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Everything posted by Samhel

  1. Did you try him *before improved LoS or *after improved LoS? There was a patch where the state of LoS was still an unreliable mess like what you're describing here.
  2. People complaining he was OP. People complaining he is not OP anymore. DE shouldn't even look at feedback threads at this point...
  3. The LoS changes will be one of the healthiest things for the game with a proper implementation. I don't know why players keep crying when their frames cannot oneshot the whole map indefinitely anymore. Playing things that can kill everything out of sight is detrimental to everyone else's gameplay experience in the squad. And yes the frustration is understandable, and lots of people don't like change overall, and LoS might still be in a bad state and should be improved, yadayadayada, but if you care just a really little tiny bit about other's enjoyment in the game around you, then you know that nuking entire sections of the map that you cannot even see is just not good. And yes the LoS changes might break some things like one of the comments say it breaks Mag's pull for example, but just like I said, with a proper implementation, it will transform the game into an overall better experience for everyone. I think the change to only make enemies within 5 metres to be considered definitely in LoS is one of the bigger problems actually. Certain abilities like Saryn's 4. ability for example, you would expect it to atleast hit the entire room around you if your range can cover it. But with current impl. you either nuke like 4 rooms around (which is detrimental to others' experience) or you only nuke within 5 metres and what's in front of you (which is not good if the room is big enough for your range to cover it). So yes, it might be bad right now, but you should consider the bigger picture here.
  4. Ye I just imagined that it just could be an extra feature for the Culverins to enter into this special state, where if they lose armaments then they could resort to becoming meathshields or something like that. It sounds kind of dumb and it also looks like a bug, it might be a failure in the code where something interrupts the self-destruction process, so they probably enter the self-destruction-state successfully in which you can no longer apply damage and status affects and the Culverin is supposed to explode after a countdown, and yet nothing happens so they are stuck in the state the countdown was supposed to start in. But from game-design standpoint it makes a tiny amount of sense I guess, only if it was intended of course. I'm just a software dev, thinking about all possibilities :D
  5. There are times when we shoot arms and they don't disappear, but their hitbox gets deactivated. Makes it so much more frustrating to delete them when there's a lot of them on screen, they can even explode with both arms still being visible :'D And yes, we also encountered the "zombie culverin" thing as well, I just thought that they enter this state when they don't even start a death countdown, so they enter this special state where they are immune to things. We have to leave them where they spawned in the current deep archimedea since weak spots are no longer there and they are zombified :/ Those things are weirdly more buggy than they should be.
  6. I'm not exactly sure what's up or what is going on, but the Liminuses were fixated on just one of us during the whole mission, there are no other modifiers that say they would drain energy, and I was not even close to the Liminuses, and yet they or something else, I don't know, drained my energy to 0 constantly like there was no tomorrow. I wasn't near the liminus, I didn't have any channeled abilities turned on and I didn't have a murmur wormy nearby to drain my energy pool and drop it to the ground, and yet I was constantly struggling with my energy draining from seemingly out of nowhere during the whole session of the mirror defense mission of elite deep archimedia. I hope I am not right and this is not actually a bug we'll have to struggle through, but something is really REALLY odd with those modifiers and liminus demons...
  7. Holy s*, you're right. Altough, the other point still stands, he has 1 useful ability :'D Edit: thank you for pointing it out for me, I kind of just read the hotfix description which made me think they switched things around because of overguard meta. Which to be fair sounded more logical to me than just giving this one ability even more functionality...
  8. With the changes made to Vex armor working from weapon kills for both functioanilities Chroma just became even more useless than he was before, since now he's not even good for Eidolon hunts or Profit taker anymore. He has no overguard, no overshield, ability stats are average at best, he relies on armor or dmg reduction mods to survive + life steal, and there are frames already built around that with much more utility in their kits, like Nidus or the most recently reworked Inaros. And now he can't even get his most useful ability charged into stats because he's not making use of damage mitigation. This frame just has no identity anymore. It's elemental switching functionality has almost zero uses, Effigy is a joke of an ability along with Spectral Scream and Elemental Ward, all 3 are terrible for anything higher than 100 levels and on steel path, they just eat energy, their stats are too low to be considered even just a decent buff for the frame, Effigy dies too quickly and it only generates credit and that's the only real functionality it's known for at this point. Not a dragon, not an elemental master, not a great tank and definitely not an Eidolon hunter anymore. Which makes me sad because he's our only dragon themed frame, and he looks really cool, he even got a lunar new year skin and even with these terrible stats his abilities sound great on paper. Edit: I made the assumption that DE just changed vex armor to favour situations where damage mitigation is a riskier or non-viable option, but I was wrong. They actually overloaded the ability to draw power from both sources. Which is great, from a game design standpoint it might be terrible, but still, it's better than leaving Chroma with no options in Eidolon hunts. The other points still stand though. Other 3 abilites are still non-existent and useless, but I guess we can still use him on hunts atleast...
  9. They should just rework everything tied to health loss / healing functionalities at this point. Overguard punches every build around those things in the face. Healing overall in the game is whacked because enemies either oneshot you or take you down to overguard- / shield-gate.
  10. Ye well it felt like a bit of struggle against RNG more than anything else to us. My experience with the first one was that I had to figure out how to counter the modifiers with mods, arcanes and companions specifically, in the scope of the best weapon + frame combination that I could make out from the options given to me. And the same applied to the second one this week, but we did it with a friend, both of us having thousands of hours in the game already. I believe to the main question that would be the answer. Also I really don't see how you would be unable to "contribute" unless all the options given to you were dog-crap. I think I got a pretty decent hand given to me when it came to primary weapon options I'll admit, I got the kuva chakkhurr as one of the first week's options and braton as the second one (incarnon, lot of forma, also had a riven for it), but all the other weapons were kind of crappy, I only used my secondary and melee weapons as utilities, primers and stuff like that. Warframe options were also just okay-ish, I mean I didn't get the god-roll revenant, styanax, inaros, nezha or other neigh invincible / energy generator frames that can mitigate a lot of modifiers just by keeping some abilities alive or they can generate energy while staying alive, which would've greatly improved my experience btw, so anyway, my options for first week were: mesa, wisp, qorvex. And this is the time I discovered how insanely useless wisp can become in missions where higher numbers and regeneration doesn't necessarily mean you can cheese-out, same applied to mesa but for the ability damage aspect. Even just the mild inconvenience of having to stay in front of the enemies with 15m between them and you is a death sentence to mesa for example (Or my regulator build is dogcrap but I'm open to suggestions), so I tried the first week with qorvex, and the radiation status combined with the damage vulnerability he can apply to enemies was god-sent, things melted under chakkhurr slash damage, but still it felt like it was a struggle, because obviously the build wasn't ideal. I tried the first week solo as well, so I didn't have any buddies helping me with things like energy economy or damage. So I had to make a build not very ideal for any other type of mission, but rather than sticking to a singular build and trying to brute-force it through all 3 missions, I played something way more fun and interesting with my build, which is called the good old "trial and error". And it was a success, it was fun, it felt challenging in a way because I had to adapt to the circumstances the best way I can. Second week was oberon, ash, volt, I had to choose a frame for a braton prime - cyanex - fragor prime loadout (yes these were my literal best options, I also had furis, but I wasn't done with it's build at the time). So yeah, I know this gamemode raises a lot of conflicting thoughts and feelings about the game and the design of it all, but still I think I found the "fun way" of facing the "challenge" of adapting to an environment specifically designed to scr*w you over and not give you any help or boosts like in duviri.
  11. The Collect 10 Vome/Fass Residue on Deimos is bugged at least on the UI of the Nightwave, not sure if it's functionally bugged or just in the Nightwave menu. What happens is that I go into the Cambion Drift directly from navigation, started collecting Residue from the map and the counter was not going up in the Nightwave menu. I thought it was a functionality or logic flaw, so I got out into the Deimos lobby, got in again and it still sad 0/10, then I started collecting a few, the Nightwave challenge notifier widget did not appear on the bottom of the screen, which is weird becuase it does come up at the start of every other challenge, and the counter stopped at 4/10. I continued collecting Residue regardless, ignoring the counter and everything, when I got out to Deimos again the challenge was completed, so it did count the collected Residue amount in the background successfully. Conditions at which this was tested: - Had Dante equipped as my Warframe - Started collecting Residue after I got into the Cambion Drift directly from the orbiter navigation map - Started collecting from Archwing at first - After I got out to Deimos and back into the Cambion Drift the Nightwave menu still showed 0/10 - I had a resource booster activated the whole time - When I entered the Cambion Drift from Deimos rather than from the nav-map, I still started collecting stuff from Archwing, broke some residue down without Archwing on my back, I believe in this iteration the residue collection was recorded correctly for both in-archwing and grounded state * This is not an issue primarily related to the Dante Unbound update, this bug has been present in the game for like the last 2-3 years ever since it became a challenge in the Nightwave system. I just didn't bother to make a bug post about it.
  12. https://imgur.com/a/Gvys3AV https://imgur.com/a/kO0E7yg https://imgur.com/a/34gZzfc https://imgur.com/a/1gYjlRC - since the new update Dante Unbound
  13. I can't really describe it any other way. When picking an enemy there's a chance that the linked picture will appear. I don't think this is intended or the UI element is probably a placeholder but here's an imgur for it: https://imgur.com/a/NNtupA3
  14. So issue is: My Dante does seem to have the right energy color for the particles he releases when casting, however the things he draws into the air in front of him when casting stay the same unless I change my attachment energy color slots. The particles around him when he casts are the same color as the main energy colors, but the circle and X thingies are attachment energy color dependent and take up that energy color instead of the main ones. Dunno how that's possible, but it's pretty easily reproducible. Tested both in simula and in-game mission, same thing. Attachments I had equipped during encountiring this: Oranist chest and shoulder plates, Alastorn leg plates, Krios Signa, switched between ephemeras, don't believe this would have to do anything with the issue but will leave it here in-case it's a spaggethi problem
  15. The issue (more like a minor inconvenience?): UI elements in the arsenal have larger borders than usual, causing them to, well, make those parts of gui look like minecraft menus. The cursor in the in-game chat is also somewhat bulkier than it used to be. Issue is present in the update 35.0.11 current date, but wasn't present until the Star Days event arrived. Additional info: I have an Intel Arc A770 graphics card, it may or may not be a driver issue. I'm putting this report here in case it isn't. I have the latest drivers for my graphics card, and am running the game on DX11. Link to showcase the issue: https://imgur.com/a/xsUmueS
  16. Is that even worth it at this point : / Btw, how did you turn it off? I have the same card, and the game crashes right after I login and I get into the ship on dx12
  17. The DirectX12 crashes also happen on Intel Arc GPUs. (I know I know I'm a rare breed) But since the problem seems to be the same, I suspect you fixing any dx related issues could solve my crashing problems as well
  18. Game is crashing its heart out with DirectX 12, and some of us would really like to play with that :'(
  19. Ye I have to do hours of completely useless content to finally play SP again on a free weekend. Thanks... Edit: Okay it wasn't "hours" but still, why did you have to put this requirement on these nodes? Completing every Duviri node in normal mode unlocked SP again
  20. Requesting incarnon stats for melee weapons in arsenal stat windows
  21. Melee Incarnon form stats in arsenal when?
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