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Crescent Vulpaphyla, truly a joke, not even a meme


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So, by this point everyone or at least many players have noticed how underwhelming and useless is the Crescent Vulpaphyla. I mean, it's one of the hardest conservation captures I've ever experienced, and not only that, it's specific precepts are truly a glimpse of how [DE] does not even care about it's game any more.

Crescent Charge:
The Crescent Charge mod allows the Crescent Vulpaphyla to charge a single enemy within 10m, dealing Puncture damage and Lifting them. Lifted enemies will have all damaged taken amplified by 100%.

Crescent Devolution:
The Crescent Devolution mod allows the Crescent Vulpaphyla to devolve into its larval form upon death and charge at enemies, dealing  Puncture damage. The Vulpaphyla will respawn after 30 seconds.

I really need to know why this is even a thing, and why anyone in [DE] wasted their time designing this. The Crescent Vulpaphyla as it's description states should be the most fierceful and untameable of the Vulpaphyla species, but with this precepts it's only a joke beyond meme.

And pls DO NOT come with Rebbeca's awful mindset: "imagine every ability being useful"

I'm suggesting some ideas for each precept so it can actually make Crescent Vulpaphyla the fierceful infested beast it should be.



Crescent Charge:

Every 5 seconds Crescent Vulpaphyla smashes the ground causing her feet turn into roots that impale enemies nearby 15m (something like Nezha's 4 ability) for 10-15 seconds receiving up to 100% amplified damage. Damage scales with modded damage, status chance and crit chance, it can proc status from the mods like cold, slash, gas, etc.

Enemies that survive being impaled and get dropped to the ground are affected by 1 cold proc (you have just been impaled, it may be difficult to get on full swing fast).

If an enemy is killed while impaled Crescent Vulpaphyla will nourish from it's death body gaining percentage armour (applying the same way as Synth Fiber) 2.5% up to 150% per enemy killed while impaled and percentage damage 1% up to 60%; also rising the threat level of the Vulpaphyla (i don't know how actually works threat level on warframe, but with each stack its threat level should rise ever so slightly, not in a huge way.

The stacks of Crescent Charge should be displayed as a buff on our buff bar as each stack grants 2.5% armour and 1% damage for the Vulpaphyla

Crescent Devolution:

When the Crescent Vulpaphyla gets killed it will devolve into its larval state transferring all the stats from Crescent Charge to its owner decreasing 2 stacks each second. The Vulpaphyla will respawn after 30 seconds. 



I'm open to hear any other ideas.

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2 minutes ago, FaridRLz said:

One of the Vulpaphylas has an AOE viral and the other one straight up makes you invincible with evasion. and Crescent vulpaphyla just... stands there and headbutts enemies.

I have never been invincible using that vulpaphyla. And their abilities also amount to a negligible effect. Plus, there are other vulpaphylas that might suit your taste. 

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1 час назад, SpicyDinosaur сказал:

It's fine. Vulpaphylas are invincible, they are not meant to have overwhelming abilities, it's a trade off.

Sometimes I sneak out with Ivara on SP missions to satisfy weird Simaris fetishes, but there's a catch. My panzercat thinks scanning a target is a form of aggression and proceeds to murder SP grineer. I mean spores themselves don't kill, but woe the poor sods who become targets of her spit.

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Just now, lnfine said:

Sometimes I sneak out with Ivara on SP missions to satisfy weird Simaris fetishes, but there's a catch. My panzercat thinks scanning a target is a form of aggression and proceeds to murder SP grineer. I mean spores themselves don't kill, but woe the poor sods who become targets of her spit.

yea that's a bug. I'd say report it but it's not like DE actually listens to player input re: bugs or feedback. :/

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7 hours ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

yea that's a bug. I'd say report it but it's not like DE actually listens to player input re: bugs or feedback. :/

By this point, I think it counts as a "feature." Pets attack unalerted targets for no reason and blow stealth. It's why I gave up trying to do any kind of stealth in Warframe. I do have a "Stealth Loadout" with Ivara and no pet specifically for Simaris grinding, but that's about it. DE talked about pet AI and pet stances, letting us order them to hold fire. That seems to have evaporated.

As to the Crescent Vulpaphila, I'll let you know if I ever see one. Like Rats of Unusual Size, I don't think they actually exist.

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It's weird because I have multiples of every vulpaphyla and predasite type. Even the uncommon ones. But I and some friends spent a long time flying around looking for conservation targets. Mostly my friends, I am bad at it. It doesn't help that it doesn't say anywhere what the range of the tranq rifle is when it beeps.

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