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Warframe is in need of reworks - even the blind can see that


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Tileset reworks

- We literally got a half open world / half mission tileset Awakening quest, while the game is 90% non-open world and even DE called open worlds "content islands" or "expansions". Are you guys trying to make them a core element of the game or not? If you do want to make them that, then why don't you rework all tileset to look and work like Awakening?

- Europa and Uranus both have absolutely horrible level designs when we take Warframe's mobility and parkour into account. Uranus also has these aquatic archwing sections which makes it even more unappealing and it's all kind of wonky and buggy everywhere. 

- Older tilesets and missions parts all got forgotten in time by the devs for unknown reasons. The only mentionable tileset rework we got was the earth tileset and it's amazing. Why won't you then do the same with other tilesets as well?

Warframe reworks (maybe the most important one) using Helminth stats

- Why is it so that DE chose to nerf or alter abilities Infused abilities based on how much players would use them, but won't buff or alter those are literally garbage? You guys even said on stream that you won't buff abilities based on statistics (?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????) Atleast rework them then(?) I guess.

- There are so many frames screaming for either full or partial ability reworks, useless or forgetable passives, there are a lot of feedback about these and the dev team seems to just not care about them. (Save us Pablo please :'(  )

- Exalted weapons are all almost garbage compared to melee weapons

- New frames are perfect examples of how DE wants to create abilities that 1. can synergize with each other 2. are all usable and don't get left out by builds or player prefences. Older frames on the other hand tend to have "useless" abilities that are literally only good for spending energy which a player probably wouldn't want to waste and yet the excuse for this is the Helminth system. Which is dumb. Honestly. Like why?? Useless abilities shouldn't exist, it is just mere common sense and nothing else. Helminth should make builds versatile but not render basic kits viable, because they should already be viable without any useless component.

AI/Enemy abilities reworks

- Now this is an old one. Difficulty seems to mean right now higher enemy level or bulkier classes of enemies, but the AI seems to be the same. Now, from gamedev perspective, players need to understand that it wouldn't help that much in such a fast paced game like Warframe. Even if enemies run behind covers or tankier enemies, the mobility factor of the player makes it completely useless for enemies to act like real life soldiers, because (obviously) real life soldiers don't tend to fight warframes... at all. What enemies would need to be more difficult to kill are either hp / armor / shield type reworks or tweaks, abilities for units based on enemy level or anything that would add something to their kits that make them more dangerous or bulkier. 

Weapon tweaks

- A common statement mostly between wf creators that melee weaons are far superior to ranged weapons. Reasons for this :

  1. Melee mods have functions that are not available for ranged weapons
  2. Ranged weapons have a factor called "ammo economy" that for a lot of weapons demand to use mods to manage this factor. With melee weapons you have no economy issues.
  3. Since the melee reworks ranged weapon stats have never been buffed or altered. This is a problem because a melee weapons' attack speed and the function from mods that are not available for ranged weapons makes them more viable for damage dealing than ranged weapons with different fire rates, ammo economy, reload speed, accuracy (both player and weapon accuracy). Damage stats being as low as they are right now compared to melee stats should be buffed if we need to take these other statistics that come into play when firing a ranged weapon.


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59 minutes ago, Samhel said:

Older tilesets and missions parts all got forgotten in time by the devs for unknown reasons. The only mentionable tileset rework we got was the earth tileset and it's amazing.

I had to double check this thread wasn't necroed. What about gas city, corpus ship, and spy 2.0?

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1 hour ago, Steel_Rook said:

What's a "Spy 2.0?"

Since update 15.something we've had Spy 2.0 which has dedicated spy vaults and all that stuff.

Spy 1.0 was:
Run around the ship, find the 3 marked consoles that are just chilling out in hallways and the middle of rooms, hack them to pick up the datamass, which while you could carry all 3 datamasses at the same time left you with just your pistol, and then get out.
The entire mission is pretty much the fire escape from sabotage missions where you have to locate and hack the terminal to unlock the path to the exit...just do that 3 times and you have spy 1.0

It was a massive rework of the mission and improved it vastly.

17 hours ago, Colyeses said:

I had to double check this thread wasn't necroed. What about gas city, corpus ship, and spy 2.0?

Forgot Rescue 2.0; sabotage 2.0....list goes on really.

Warframe is in an almost constant state of rework.

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