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Today's Defense Sortie is Bad


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It is in the Corpus ship tileset, there are still enemies with rapid fire explosive rifles that quickly kill your sentinel while shooting at you. So you don't have enemy radar or vacuum.

Then enemies have a really hard time getting to the defense target, with the drones getting completely lost, lingering at the other end of the map indefinitely. And you have to go find them in their hiding spots, without enemy radar.

And then while you are searching for the lost drones, and killing them one by one at the other end of the map, new enemies spawn right next to the defense objective. So you have to quickly cross the entire map to revive him, then get back again and search the remaining drones.

It's not hard, it's just plain bad.

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17 hours ago, Traumtulpe said:

Then enemies have a really hard time getting to the defense target, with the drones getting completely lost, lingering at the other end of the map indefinitely.

I didn't have the other problems, but yeah, every single wave a few units would get stuck at the far ends of the map.  Funny thing is, I play that map at lower levels a fair amount for syndicate missions, and it's much less frequent.


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