them. None of the others could have managed anything even close to that shot.

Lots of games have better a super-soldiery feel than Halo.

Doom: Superhuman rage machine that runs faster than a car and can punch zombified humans and 7 foot demons into chunky salsa with a left hook.

FEAR: Superhuman bullet timer with awesome guns.

MGR Revengeance: Every character from this game is so OP it's hard to describe.

Shadow Warrior (2013): Lo Wang's melee skills are rediculous and awesome.

I'm sure I could think of more, but that's a good sampling of of how games can get across how powerful their characters are. Bungie was just lazy.

Alec Mason can topple an entire government's army with his sledgehammer and some well-placed charges, can defeat a tank on foot (with his sledgehammer and charges), can take down super structures (with sledgehammer and well placed charges), and take down a capitol ship from Mars' surface (with a little bit more than a sledgehammer and charges).

Edited by Vaskadar
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As a fan of both Halo and Warframe... I'd like to point a few things out.


Let's look at Master Chief's armor for a moment. The shielding, though it can't be upgraded like the Tenno's can, it does recharge rather quickly. His armor is made to give him superhuman strength, speed, and reflexes (So he could, probably go 1 v 1 with a Rhino in a sumo match! haha) The map/enemy detection system is slightly better than the Tenno's as he doesn't need a mod to show enemies and whatnot. His armor has biofoam injectors that completely negate the use of heath (orbs). Weapon-wise... Eh... Spartans are trained to use whatever is around, and they also do have a combat knife to use in a melee fight. His ballistic weapons are probably equal to (if not slightly greater) to what the Grineer have. And (Let's not forget) the 4 types of grenades he would have at his disposal: Frag, plasma, spike, fire or pulse grenades. (Spartan skills? Lol) Let's not also forget that he was able to take down the Prometheans which had vastly superior firepower AND shielding/agility. Taking all this in to account.. He could, theoretically, take down a few Tenno..... If they don't use their powers that is... 



The Tenno on the other hand... They are much more agile than master chief (Even Rhino). They can dodge his fire quite easily. Their shields, health, and armor could be upgraded to be even greater than the Chief's. And let us not forget about their skills. 


Excalibur could end it rather quickly with radial javelin. 


Mag could crush him to death (With her ungodly range.. He could have fun trying to dodge that)


Loki could mess with his mind xD


Volt could electrocute him/quickly drain his shields.


Rhino could stomp him to death


Nova... well... BOOM! 


Ember would fry him to a crisp


Vauban would have a grenade competition with him xD


Frost would break him into tiny little ice cubes


Nekros would PUNCH HIS SOUL and raise an army of the dead to exhaust his ammunition


Trinity... well... Link


Saryn could like... Melt him in his armor


Banshee... He wouldn't even notice her until it's too late. 


Ash would ninja him to death



Honestly. It's hard to say. Master chief could take down a few Tenno with brute force and expert planning. But the Tenno could easily kill him with their skills.



I'd rather see them (Spartans/Tenno) working together, rather than fighting it out. (Crossovers, anyone?)


Orokin and Forerunners vs. Tenno and Spartans! Omg. THAT would be awesome. 



What would make for a more interesting conversation would be "The Lotus vs. Cortana" :P

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I just have to point out, it doesn't matter who VS who chuck Norris always wins in the end.


i also would like to point another thing out, a tenno that's just awaken from sleep has no mod capacity and low shields. therefore it couldn't bubble or Bastille or any other special move. but he/she is still more mobile(even as rhino) so no chance of sticky grenade or energy sword.


if the tenno is at level 0 its a fair fight.

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